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Everything posted by Kgun5

  1. Fixed for what Joe in Mac actually expressed.
  2. The word "joke" gets thrown around this board a lot. Usually it's being used to describe the Bills. I happen to like Jerry, so now everyone knows both our opinions.
  3. Yes, none of Sully's articles about the ineptitude of the Buffalo Sports Machine have merit.
  4. What if he agrees to dress in drag for each home game?
  5. That's like saying: "I know our dog pooped on your rug, but we don't need to let him go outside, we'll just pick up the turds before we leave!" No, it's not really like saying that...I just feel like a dog pooped all over my stuff today.
  6. Imagine that you're a fan of a real team and you see that crawl across the bottom of the screen today. Even the ESPN Deportes watchers will be going, "Que??"
  7. WGR reported this morning that a $250,000/year box-seat spender has said he's out if Jauron is back. Take that for what it's worth, but how many season tickets would equal the money they'd eat on Dick's salary/severence? Either way, it's a huge waste of assets for an owner that is always crying poor. Maybe we can do like the Sabres and disband the scouting department. It's not doing them much good anyay.
  8. Swap the "fake" for a snap over the head of Moorman, and you have yourself a plausable scenario.
  9. I bet something was signed yesterday. Maybe Ralph and Dick had a verbal agreement back in week six, which has since been tinkered with to allow for a smooth exit should Dick's firing be necessary for riot control. I can hope, right?
  10. My answers are: 1) Ten years - we'll make it the year after next. (1999-2009) 2) Fifteen years. (1996-2011) 3) Sixteen years. (1995-2011) Sixteen years, should it happen, would represent almost 40% of the time the Bills have been in the NFL. Makes you wonder...
  11. Bills are mathematically out if Baltimore wins.
  12. I think that it is more Rogers - "the company" (don't forget, Rogers - "the flame thrower") that has an interest in bringing the Bills to Toronto. My thinking is that their position will not change greatly because of this loss.
  13. http://www.playoffstatus.com/nfl/billswhatif.html
  14. So...By this logic, they'll be "not too many" fans.
  15. When do we get to set cars on fire?
  16. Brady Quinn...You're my hero.
  17. Hawaii was too close to call. Hope there's no recount.
  18. Then you're going to be benching just about all of our starters, I'm afraid.
  19. Edwards is the real deal. He's had a few bad games lately, but he spoiled us with his gooey goodness early on. I'd be more inclined to get excited about the future of the offense if the o-line was worth half of what we paid for it.
  20. How could I forget to consider the importance of the remedial math class we all get while trying to figure out a 6-team tiebreaker, and the obscure scenarios which will bring the Bills into such a mess?
  21. Normally, I'd agree with you. I guess that's just gotten a little old recently. In all fairness, with the schedule they have, they'll probably be in a similar situation toward the end of this year. We may get a two-fer on our testicula violettium this year.
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