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Everything posted by Kgun5

  1. McDermott is, like most coaches, a politician. He sounds great and acts the part…Until you get to the stuff that actually counts. He lacks a basic understanding of what actually matters in football games. It’d be embarrassing in most other professions.
  2. Not many plays in the playbook for 4th &10?
  3. You know the Cards are still going to blow this.
  4. Let’s not forget the pretty flagrant PI that wasn’t call against LV, earlier. still, these refs look like they’re ready for the off-season.
  5. I tend to agree. I was combining the two, and seeing Cincy screwed significantly, either way. If the Chefs lose, the Bills actually benefit from the no contest.
  6. Maybe we should label the threads so it’s clear which are about NFL logistics and which are about the person. Wait…
  7. Yeah…It’s important to remember that Cincy gets screwed the most by this game not being restarted, not the Bills.
  8. Clearly, a lot of people care about it, from all over the NFL. This is a thread about the implications, and while lazy and misspelled, the statement is arguably valid if the game is scrubbed.
  9. I hadn’t realized he swapped “beats” and “loses to” in some spots and swapped the teams in others. All and all confusing.
  10. Scenarios 1&3 are identical. As are scenarios 2&4.
  11. Was I the only one looking for dildos?
  12. McDerp trying to psych NP up for another record settingly bad performance.
  13. Total whiff on the block for McCoy draw.
  15. Nothing like an NFL coach accidentally playing the correct odds to keep the Bills out of the playoffs...
  16. The ref couldn’t get the flag out of his pants.
  17. Smart time management by Baltimore.
  18. Going to be a lot of time left for Flacco.
  19. Yes...Yes they did. Smart people that work sixteen hour days.
  20. Agreed...Maybe they’ll show up agains the Rams. Still, the Jags may have little to play for in two weeks.
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