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Bungee Jumper

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Everything posted by Bungee Jumper

  1. Three pages, and not one reference to the greatest band of the '70s: Boston. What, are you people deaf?
  2. When I was in college, I saw precisely one William F. Buckley on campus. And it was, in fact, William F. Buckley. And he was only there for a day. But protesting him was great fun for that day. I don't know what it is about protesting conservative pundits that makes liberal college co-eds so horny, but man was that ever a great way to score some trim...
  3. Murkier still...regardless of all that, the President has the authority under the War Powers act to effectively fight wars without Congressional consent anyway...
  4. In other words..."Mission Accomplished"?
  5. Holy sh--. Never in the history of anything has anyone misunderstood so many basic scientific concepts in one posts. Even newbie with his brilliant "You can see the north pole from the south pole" nonsense had more of a clue than this...
  6. Wow. When my browser displays this post, my monitor actually drools...
  7. They're going to push it as far as the UNSC pushes sanctions. That's all this is. Political leverage against the Anglo-American cabal co-opting the UN and prosecuting a war against them. The irony is, the Taleban did something very similar with Iranian diplomats back in the late 90's, and Iran very nearly went to war with them over it. Does Tehran honestly think the Brits are going to act all that much differently than they did in a similar situation?
  8. Be original, just conform.
  9. That should be the end of the argument right there. It won't be...but it should.
  10. No, error and variance are two differnt things... ...oh, sorry, wrong stupid-ass futile discussion with a potato-head. My bad.
  11. No, the Dems have set a 17-month goal for the occupation to end. The disaster will not only continue, but get even worse. The Democrats aren't ending anything, they're just washing the country's hands of the immediate problem and insuring that it'll have to be dealt with by someone else's administration a decade down the line. How in the hell do you think ending the occupation ends the war? Does anyone actually believe this nonsense?
  12. Where do you people get this logic from? We're responsible for making a mess of Iraq, our foreign perception is horrible...so if we just up and leave Iraq to total and murderous anarchy it'll be both an improvement for Iraq and our international perception? Yeah, I can just see the international community now..."Well, we hated the fact that you invaded Iraq, but now that you're taking absolutely no responsibility for your actions...good job! "
  13. I'd laugh if it (Cheney's statement) wasn't so dangerously and disingeniously stupid.
  14. In late WWII, there was a US aircraft carrier named "Shangri La". How's that for menacing?
  15. You do know that actually exists, right? And you do know that it caused a complete power plant failure in an Aegis cruiser a few years back that resulted in the ship being towed back to port?
  16. I know the ship. Technology stolen from the Horizon FFG. Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles. Good tech. And it's not in service yet; I'm not even sure it's been launched yet. Hopefully they remembered to make the ship long enough to carry a decent-sized magazine this time. But the effectiveness of anti-ship missiles tends to be grossly overrated by just about everyone - especially nitwits like Molson_Goldfish. People's perceptions of ASM's is that they're basically unstoppable, thanks to the USS Stark, the Falklands War, and such. They don't realize that what they hear about tends to be pretty unusual, even exceptional (as both the Stark incident and the Falklands were). More typical is the Israeli experience in '73, where they demonstrated that a combination of countermeasures and maneuver can stop most anti-ship missiles cold. These things aren't magic; they're complex technological devices that are more failure-prone than Microsoft Windows.
  17. Don't forget his "Our foreign policy sucks because we don't recognize how great Kobe is for scoring 81" logic.
  18. I think his point was the school was openly and actively advocating an arguably pro-homosexual activity or set of activities ("In response to a National Day of Silence event in April [...] On the Day of Silence, students can refrain from speaking as an effort to highlight discrimination against homosexuals.") while silencing any dissenting opinion. I don't give much of a sh-- about the issue either way...but I am concerned that some expression is encouraged in schools while dissenting expression is punished. Really, I think if you're going to give time to an expression of support for homosexuality, you shouldn't be silencing dissent. If you feel you HAVE to silence dissent, don't introduce the issue to begin with.
  19. Kitty Hawk, North Carolina is where the Wright brothers first flew. The carrier USS Kitty Hawk is the second ship to hold the name; the first was an aircraft transport (AKV - a glorified freighter, basically) in WWII. It ain't exactly a long tradition of naming avaition ships after where the Wright brothers flew...but at least it's consistent.
  20. Never heard that...but if so, so much the better. Satellite signals can be jammed pretty easily...if that's their mid-course guidance, the missiles can't distinguish between a tanker and open ocean.
  21. By the way, for those who care: four wins clinches both the division and first seed in the conference. Three and a regulation tie might...but I don't know what the tie-breakers are between the Sabres and Devils or Senators.
  22. You were making a silly point, because you didn't know what you were talking about. And you still are, for the same reason: you have yet to evidence any understanding of the drug companies' business model. You're advocating subsidizing something you fundamentally don't understand. You may as well subsidize McDonalds for all you comprehend of the issue.
  23. Doesn't mean it was easy. And it highlights a far bigger concern than "Sizzler" missiles: US ASW practice and training has seriously declined since the end of the Cold War. I wouldn't be surprised if the Kitty Hawk didn't even have a squadron of ASW aircraft on board at the time... Yep...the only ASW component is HS-14, with 4 Seahawk/Oceanhawk helos. Nothing to prosecute subs in the outer ASW ring. The carrier battle group has one ship - a Spruance-class destroyer - that's a true anti-sub platform. You want to complain about something, complain about the state of ASW practice in the Navy, not "Sizzler" missiles.
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