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Bungee Jumper

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Everything posted by Bungee Jumper

  1. The way he set it up, you can. It's just meaningless: you test everyone, discard the low-scoring ones, and the ones you retest score closer to their true test score. Which is fine, if you have a priori knowledge of their "true score". But how do you know what their true test scores is? Well, you have to test them... I'm sure everyone on the planet except for HA sees what a crock of sh-- that is...
  2. No problem. No assumptions were necessary.
  3. That's not fair. Give him the benefit of the doubt. He may not have drooled.
  4. Sort of, kind of, maybe. Certainly, the Army's no longer tailored to the massive stand-up tank clash at Fulda, neither has it "transformed" into the strategically agile force the powers-that-be would like. I have doubts that it really will...and if it does, I have doubts that it's the right direction to go in (both largely because "transformation" in the Army is centered around the ridiculous FCS program, and I seriously doubt the viability of most of the FCS systems on most likely battlefields). Fact is, "transformation" is hardly proactive; it's largely reactive, seeing as the Army's current definition of "transformation" designed around fighting the current war (i.e. war on terrorism, limited combat against "failed states") rather than the "next" war. As for the other three branches...honestly, I only think the Marines are doing things right (they're no longer designed to fight from the beaches inland and let the Army take over; OIF demonstrated they're becoming a force that can fight from the littoral inland and take part in heavy maneuver engagements). The Air Force is still stuck in their failed "We can win wars from the air all by ourselves if we get better technology, we don't need anyone else" paradigm (and is taking "flexibility" to an unhealthy level with the F/A-22 and JSF). The Navy...your immature focus on the Tomcat vs. Rhino issue aside (The F/A-18E/F is more cost-effective, is easier to use and maintain, is a younger airframe, has better avionics, has better low-observable technology, and has better all-around performance. The Tomcat has Phoenix. So shut up already. ), the Navy is trying to "transform" itself into a brown-water force, with one of the silliest force structures I've ever heard of (what kind of !@#$ing moron is going to screen major fleet units with a destroyer that costs $4 billion dollars? Why does the littoral require a dedicated warship design?)...and I'm a strict Mahanist, who believes in blue-water ops. Which is not to say there's anything wrong with "transformation"...transformation is good, IF you can dictate the nature of the battle to your enemy (e.g. the Meuse, 1940, Desert Storm, Gkolki, Jena-Auerstadt, Malaysa/Singapore). If you can't (e.g. Moscow in 1941, the later Korean War, the Battle of the River Plate, Midway), you usually end up getting your ass kicked.
  5. Oh, that's just partisan liberal thinking. It's not, like, right or anything.
  6. 24 hours. The winner had an arm and both legs lopped off...
  7. Yeah, you're right. What the !@#$ do I know?
  8. I bet there's at least two people who watch the show, and are inspired to work out and eat right for a month. Maybe even six weeks. However long it is until the season premire of "American Idol".
  9. I wouldn't kick her out of bed. Mostly because I'd never have her in there to begin with. It's about self-respect. Self-respect is sexy. Lack of it is not. Nicole Ritchie looks like she has no self-respect; she looks like she abuses herself badly.
  10. In the annals of reality TV, there are far worse concepts. If overweight people are going to sit and watch TV, it's much better they watch other people lose weight (and maybe themselves be inspired to) than watch Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritche muck a pig sty or something...
  11. Elevating the legs forces more blood to the torso and head, mitigating the effects of low blood pressure (if you're in shock, the legs have far less of a need for blood flow than, say, the brain). I don't know that it would be useful or advisable in a battlefield situation...but it's certainly appropriate medically.
  12. Oh, I just love dispensing medical advice on a football message board. Sounds okay to me. The only thing I'd debate is giving her the juice...in retrospect, given the symptoms at the time, you couldn't have known it wasn't the wrong thing to do.
  13. No. But then, that's usually in comparison to the posts here. Matthews is a genius next to Deluca...
  14. I'm generally not a big fan of hers, but oh my God those may be the most spectacular D-cups I've ever seen...
  15. Within 24 hours, the D&C will probably report that the NFL is putting pressure on Ralph Wilson to convince NY to build the Bills a new stadium or lose the team, the source being a story reported on Fox Sports...
  16. No. Running home from Iraq like scared dogs while simultaneously increasing troop strength represents "common sense". Never mind that McCain wants to put 30k more "combat troops" in theater. Hey, John-boy? How are you going to feed them? How much more ammo and diesel will they require? How are you going to ship it all there? How many more support troops do you have to put in-theater to support 30k "combat troops"? Where are they all going to live? "Common sense".
  17. New Zealand has no real enemies because it has no real neighbors. Your nearest neighbors are the Aussies, who are just misplaced Kiwis. Your next nearest neighbors are living on postage stamp sized Micronesian atolls. Your next nearest are !@#$ing penguins. Who the !@#$ are you going to fight?
  18. You didn't understand a single word he posted, did you?
  19. About the same as the probability he says you disagree with him because you're a liberal...
  20. I doubt he's smart. It's far more likely that he's in error. Gotta love the "Only I understand how extreme IQs are more likely wrong than right, because I have an extreme IQ!" logic...
  21. Don't answer that, Coli! Keep your pinko commie statistics out of this!
  22. Oh yeah, luck isn't heritable. Which is why parents who are lucky enough to have lots of error have kids who are unlucky enough to be right. And the solution to this is to pay lucky wrong people to have unlucky right kids...and the way we judge people to be unlucky and wrong is to determine whether or not they're East German scientists...
  23. Don't forget the part where luck and error are both "heritable" (sic)...
  24. That's the best you deserve. I'm not arguing with you, genius. I'm mocking you.
  25. Yeah, whatever. You're just a victim of the massive Nazi conspiracy...
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