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Stevie Ray

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Everything posted by Stevie Ray

  1. Poor Mark Davis. Just when he thought he could put the Flow Bee back in the closet and splurge at a hair salon.
  2. Maybe they can save money if they hire Josh Daniels. I think he'll come cheaper.
  3. Words of encouragement are never a bad thing, regardless of the forum.
  4. Wow, you both have certainly had a rough go these past few years. I hope now you both can enjoy every day of life for a long time!
  5. Yikes, and I was going to seriously start a thread asking about best bar in Phoenix area to watch a Bills game when I'm there next month, lol!
  6. Wow three hours!!!! I couldn't have waited that long after a 6 hour drive! I might have passed you at the door as I was walking out lol. But glad you enjoyed them. I'll get to them one day before I die!
  7. Was in a few weeks ago for the Pittsburgh game. Wanted to go to Bar Bill Saturday around 4pm and it was packed, not even a seat at the bar. So headed to Duffs in OP, equally packed. Bummed out I was going to drive around to see what bar I could find and just around the corner from Duffs was 240 South Grill. Not a lot of cars in the lot so I figured why not. The wings were crispy and pretty good. Bar got packed about an hour later. Really wanted to try Bar Bill or Duffs but I wasn't disappointed with 240 South.
  8. The first time I went to the stadium was back in 2006. I was shocked to see troughs in the bathrooms. I haven't been back to the stadium until this past Sunday vs Pittsburgh. I thought for sure, after 16 years normal urinals had been installed. So much for that thought!
  9. Now how will the NFL deal with the entire stadium getting up to go to the bathroom during halftime?
  10. Good question. I would say they were better back then in the sense that they were a little more focused on providing insight than being personalities. Don't get me wrong, analysts and announcers do that today, but sometimes I feel that they veer off into other areas or about themselves and I'd rather they just stick to the game. But you do make a valid point that perhaps the common perception of the announcers of those days may be similar to today, but the forum just didn't exist to for it to be commonly shared.
  11. I remember an experiment one of the networks did back in the 80's if I recall correctly, where a game was broadcasted without announcers. It was kind of weird, wouldn't necessarily say it was better or worse. Then again, the quality of commentary was way better in those days so broadcasting without announcers might be refreshing these days.
  12. The other Josh? 😈
  13. Little known fact, McD starred in the 80's movie Fame: Real actor Paul McCrane
  14. Should have kept on drinking and maybe you would have been able to forget the entire game! 😁
  15. Ohhhh its been trademarlked! Thats gotta be like double dog trademarked I guess. And they are STELLECITYMAFIA! LOL, they cant even spell their own name right!
  16. You gotta have hearth, all you ever need is hearth!
  17. Well, it can never get any worse than the play of the human turnstile, Joe Panos. 🤢
  18. One of the few Bills' player jerseys I still have. Wish he would have been able to play for us longer. Congrats to him!
  19. In-N-Out is very selective about where they open locations, and Jason Giambi once tried to open one in NYC while he was with the Yankees: https://www.latimes.com/sports/dodgers/story/2021-05-14/shake-shack-in-n-out-dodgers-stadium
  20. And even more mind blowing was when they were passing, they didn't even run the snap count down to 1 or 2. They snapped just a few seconds after getting set, giving Brady more time, which he obviously took advantage of. How could they not know this? Unbelievable.
  21. Wow. Jets fans must be frothing right now!
  22. Yeah minor league ball has become a better experience than the majors.
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