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Bungee Jumper

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Everything posted by Bungee Jumper

  1. LA couldn't handle the glockenspiel.
  2. I agree. Needs more cowbell...
  3. Well...yeah, I was going to stipulate "In as much as Garafolo's ever been funny", but I figured I'd let someone else have some fun...
  4. I have been. If you mean politicians...never. Won't earn 'em votes.
  5. You know, I'm already left to my own devices. I'm pretty sure I do a better job at it than the government.
  6. He did answer: buy copper wire, run it where needed, and build more power plants. Sure it's a little bit sparse on details. Okay, it's a lot sparse on details. In fact, it's so egregiously sparse on details, it beggars the mind why he didn't just suggest building the power plants in areas of need, and skip the wiring.
  7. Figured you would...USACE and all. For future reference: Farenheit = (Celsius *1.8) + 32 -40 C = -40 F 0 C = 32 F 10 C = 50F And every 5 C = 9 F...so given all that, you can approximate any Celsius temperature to a reasonably accurate Farenheit temperature. For my next trick, I'll teach everyone how to easily convert kilograms to pounds...
  8. I didn't need any; I quoted mathematical fact and backed it up with very simple, relevant examples that everyone BUT you understood. Regression toward the mean is a function of the variance in the statistical distribution of a system. The easiest example of this is a pair of dice, where the roll subsequent to a very high or low roll is closer to the system mean because there are more states available to the system near the mean than there are near the very high or low roll. This holds true for any statistical system with any randomness - which means, any statistical system where measurements are correllated by a factor less than 1. Any eugenics scheme to breed for intelligence is a statistical system with a correllation factor of less than 1. The heritability factor you so desperately cling to (and horribly misunderstand) is the correllation factor of the system that, being less than one, mathematically defines the variance in the statistical distribution of intelligence that ultimately requires that regression toward the mean occur. Period. End of story. No bull sh-- about "error causes regression to the mean." That's the math, and I've said it before. You're just too damn stupid to understand it. And I don't even know why I bothered. You're still too damn stupid to understand it.
  9. Okay, so never mind that it's less accurate than Britannica..."it's a good starting point." Too bad you don't USE it as a starting point, but as an excuse to avoid further research.
  10. I know you know this, but... Celsius and Farhenheit scales meet at 40-below...so 35 below Celsius is pretty close to 35 below Farhenheit.
  11. They are not mutually exclusive categories, and Maher, like Al Franken or Jeanane Garafolo, can very well be considered to be both.
  12. So the peer-reviewed study found that the source you use as a primary source is in fact 33% more inaccurate than an encyclopedia that NO ONE would ever accept as a primary source. And this somehow proves you're not a moron?
  13. Not a problem. We can get at least two picks for McGahee, including a first, which we can package to trade to the Raiders for the first pick in the draft, where we can pick the best RB available, who's sure to be a future Hall-of-Famer...and Marv's senile for even considering it, since an RB with the first pick is a reach when Brady Quinn's still on the board... Did I miss any TSW cliches?
  14. Is anyone else enamored with the idea of a linebacking corps including Takeo Spikes and Lavar Arrington? If so...get a clue.
  15. There's no political hay to be made by pressuring them until the media breaks the story. Conversely, there's no political pressure to fix things until the media breaks the story, either.
  16. Electric? That's the problem. Use gas, rookie!
  17. And by the way...what ever happened to kids just not doing their homework? I never minded getting six hours a night...I just blew it off.
  18. While they're at it, they should ban cheering for any given team, since it's discriminatory against the other team on the field and harmful to their psyches. Really, any demonstrations that show any preference of one team over another can be considered hazardous and escalate into confrontation. We need federal legislation to ensure that spectators sit motionless and silent in their seats. "I am special, I am special, look at me..."
  19. Wouldn't that be "Cell X cured something else before, look it up in Wikipedia, which is a more reliable source than you."?
  20. Reports are that James Cameron has found her tomb, and is doing a Discovery documentary on it...
  21. I like Coulter's respons, though..."You're right, it was uncalled for, I'd like to apologize to gays for comparing them to John Edwards." Coulter and Maher and the like, all of them need to be as crass as possible, otherwise people will stop paying attention to them. The only reason they're important is because we pretend they are.
  22. Actually, reason number one for Katrina was the storm turned 50k square miles of Gulf coast into an impassible swamp. But your point about red tape is taken. And what's worse...it's startling how much waste occurs either because of red tape for its own sake, or because people mistake red tape for real work (the project I'm on right now, we write requirements documents describing the requirements of requirements documents that are used to generate use cases for other requirements documents. Software never gets written...but the bureaucracy demands requirements documents and use cases, so...) The irony is that a big part of all of that waste is the government's need to account for every single cent it spends, to prove it's not wasting any money. "Sure, lieutenant...you need a new leg? Fill out these forms in triplicate, see three doctors to be fitted, go to one of these GSA-approved orthopedists for a GSA-approved prosthetic...yeah, I know there's a six-month wait, but we're the government, we can't shirk the paperwork or go off the GSA schedule, otherwise we can't prove we're not wasting time and money." sh--, you should see the approval process I have to go through just to get a damn phone in my office. (Been two years, I still don't have one.)
  23. On the contrary. The math proves you don't know what you're talking about. A great many people here who can do the math know that. They don't need me to link to it, because they can do the math. You're the only retard demanding a link...because you can't do the math. And as for this electric grid argument...is there anything you're NOT completely clueless about? "Buy wire. String it. Build power plants." Ask the residents of California how easy that is.
  24. I wonder how they selected those giving testimony. I'm sure it was fair and even-handed, and involves no bias of any sort.
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