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Bungee Jumper

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Everything posted by Bungee Jumper

  1. I did read a thread last week asking if I prefer bar soap or body wash. Does that count?
  2. BATF is a front for Mossad. Bet you didn't know that...
  3. Yeah, I can't see the "truth" of your bull sh--, because I'm biased toward actual math and science. You just go on living in your own private little unreality...
  4. As a matter of fact, most of us come down as hard on the right-wing half-wits as we do the left-wing half-wits such as yourself. The main difference between them and yourself is that, while Wacka and RkFast might be utter morons, they can read.
  5. My wife buys that DVD just to piss me off. Yes, "buys". She's bought it at least three times already, as that's how many copies of that DVD I've thrown out. Which is how I know it's just to piss me off...
  6. Penguins. Especially when I've been forced to waste money on a glorified 2-hour National Geographic documentary about them.
  7. Shut up, moron. Learn to read.
  8. I think it was deliberate, too...I just think cause and effect is the opposite of what you think: the War on Terror, as defined, required Iraq be dealt with. As opposed to your point of view that the invasion required the War on Terror to be defined as it was. I don't know of a way to conclusively prove it either way, though. Anecdotally, maybe, but not conclusively.
  9. Realistically, they can't even pull out the troops. They're not in the chain of command.
  10. The administration never dispelled the myth of the presumed linkage between 9/11 and Iraq because the War on Terrorism was never intended to be "The War On Just The Terrorists That Perpetrated 9/11 While We Leave The Other Bastards Alone". The American public just naturally assumed it was only the latter; the administration just naturally assumed the public understood it was the former (i.e. on ALL terrorism). And therein lies the nature of the "lies" ("confusion" would be a better word). The administration did an absolutely sh------- job of explaining that the War on Terrorism includes not just al Qaeda and the Taleban but other countries that pose a significant risk of exporting anti-American terrorism (any terrorism in theory; anti-American terrorism in reality). And in reality, there weren't a whole lot of countries even before 9/11 that posed that risk. Most of them learned their lesson in the '80s, that if you attack American interests directly or indirectly(e.g. Lockerbie), it's a losing game at best. Even Libya and Iran eventually wised up. But countries that never learned that lesson include Afghanistan...and Iraq.
  11. Are you stalking me? Get a hobby...
  12. Bar soap. Oh, wait...wrong meaningless and idiotic quiz...
  13. I don't think I'm better than everyone else. Just you.
  14. You don't even know what math is, do you?
  15. Government contracting, ironically enough.
  16. Doesn't matter. Molson heard one. It was probably from some talking media head quoting some other media member saying that some junior Pentagon staffer offered an opinion on how he thought the occupation would go...but that's close enough to "Bush said..." for his purposes.
  17. Churchill had quite a few good ones (about drinking, not beer. I don't think Winnie would have considered beer an alcoholic drink, pickled as he usually was): "When I was younger I made it a rule never to take strong drink before lunch. It is now my rule never to do so before breakfast." or Woman: "Sir, you are drunk." Churchill: "And you, madam, are ugly. But in the morning, I shall be sober."
  18. You keep believing that, if it makes you feel better. Truth is, if his speeches had gone that way, it would have been improvement over the incoherent hash of contradictory reasons they actually did give. But then, as I said earlier, reality has little to do with your beliefs anyway.
  19. Or he's going to announce he uses bar soap instead of body wash...
  20. A mix of Darwin and M.C. Escher as told by Lewis Carrol.
  21. That's because the Times' motto may as well be "We're better than you," and as I know firsthand, no one likes an elitist. But the Post, on the other hand, may as well have the motto "You're better than us," and while no one likes an elitist, everyone wants to be one.
  22. Anyone want to bet molson considers boycotting the Dixie Chicks censorship, but boycotting Clear Channel perfectly legitimate? And doesn't see the inherent contradiction?
  23. The Hindenberg myth was very interesting. And when they tested punching a shark in the nose in the Caribbean. The redheaded chick was in a bikini.
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