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Everything posted by Kgun5

  1. Yes, and the Raisen schedule has two should-be losses on it...One more out of the three remaining games would put them behind a 10-6 Bills team.
  2. We'd still be buried...We's just have shovels now.
  3. They wanted us to lose because they didn't think we'd get to 10-6, not because they didn't want us to get there IMO. All I'm saying is that whatever the reasoning, the fans all want this team in a SB as soon as possible.
  4. Poop...Too bad Janikowski played in Florida.
  5. That's assuming PIT wins out, but ok. Seeing as how they have the same schedule as we do for the most part, I'd say that it's unlikely (one Pats loss outside of the Jets game.). We really need a few collapses (we're talking 1-4 for the JETS here) but it's nice to think about. I'm not gonna' worry about the Pats/Pit situation, since it's up to the Bills to show they belong anyway. LOL...thinking ahead. If we managed to sneak in, it most likely means a road game at Indy. Ho-boy.
  6. Ugh...You can root against NE all you want in 4 out of the next 5 games, but against the JETS, it's a no brainer to be a Pats fan.
  7. ...and you'd rather split the Bills fathful into camps and have them argue with each other. There's no one here that doesn't want this team 10-6. People who wanted JP are not "marginal" fans. They are people who honestly think it would be our best chance to win in '05. 90% of the people here want the Bills to win a Super Bowl as soon as possible. Why does this board constantly ignore that fact?
  8. I admire your optimism. I think it's about 30-70 that winning out gets us in. You're right in your analysis of NYJ, BAL, and JAX. Poblem is that they all have to be right, and we have to win out. If we're playing for something against PIT, I'll be happy. Let's hope it's so.
  9. Tough break for us.
  10. How the hell does one survive a plane Rosen...Kudos for THAT kind of heart. Wow.
  11. Raiders win 2-0?
  12. Very sad, but who knows in the snow...I think number 6 in the NFC will surge to 8-8 in the end, but it'll really be something if 10-6 in the AFC stays home while 7-9 in the NFC goes.
  13. The entire conference is a fraud. It's really too bad that we're going to have to have miracles happen in order to have a shot at the playoffs, while an 8-8 team will probably sneak in over there.
  14. I think it's mostly when he feels like he can't take a sack. Anyway, the commitment to the run is really paying dividends. Averages be damned. This team needs to run 30 times to be successful.
  15. ...and all of a sudden it's illegal to criticize anyone over anything. This should be a place for free and open discussion of the game, both good and bad. I'd swear that some of you get your jollies off telling other people that you're a better fan then they are...
  16. Need a miracle collapse by the Jets or the Broncos, plus Blatimore losing the 2 they should, and one more.
  17. Perhaps what you say is somewhat true...That doesn't change the fact that the NBA will do what it can to be the most profitable league it can be. The article issued a warning, and a consequence. The players, black or white, can do as they please. If the owners then phase out the ones that promote an image that's not selling, whether that's right or wrong, it will hurt the athletes in the NBA that currently have that image. If I said tomorrow everyone was going to start shooting hispanic people in Idaho, and that they better leave the ASAP, I wouldn't be supporting the action. I'd just be warning those that could find themselves in peril. In other words, don't blame the messenger.
  18. It's too bad that anytime there's even a discussion that involves statistical and/or traditional differences between the races, it is immediately labeled taboo. If I were ever to have kids, (which I wont,) I'd like to be able to teach them that racism has to do with judging someone by their race instead of their actions, and does not have to do with pretending that we all have the same genetics, culture, strengths, weaknesses, dreams, and fears. What this gentleman was saying is about the cultural differences that many of the black players have compared to the white fan base, and the what the NBA may do if it stops selling. I wish more people could express their ideas this openly.
  19. Well, those youngens can't be trusted like liquored up adults, now can they? You're right...It's pretty silly.
  20. I fell in love with college basketball in 1990, after years of thinking it was a boring game. I could barely watch an NBA game when my buddies had money on it...It's THAT different.
  21. I think of his article as more of a "the NBA may take a racist-type action (in a subtle manner, of course) against the black NBA player if said player doesn't make concessions (in a subtle manner, of course) to those that run the league.
  22. I'm shocked he had the stones to write something that's so openly unPC, and will likely be lambasted as entirely racist. While at the same time, saying something that makes complete sense both in a business sense, and as a commentary on the current societal status of this country. I applaud him for being so matter of fact. I'm sure he'll be villified.
  23. Whether it should be or not, it will be. In that sense, I think the arguement that fans will somehow gain motivation to do this on a grander scale (or do it at all) is flawed. The fans will pay for this within the realm of game attendance. I tend to think the added security isn't needed in practice, but as a deterrent, it's important that they show they wont let this crap happen again. Anyway, this is going to hurt the fans that aren't crazed lunatics, the Pistons, the Pacers, but most of all, the Pacer fans. It's pretty sad for sports.
  24. Don't you think security for NBA games will be nazi-esque for the forseeable future? I'm guessing that people will be thrown out for the tiniest of infractions, and arrested if they don't comply immediately. Any fan that tries to somehow recreate this in order to get someone else suspended will likely be VERY sorry he did. There will be reprocussions on both sides of the mess.
  25. LOL...I didn't think anyone was challenging manhoods here. I disagree with your premise, but you're not the one who said it was "mind boggling" for C22 to even mention the idea. I just wanted him to know that there may be people just as loyal to the Bills who agree with him, along with those that don't. Perhaps I came off too defensive. My apologies. As for ulterior motives, I'm guessing you're talking more along the lines of what we were discussing as opposed to, say, a wager made on the game. If that's the case, I'd rather see the Bills win in almost every scenario. There are some times where I would be able to accept a loss as being a positive if it meant that the team will be better off. I guess it comes down to personal preference in a sense.
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