Probably when they find out when it is
I'm thinking what I thought in 2002: Iraq as a "nation building" exercise is bull sh--. Throw Iranian-backed Shi'ia, a Ba'athist Sunni minority, and Kurds with hopes of independence into a pot together. Give the Sunni's absolute power over the other two groups. Take it away after 70 years. Now tell me: precisely what nation building process is going to succeed in that mess?
And that's above and beyond the ridiculously paradoxical idea of shoving democracy down a people's figurative throat. "You'll be a democracy whether you want to or not!" The major flaw of the administration's Iraq policy was that it put an otherwise justifiable military action (because let's face it, no one shed a tear over Hussein losing power outside Iraqi Ba'athists) in an abstract philosophical context that was utter bull sh-- and made it virtually impossible to "win the peace".
And what scares me most is some yahoo getting into the White House on the promise of a pure "cut 'n' run" strategy, thereby throwing the Iraqis to the wolves (btw, bet you didn't know that most of the killings in Iraq these days are in areas outside US and US-allied control. What do you think happens if we un-ass the whole country at once?) and thereby degrading US foreign policy even more in the eyes of the rest of the world.