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Bungee Jumper

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Everything posted by Bungee Jumper

  1. I think - and maybe I'm giving him too much credit - he means "big plays" as opposed to sustained drives (a three yard TD run up the gut to cap off a 13-play, nine minute 76 yard drive is NOT a big play, I think most would agree). And certainly, the Bills didn't sustain many drives today...so in that regard, he's right: aside from the three big plays, the Miami defense pushed the Bills around... ...except that they didn't, really. And the three big plays still count. And one big play would have been enough, since his offense was terminally putrid.
  2. I'm sure they're being treated just fine. Or, at least, they don't speak Spanish well enough to know they're being teased...
  3. You mean back when Lucas was QB, and in two games agains the Bills his leading receiver was...Nate Clements? Good times, man...good times... No, wait...you're talking about the CLEVELAND game, where the Browns had -5 yards TOTAL offense going into the fourth quarter...either way, good times...
  4. Their offense, maybe. Taylor may have a point about the defense; take away the three big scoring plays, and they held the Bills to 205 yards on 56 plays, 105 yards passing, 2.7 ards/carry, and 3 sacks. Of course, you can't just take away the three plays. Sorry Jason. The reason you lost isn't because of three big plays. Really, the Bills only needed ONE big play...because your offense did precisely jack sh-- all day. Take away the three big plays, and the Bills offense still did better than Miami's.
  5. "Peelle", actually. But still...
  6. Posting sh-- like this...
  7. I thought it was across the bay from San Francisco.
  8. The Bills once scored three TDs in some 76 seconds. Very unlikely. Not impossible.
  9. Probably a Cleo Lemon fan... ...and you can insert your own "lemon juice" pun here...
  10. "Put Nall in. We'll never make the playoffs with JP." "Put Nall in. We need JP for the playoffs." God, I love this board...
  11. He only had 200 yards. He sucks.
  12. Or sucker punch them hard and knock them clean out.
  13. Yes. On one or both of their 4th-down tries.
  14. Did you know Cleo's sister married Frederick's brother? She goes by Lemon-Lime...
  15. They're puns. They're supposed to hurt.
  16. There's a QB named Frederick Lime - who THOUGHT Miami was going to take him in the draft. Right now he's green with envy. Doesn't handle the adversity that well, either. He's probably drowning himself in Coronas right now...
  17. We need to lose those two games anyway. Winning out would be a disaster for this franchise.
  18. Always nice to see a punt returner run 13 yards and pin his team back on their one...
  19. Please don't let Lemon fumble, either...then I'll have to call it a "Lemon drop".
  20. Too bad the Bills never blitz...I'm waiting for a blitz pick-up so I can make a "Lemon aid" pun...
  21. Yeah...he thought he'd earned the starting job in the preseason. When he didn't, he was really sour about it... Ba-dum bum.
  22. I think, when you are replaced, even in garbage time, by a QB named "Cleo Lemon", you are officially a bust.
  23. But if you ignore the games where he scores, he doesn't score TDs. Therefore he sucks.
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