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Bungee Jumper

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Everything posted by Bungee Jumper

  1. Neo-Nazis are my favorite. Generally, if they knew anything about Nazi Germany, they'd realize that they would have been first in line to be gassed.
  2. Gay. Car. Oh, and crayonz asked me to tell you that Jesus H Christmund gives headmund.
  3. So calling you mentally ill is warranted, but calling you a thief because you steal intellectual property isn't. Gotcha.
  4. You know, the mental health profession is doing wonderful things in psychopharmacology these days...
  5. To me, it doesn't seem like a reasonable request no matter who makes it. I can't think of any reason any member of Congress would need an Air Force jet at their disposal.
  6. Zing! A federal courthouse is pork?
  7. Do I have to read the above to know Holcomb's Arm has NO idea what he's talking about again? Or is it just safe to assume?
  8. Sorry...the guy who argues that a die has a true value of three and a half is still the bigger idiot.
  9. Even if you successfully affect social change on a large scale (and King didn't; at best he started it), there will always be individual idiots who publicly exercise their right to be idiots. The problem with idiots isn't their message; the problem with idiots is that there's other idiots that take their message seriously. The best idiot is a marginalized idiot.
  10. Has me wondering why Holcomb's Arm feels compelled to be ignorant about economics under a different screen name. It's the same proof he gave for his bull sh-- statistics argument, after all...
  11. Yeah, what the hell, why not try it. It's worked so well over the past few decades, after all...
  12. Remember the good old days, about 400 centuries ago, when lions promptly culled idiots like this out of the herd after these kinds of stunts?
  13. Second the motion...pedestrians got so bad in downtown DC that the district ended up stationing two police officers at many of the intersections every rush hour to control the pedestrian traffic flow and keep the vehicular traffic moving.
  14. Who needs common sense when you've got The State looking out for you?
  15. Bert Ward. Ernie West played Batman.
  16. Would cut down on gun violence, too.
  17. It ain't science anymore, it's politics. Which basically means: everybody's wrong.
  18. Although you're still wrong...Adam Shepherd was they guy in "Happy Gilmore".
  19. My God...can you imagine how long it would take to cook retatta with a flourescent light bulb? Why...it might take a whole hour... Ah, never mind...
  20. In that case, I wouldn't mind either. With a track record like that, if the Habs sign Briere, it's a clear indication that Briere's peaked and is on the down-slope of his career...
  21. I'm not sure...but it's tater's fault.
  22. Transfer of angular momentum from the earth's rotation to the moon's orbital velocity due to the lunar landings. Not only is that causing the moon to move farther away, it's causing the earth's day to lengthen, which will not only wreak havoc with farming practices, but is causing global warming in itself (longer day means the sun's up longer, means there's more solar heating...) We need to cancel the space program, it's destroying our planet.
  23. Well...okay, if you're into that sort of thing, I guess...
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