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Bungee Jumper

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Everything posted by Bungee Jumper

  1. By the way, people...it's "affect you", not "effect you". The Bills winning a Superbowl will not "effect" anyone, as "effect" is a noun. If something affects you, it has an effect. And "efect" isn't anything. Right, Bill?
  2. I still insist the answer is 4, and they asked the wrong question. Because I just can't accept that anyone would ask so insipid a trick question of an adult.
  3. I think it may be falsely attributed to Churchill, though. I know one or two of those "dinner party" jokes are...but I can't remember if this is one of them or not.
  4. Fins. I pity the Leafs too much to truly hate them.
  5. I don't watch South Park. Though every time someone talks about it, I inevitably ask myself "Why the hell don't I watch South Park?"
  6. How much is 3x???? I think they asked the wrong question, honestly...
  7. Only in manufacturing industries, though. We should subsidies service companies. Like drug manufacturers. About time for molson_goldfish to pull an irrelevant Iraq reference out of his ass, isn't it?
  8. It's retarded. They can't enforce it. They're not in the chain of command. It's probably unconstitutional as well. And it's shamelessly transparent election politicking, as well. Two months before the presidential election, we're either still there and the Democrats either get to B word that the President isn't following the law (never mind that it's probably unconstitutional and retarded as Congress doesn't command the military), or we're out for whatever reason, and the Democrats get to brag that they're solely responsible for it because of their retarded unconstitutional law. Basically, it ain't about Iraq, it's about the 2008 election.
  9. I haven't see the show yet. I presume the contestants are Wheel of Fortune rejects?
  10. I always thought the monetary amounts were the other way around: "Would you for $100k?" "Yep." "Would you for a quarter?" "Of course not! What kind of a girl do you think I am!?!?" "We've already established what kind of a girl you are, now we're just dickering over the price."
  11. "Strangley"? I'll have you know, I haven't strangled anyone recently.
  12. When you're getting your ass kicked in one argument...spew Iraq soundbites. It's like a nervous tic.
  13. "Depends. If they are providing a service then yes, of course its ok." Boeing is a manufacturing company. Public funding of Boeing is bad. McDonalds is in the service industry. Public funding of McDonalds is good. It's not hard. It's stupid...but then, you said it, not I.
  14. True...but anything that takes idiots out of the gene pool, I'm not losing sleep over. What is SO !@#$ing hard about "USE A CONDOM, DUMBASS!"
  15. Is that the old "...but you doesn't have to call me Johnson!" skit? Fitting...
  16. Particularly if they're not a manufacturer like, say, Pfizer isn't a manufacturer, even though they manufacture drugs.
  17. No, because they're not smart by definition, because they don't make as much money as citizens. Of course, smart people in general should not be allowed to stay home and have kids, because then they're not as successful in the workplace (seeing as they're not even IN the workplace), and hence not smart either. So they should stay in the labor pool, thereby verifying their intelligence...so that their breeding can be subsidized, even though they can't breed, because then they can't work, which makes them dumb, particularly if their East Germans or can't roll a 3.5 on a die. Which is fine, as long as they don't live in molson_goldfish's neighborhood, because he only wants to help people he doesn't have to personally deal with. Got it now?
  18. So corporate welfare for Boeing is bad...corporate welfare for McDonalds is good.
  19. And yet...it's not her fault the men were too stupid to use condoms.
  20. No, because then they're not poor, they're middle-class, and have no rights at all.
  21. No, we should lower taxes, thereby encouraging smarter people to stay home and have more kids, thus breeding the "decay class" out of the gene pool, because success is heritable...whatever that !@#$ing means.
  22. Less destructive...probably more radioactive. Depends on the design (and deployment - nukes detonated lower down kick up more debris, obviously), but modern fusion bombs can be made much cleaner than WWII-era fission bombs. I'd sooner worry about bio-weapons (particularly as the North Koreans are rumored to have the smallpox virus) ending the world than nukes.
  23. Oh, so funding private corporations with public money is okay, then?
  24. I'd be happy, I'd give my friends sh-- about it, I'd get on with my life. And I still wouldn't take the money.
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