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Everything posted by ESPeculatioN

  1. Not to steal anyones thunder. But check out this video. When was the last you saw Bills players interact like this on the sideline? To whoever shot this video great job and awesome seats.
  2. Thats just it, they talk arrogant garbage on the air, don't put it in writing and hope no one Tivos it. The only time they bring their predictions back is when they're right (which is about 25% of the time). Typical Bristol spineless "journalism."
  3. Not to knock Moulds but he has not been seen in Buffalo since he pulled his groin against the Bengals in 2003. It was time for a change two years ago.
  4. If I remember right the Bills would have no more then 4 wins this season. If I remember right the Bills would be fighting for Brady Quinn around Halloween. If I remember right the Bills had the most horrible draft of all time. If I remember right Mike Sherman was around and they chose Dick Jouran. If I remember right Ralph Wilson and Marv Levy are over the hill. If I remember right ESPN is the worldwide leader in sports. Eat crow ya bastads.
  5. You mean the same Ray Lucas who was crying his eyes out the last time he ate the turf at the Ralph?
  6. Where did I say, "if you didn't serve, you should shut up" . I never said that, you put words in my mouth. The statement was intended that those on this board who dare question this guy for being a man and labeling him as a kitty and a traitor should take a look in the mirror before judging others. I am all about free speech and protesting the powers above at any time for any reason. You can call the guy what you want but chances are you're wrong. Anyway, I guess the same could be said about the people who questioned this Iraq war (who were 100% right BTW). All you heard was they were with the terrorists and they hated America.
  7. Perfectly stated! The closest that the majority of people on this board has ever seen (or will ever see) war is the lies on cable news or Halo on the XBox. All we get out of this is a small story from a Gannett Corporation owned newspaper who more then likely didn't give you the guys full perspective only that he went AWOL and fled to Canada. Fact is he has served his country for almost a full decade which is more then about 95% of the people on this board can probably say.
  8. How about moving the team more east along the thruway between Buffalo and Rochester? You will more then likely get more people from the Rochester/Syracuse region to get to the games and not lose much of those from the Buffalo area.
  9. Yeah what a joke!!! What do you get a badge saying you're the ultimate NFL brown noser? <---NFL Superfan
  10. Fine then its $200 bucks (or more) less going to Rupert Murdoch and News Corps pocket who exclusivly have the right to the Sunday Ticket package . They have the exclusive rights to sell that product to brain dead sports fans.
  11. Its no disrespect to all who posted in this thread (so please take no offense) no matter what your opinion is, I respect you all for your input. It just seems as I get older, the more and more I see the NFL is doing all it can to discourage Bills fans and today is a prime example. I work two jobs and refuse to pay my prime $$$ to let them take my team away. GO BILLS
  12. Its $200 less than those douchbags will have in their pockets. As longs it doesn't go in a suits pocket I'm happy. If I can influence 5 people to do the same its $1000 they are down! 10 people $5,000. 20 people its $10,000... get the picture,
  13. In my opinion Pataki was a great environmentalist to us here in the Hudson Valley with the Greenway (although a more painful and humiliating cruexifiction should have been done to the bastards at GE). I have interviewed Pataki numerous times and wish him nothing but the best. Spitzer has nowhere to bring this state but up. Sorry Faso losers!!!
  14. Summed it all in one post, great job. Going to the game Sunday Bill? I'll be there
  15. Thanks bro, the great thing about being American (which I take great pride in despite others might say I am such as anti-american and commie) is that I can protest corporations and those in power and make a statement with where my $$$ goes. See y'all next season at the bar! Anyone w/ me?
  16. Oh no, you don't think News Corp and Rupert Murdoch (who owns Direct TV BTW) would benefit . As well as the NFL (who would really benefit from an LA franchise) compared to 700-thousand in the western and central NY area (real diehards who work to make ends meet) compared to fans elsewhere in So. California and other phoney celebrity hangouts?
  17. Not entirely, but the agenda is clear (L.A.). Why give the cut throats more of my hard earned dough. I'd rather give a huge tip to my bartender/friend then to these CS corporate vultures on Park Ave and News Corp.
  18. The poor guy can only do so much with that pitiful line in front of him. I like JP and hope he don't take crap from anyone.
  19. I'm sick of putting down $200 a year to see the league give us Bills fans the fist. Next season I'm saving the $$$ and going out to the bar and watching the game and hanging with friends. Screw the NFL and DirecTV.
  20. In all honesty, yeah the Bills could have folded and lets LT run for 250 yards and 4 td's. Instead they kept it up and gave us a game.
  21. The Fish stayed at the Adams Mark the night before where we were also staying. We heard the news and ran down to the lobby to "welcome" them. The Elevators were locked for players to get to their room so we ran down the stairs and at the bottom floor there was none other then Jay Fiedler. He had the most confused look on his face like, "Where the hell did these guys come from?" Walking by I commented "We're gonna kick your ass tomorrow!" He was pretty cool about it and laughed it off.
  22. I was at that game. I had 2nd row seats. Best Bills game I ever attended.
  23. I want the girl in the pic to shovel my snow.
  24. Yeah, and the only other difference between the two is to watch Alien Autopsy you needed a barf bag, to Watch the O'Reilly Factor you need a drool bucket.
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