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Everything posted by HBSS151

  1. According to Sirius Friday vs. The Canadiens Channel 147 8 PM Eastern Saturday vs. The Maple Loafs Channel 186 7 PM Eastern
  2. My sainted grandmother had a simple investment theory: "No matter how bad things get - people are still going to eat and drink" Invest accordingly
  3. Nope - Orwell is watching How fast ?
  4. A good portfolio has a few "wild" cards to mellow out the winners. Sometimes, selling at loss is a good thing - but hardly a strategy. http://moneycentral.msn.com/investor/chart...p;CP=0&PT=8
  5. Nope - but I'm willing to !
  6. I just use 50% as a ballpark number so that the uninitiated can wrap there heads around the concept, they can't keep all the (option) money. They're out there Kinda like the people who think they are really going to win $44 Million in the State Lottery
  7. Stock Options - Gotta Love Them Just don't spend Uncle Sam's 50%
  8. Can't Trust Turbotax - we have used an tax accountant for the last 5 years My wife tried the turbotax program last year - it said we owed. I said, let the tax guy do it anyway ($150), we owed far less after he was done = well worth the $150. ($175 this year) We have some tax complication issues - if you have simple stuff, maybe Turbotax is AOK I'll trust the human factor - one of my uncles was a corporate CPA and he regarded the IRS tax code as "merely" a challenge.
  9. I've lived in NYS and now California - the taxes/fees situation is pretty much a wash. Where we did see significant savings was in utilities - more for water, but far less on gas/electric
  10. Rehab is for quitters
  11. There will be four coins issued per year (like the state quarters) James Madison is #4
  12. Does your water supply originate from Lake Erie ?
  13. We call it Steak & Nobber Day (W Coast)
  14. When Canada rolled out the loonies and toonies - they stopped printing paper money I worked in Ontario a lot then - and no one seemed to bent out of shape from the transition
  15. Hillary in '08 OR Cutty Sark ?
  16. No more as problem than the "official" State Lottery
  17. It's been a practice for years - They show up and "raid" a few places to discourage open display of the squares that everyone has anyway. There have been fines but I have never heard of anyone getting their license pulled. I'm sure they skip the establishments where they have made an investment
  18. FYI http://www.pihos.com/SI1.htm
  19. Yummm ! CRUNCHY SAUSAGE BITES | makes 25 to 30 pieces; serves 6 to 8 as a snack or appetizer. Adapted from Real Beer and Good Eats by Bruce Aidells and Denis Kelly. 5 spicy sausages, such as bratwurst, Kielbasa, bockwurst, or duck sausage 1/2 cup sweet mango chutney 1/2 cup chopped roasted peanuts 1/2 cup finely chopped cilantro (optional) Fry the sausages in a skillet over medium heat, turning frequently until lightly browned, about 10 minutes. Remove from the pan, and cut each sausage into 5 or 6 bite-sized chunks. If using the cilantro, mix it with the peanuts in a small bowl. Skewer each piece of sausage on a toothpick. Dip in the chutney to coat, and then roll the sausage bite in the peanut mixture. Serve immediately. This batch is way too small
  20. Even Pete Carrol knows when he has a sweet deal - that is at USC !! Work for Wayne ??
  21. OSU holding on the first play / TD a non call
  22. Of course you say something - you are paying for this right ? Two Possibilities - 1. The coach has never worked with youngsters before 2. He only knows one way to do things 2a. He's a psycho like the nut in the Karate Kid movies You have nothing to lose by talking to him (aside) not in front of the kids You might both learn something
  23. He deserved it - just because of his Fantasy team value Guess who had him ??
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