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Bungee Jumper

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Everything posted by Bungee Jumper

  1. You'd probably do better if you picked out the best logs and turned it into lumber. I'm getting some good cherry and sycamore from my father's yard...enough to make a decent-sized dining room table, maybe. But that'll be year after next. It'll need to season for at least 18 months for lumber (unless I pay to have it kiln dried). For firewood...6-12 months. You have enough space to store that much wood for a year?
  2. But then... So maybe Esche has a point...
  3. I'm still stunned that Max skated end-to-end with the puck and actually got the thing in the net. Usually he makes two or three great moves and whiffs completely.
  4. The Eagles were emotionally unstable last year because of TO. It's not that much of a stretch.
  5. Yeah...Sunday night, when the Raiders' QB-du-jour was flushed out of the pocket again (because the Raiders' blocking schemes apparently permit only three of the five linemen to block at any one time) and rolled to his left, and had Randy Moss open on the sidelines, Moss showed lots of heart when he turned to his QB and stopped dead, letting the very catchable pass fall two yards in front of him. Almost as much heart as he showed when he caught a pass for a first down, then ran backwards three yards so he'd be tackled behind the marker. Raiders may play with lots of heart. Now they just need to ask the Wizard for brains and courage, as well.
  6. Have you seen the Raiders play?
  7. Esche made some pretty good saves to keep the Sabres in single figures...
  8. Love the crowd..."We want ten! We want ten!"
  9. By adulthood, there's a strong correlation between the intelligence of biological siblings reared apart, but zero correlation for the intelligence of step siblings reared together. This isn't directed against you in particular, but I find it sad that so many people respond with such hostility or ridicule to something that's actually a quite reasonable, academically supported truth. 808346[/snapback] 1) You obviously don't understand what a correlation coefficient of .49 actually means. 2) Do you have any evidence that actually supports your point of view? Because a correlation between siblings is very different from the correlation between parent and child that you're assuming.
  10. How about 9-1? This is just wrong...I feel like I'm watching one of my cats play with a bug.
  11. It's debatable, though, whether he really had enough power to truly accomplish mass murder before maybe 1976 or so. So let's split the difference and call it 30 years. Either way, he's a very very bad man.
  12. Let's skip the absolute stupidity you followed this up with and concentrate on just one salient point: what evidence?
  13. Actually more like 20-25 years. Which doesn't really diminish your point.
  14. Not these days. Now it's "Ask not what you can do for your country, loot a WalMart because the greedy corporate bastards deserve it."
  15. How about reading the Lancet? Has anyone other than me read the actual published article, or only what Bloomberg and UPI are spoon-feeding you?
  16. You know, there's a word for what you're espousing. It's called "eugenics". It was disproven about...oh, maybe seventy years ago.
  17. I'm headed up to Buffalo Friday with a couple chainsaws and a generator to help my father clean up. It's called "self-reliance", and it what allows me to say with relative impunity: !@#$ FEMA. Anyone whose best idea for crisis management is "rely on the government" deserves precisely what they get: nothing.
  18. Does Stanford base their acceptance on intelligence? (Hint: no. )
  19. In other words: welfare should be based on the intelligence of the recipient, not economic need. How is that not providing financial incentive to eugenically create a master race?
  20. Clearly, the government should therefore be paying mothers with "it" to have more children, then...
  21. You know what? No matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney.
  22. OBD is talking about Leinart?
  23. And if the Bears were covering him, that might pose a problem.
  24. Actually, upon reflection, I think "it" is actually Anquan Boldin.
  25. I think Grossman has "that" tonight, since Leinart seems to have stolen his "it".
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