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Stevie Ray

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Everything posted by Stevie Ray

  1. Totally disagree, and comparing it to the Cleveland game is apples and oranges. In the Cleveland game, they needed to be agressive to get the ball in better (closer) position since it was going to be a long FG in windy conditions. In yesterday's game they had the lead and just needed to run out the clock, which any pop warner coach will do by RUNNING the ball. And I dont buy the "clock is going to stop anyway" argument. Lets say JP threw the ball a little quicker (which would have been a better result) and it fell incomplete and the clock wound up stopping at 2:01, well, they just gave the Jets an additional timeout. Nope, calling a pass when all you need to do is run off time is risky and just plain dumb.
  2. Problem is, with DJ's history on choosing OC's, we're doomed to relive this nightmare for the next 3 years. Especially when the defense wasnt always the problem. So unless DJ is jettisoned, I only see changing the coordinators as window dressing.
  3. Unbelieveable. Dick must have gotten a hold of those pictures of Ralph that Chuck Lester's been keeping.
  4. Yeah, its not like Trent would ever throw 3 Ints in a game......... oh wait a minute.
  5. Perhaps he's saving the money for that opportunity when he can personally offer Vince Lombardi the job.
  6. Translation = "I'm glad we'll continue to have a coach who lets us practice indoors when its below 70 outside, who wont yell at us if we keep making the same mistakes every week, who thinks that we are always working hard each week to correct those mistakes, who you can count on to stand there on the sideline all day long without barely a move.......hey, is he even alive?"
  7. Agree on Mack in the 1st. Would like Coffman in the second or the highest rated DT or DL available. Still not sold on Edwards as our QB, would like to see a mid round pick on QB for competition. Specifically, Mike Reilly from Central Washington. Div II but this kid has pro potential written all over him.
  8. Well, I for one am not going to apologize for my lifestyle.
  9. But thats the problem that even before that game, Trent has turned into a gunshy QB due to his own errors. Look at the Cleveland game. He needs to get that "forget the last play, I'm going to still look at my receivers" mentality. Instead, his first read almost always seems to be the checkdown.
  10. I would agree, but the job should not be handed back to him next year. Let him compete for it and earn it. maybe that would be the wake up call he needs. We need a starter who can stay on the field, is consistent, and most of all, is not afraid to go donw field to his PLAYMAKERS. When TE demonstrates this, then he should be the starter.
  11. My sentiments exactly. Next year, they should at least open up the QB for competition and let him fight for the job, as long as an established veteran QB is brought in and perhaps another QB is drafted.
  12. KOK, almost blurted out a "Hell freakin' yeah!!!" after reading your post, but had to restrain myself, being in the office. But you're spot on!
  13. True, but......Can you say that outside of Joey Porter, the Dolphins have any gamechangers? Chad pennington? Ricky Williams (while doing well, he is past his prime)? These are not marquee players, yet the coaching staff and the philosophy and schemes they put these players in are yielding success. So while yes it would be nice to have better talent, I think it has been proven that better coaching can bring out the best in lesser talent.
  14. While he may not call the plays, he does pick the coordinators. His history in choosing OCs, not only in Buffalo but also in Chicago, has been consistently abysmal. So for that, he does have to take the responsibility.
  15. Interesting. I wonder if that extended family in Pittsburgh could include Stanley Druckenmiller, who recently attempted to buy a controlling stake in the Steelers, but bowed out due to the conflicts it was cuasing between the Rooneys. Despite being a big time Steelers fan, perhaps the thrill of owning a pro football team, especially one within the region, might have him as a potential investor in Kelly's group, provided he has some connection there.
  16. Looking at the Pittsburgh game, you could see the Steelers could give a rats a$$ they were playing in those conditions. They almost seemed to feed off it, mainly the defense, and I guarantee the last thing on their minds as they won the game was how cozy it would be to be indoors instead. The Bills franchise has fallen so low, its really gotten to the point I really dont care about this season anymore. Bad enough they stink, bad enough they play uninspired, but to prefer to play indoors instead of out in December, thats not the Buffalo Bills football that I grew up with.
  17. Agreed. i think that in this day and age, and looking at Miami and Atlanta as examples, bringing the right coaches in can bring immediate results. Any coaching staff that would use the excuse that it "takes years" for players to learn and be successful in a particular system is basically setting up an excuse for failure. I dont think it is unreasonable to expect any competent coach to come in and turn things around quickly if he has identified the strengths and weaknesses of the team, and knows how to properly address them.
  18. Well, there was the Moorman to Denney TD pass on the FG fake earlier in the season. Other than that, I think the opportunities to try any trick plays just really hasnt presented itself.
  19. But if he's named "interim" head coach, I think he can audition for the job and if unsuccessful, that would allow him to return to being ST coordinator.
  20. Billy Joe Hobert's first and only appearance at QB.
  21. Posts like these are absolutely REFRESHING to read, especially after all the other crap being posted on this board!
  22. Exactly. And how many times have we heard that to win in the NFL, you need a solid defense along with a solid running game. And the base of both units always comes down to the lines. Look how the Giants generate pressure with the front 4 alone. That makes the DBs look better, and the Defense as a whole perform better when the LBs are free to defend the run. Their Oline opens up holes consistently for their running backs. And although they have a good trio of RBs, you have to think they're getting a little more yardage than they would on any other team due to the consistency of the line. Which in turn opens up the passing game. When will we ever see this blueprint carried out in Buffalo? Especially being a cold weather team, you would think it would be a focus year after year.
  23. Agree wholeheartedly. And I think the main culprit is the lack of talent on the Dline. Schobel is average/slightly better than average at best and while Stroud has made a difference, it hasnt been enough. LDE and the other DT position really need to be upgraded to make Stroud and Schobel more effective and in turn, the rest of the D.
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