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Bungee Jumper

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Everything posted by Bungee Jumper

  1. You've got a lot of brothers and sisters, don't you?
  2. Awww, sh--. Mother!@#$er. Using a different computer, forgot to change the login.
  3. Chicago would disagree. I think Detroit would at the moment, too...
  4. Yeah...peopla are going to blame McGahee for bad blitz pick-up, too. Hell, he can't block three different people from three different directions. Detroits drive starts are ridiculous. Their own 23, their own 49, the Bills' 25...
  5. Oh, you just want your government check...
  6. If the climate were a static system. It's not. It's oscillatory. And when you put energy into an oscillatory system, you don't shift the center of the oscillation towards a higher energy state, you cause greater oscillations.
  7. Actually, he's advocating total government control over deciding who works and who doesn't, on the principle that work and children are mutually exclusive to some degree. Yeah, whatever...
  8. Yeah. You only asked me not to point out you're a moron. Guess I did break that one just now...but hell, I thought I was just stating the obvious. Stalled out? No...you just have to pick your moments. And again: Ed never complained. Just you.
  9. Actually, 911truth.org isn't one of those ridiculous "remote controlled planes/cruise missiles/the US Government attacked itself" sites. Their questions are more of the "Why was the 9/11 Commission such a whitewash?" or "How come intercepts from 9/10 weren't decoded until 9/12?" type. They're asking reasonable questions. That the answers are actually pretty easy to find, and they can't be bothered, makes them idiots. But a whole different and milder kind of idiot than the whatreallyhappened.com crowd. Kind of like ExiledInIllinois is compared to Tennyboy...
  10. Here, we just have state lotterys. So when the math-challenged people go to the 7/11 to cash their gubmint welfare checks, they can give a good chunk of it right back to the state while they're buying their 40 oz. malt liquors.
  11. "Y'all"? I didn't put anyone up to this? Hell, not even Ed would group me in with the "Ed Gives Head" group. Just you.
  12. And why should the government get involved in day-do-day operations and have to pay the overhead when they can just take a cut? And personally, I think I'd get a better rate of return at the slots than I would from the US Congress, anyway. Yes and no. The government dosen't run casinos...but they regulate those who do. So the government doesn't operate casinos...but they indirectly "control" them. State governments, that is. The federal government...I don't think it has a thing to do with gambling, at least not until this recent bill.
  13. Didn't read the first post, did you?
  14. Never happen. It's easier and cheaper to regulate and tax it. Which is the whole reason they wanted online gambling banned to begin with. Much harder to regulate and tax.
  15. What, you're not going to delete this thread and ban everyone for ten years?
  16. What? Air America failed because liberals are too open-minded to listen to it?
  17. Probably how the Bills were "exposed" as a bad team by Chicago... Though really...no matter how bad Detriot is, I'm always a little hesitant when the Bills play them in Detroit.
  18. Wasn't that BravinSeattle? The same guy that said Social Security was wildly successful and in no way had any sort of pending solvency problem?
  19. They're still around? Today's the one day I'd like to listen to them. You just know some nutbag at some point, either one of the on-air personalities or a caller, is going to blame Republicans for it.
  20. Damn NSA-run DHS pumpkins...
  21. Except that they were able to say, statistically, that a certain number of deaths were due to gunfire. Of course, the standard deviation of their study is so wide, you can use their numbers to say that 400k people have been killed in Iraq, 500k of them by gunfire... But that's not even one of my complaints. My biggest complaint is that the demographic makeup of Iraq - calculated using the same methodology - don't bear out their findings. Death by violence is generally age-dependent to some degree; 20-40 year old males are more likely to be shot than a three month old baby or an 80-year old grandmother, for example. Doing some quick back-of-the-envelope calculations using the study's numbers and some conservative estimating...the 20-40 year old male demographic in Iraq should have seen a 20% contraction in the past three years. But the demographic estimates - using the same methodology as the Lancet study - say otherwise. That makes me wonder if the methodology is applicable to begin with. I also think it's a rather silly point to base policy on. Pro- or anti-war, either group should have learned from Vietnam that measuring success or failure by body counts is preternaturally stupid and useless.
  22. No, most of us just get smashed...
  23. Why the hell not? The Repulicans perpetrated that farce of an impeachment against Clinton? You really think the Democrats are above wanting payback?
  24. Gary Mangini, Bruce Mathison, Vince Ferragamo, Joe Dufek... And those are just worse QBs that played for the Bills in the mid-80's.
  25. My father's in Clarence. The only tree left standing in his neighborhood is the 80-year old sycamore in his back yeard [sic] that is the Rasputin of trees; the thing simply will not die. He also said he's without water, because one of the pumping stations on the lake was shut down or damaged or something.
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