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Everything posted by Kgun5

  1. Two of the three "teams" at 6-8 battling for the number 6 seed in the NFC are almost certain to lose this weekend. New Orleans hosts Atlanta, and St. Louis hosts Philadelphia. The other, Carolina, travels to Tampa Bay. Now I think Carolina will win, but if they don't, they'll be 4+ teams tied for the last NFC playoff spot at 6-9 headed into Week 17. So sad that it's funny.
  2. I agree, and don't like the tone of the post you responded to (seems to be a lot of that going around,) but I think the difference is motivation. That Jax crowd is going to be crazy on Sunday. I spent some time this week reading their board (since the Jax/GB game scared me more than any of the others) and they are going through the same process we are. Some even traveled to GB to see the game. They believe, and will come out in force Sunday to help their team. Houston will do what they can, but I just can't see them going into Jax and beating a Jag team that is playing with the same confidence Buffalo is. A likely scenario for week 17 is this: 1) Bills need to beat PIT. 2) Jets need to lose at Rams, OR Jags must lose at Raiders. We'll be hoping, but it won't be likely.
  3. CBS Sportsline did an article on that the week before they lost to the 49ers. Arizona would have been playing Seattle this week for the division lead, since the Cards beat the Hawks earlier this year.
  4. I think that would certainly help...Though the way the NFC is, the Rams may clinch a playoff spot by winning just one more. The way they played yesterday, I doubt they'll "play hard" for more.
  5. Along with the points listed above, how many points did the Pack piss away yesterday? 6 drives of note: Jax 11 - Fumble Jax 17 - Field Goal Jax 14 - Missed FG Jax 31 - Fumble Jax 3 - Interception Jax 22 - Interception
  6. I think the reason I hold out little hope for Jax losing a game is exactly the same one that explains why I think the Bills will win out (assuming they still have something to play for on 1/2/05). Just like the Bills, the Jags have been playing very well as of late. Their defense is taking the ball away, and their offense is playing MUCH better than it did earlier this year. The similarities to this Bills team are many. Plus, Houston and Oakland have nothing to play for, and aren't really big rivals of the Jags (like the Chiefs were to Denver). I really hope one of those two (HOU/OAK) can shock me, as I am still hoping (despite what other threads here have accused me of). However, I think it's actually more likely that the Jets lose their last two than it is for the Jags to slip up. That would accomplish the same thing, but I still think the chance of either is remote.
  7. Sigh...At least my conversation with jad1 turned into something somewhat civil, but along comes another mean spirited attacker. Great. I'd say it's pretty clear from the back and forth between jad1 and I that we both read the post, since we analyzed many parts of it. The fact that you actually quote part of my discussion about what was meant by the saying ""Its all over for us kids!" would seem to indicate that I read it, don't you think? I even included an example, which points out that I'm sure the phrase "It's all over" would have applied to the Bills/Bengals game with 2:00 left in the 4th, even though the game was not LITERALLY over. People use the phrase "it's over" all the time to describe things that are literally "just about over". In the same manner, it is my opinion that the Bills playoff chances are "just about over". If you don't agree, that's fine. I hope you're right...But that doesn't make the original poster here (who I don't know from Adam) or myself any less of a Bills fan than you. As for your self rightous "think first, think second, and then react...", thanks for showing exactly how condecending people here can get when their opinions differ from others. Whether you agree that the Bills' playoff chances are slim or not is one thing, whether you HOPE the Bills still make it is entirely another. I could see how those who aren't still hoping could be labeled as non-fans in some cases, but thinking that the chances of us making it are either small or great has nothing to do with how much a person WANTS it to happen. Hope is a great thing and I hope we all have it, but another great thing is tolerance. People will sometimes have different ideas/thoughts/prognostications than you. Try to attack their premise if you don't agree with them, not fire insults and question their fanhood.
  8. OK...I'm almost through arguing semantics with you, but you are correct. It's not "over". The original poster knew that, I know that, you know that. The spirit of the post was that it's "all but over". Just like the Bills game was "over" with 2:00 left, but not literally. Get it? Anyway, let me clear this up. I believe there is still a chance. I think it's a small chance. OK? Good enough for you? Can I be annointed to, say, jr. fan now? A bigot is exactly what was mentioned in the definition. Someone who is intolerant of someone else's opinion. Did you tolerate the original poster's opinion, or did you dismiss it out of hand, and then make comments about his feelings about the Bills? Your prejudice was against those Bills fans that don't think they have a good shot at the playoffs. In your view, someone must think the Bills still have a good chance to make the playoffs in order to be a fan. As for GWB, I'm sure he's acted the bigot many times, though I'm not going to list them. I have conceded nothing...Call the NFL and they'll tell you the same thing. I have agreed with the spirit of a post that proclaimed it "over", which as I described in number 1, means that I think it's very unlikely. No clue, huh? OK...I'll be quick about it. Your post mentioned Houston beating Jax. That game was in Houston, at the beginning of the year. The Jets beat the Bills, in NY, at the beginning of the year. You say that because Houston won that game, that it is evidence that they have a good chance of beating them again. So by that logic, the Jets should have beaten us in Buffalo, but they didn't. We became a better team and were playing at home. Jacksonville has become a better team, is playing at home, AND has something to play for (while Houston doesn't). Hope this explains things. You responded to me with an attack on my fanhood, and a question about what reality I live in. You also felt the need to use a pseudo profanity. Had you just disagreed with the premise, we would not be having this debate. You didn't. You spewed forth the bible-of-Bills-fanning according to jad1. I'm headed to bed to watch the Indy game. You can have the last word for tonight, but I'll respond to any legitimate questions about my stance tomorrow. For crying out loud, the simple fact that I'm here and willing to put this much time into arguing with you should tell you something about how I feel about this team. I hope you can accept the possibility that I might actually be big fan too. 'Night
  9. Main Entry: big·ot Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t Function: noun Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot : a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices 1) I didn't post "It's all over for us kids." This thread was started by someone else. 2) As you can see from the above definition, a bigot is someone who is intolerant of people with opinions that differ from his/her's. But please, enlighten my ignorance with your definition...Mine came from Websters. 3) Please explain how I am a "quitter" because I agree with a post that has nothing to do with ANYTHING the Bills have done, or will do. 4) The Jets beat us at home...I guess they beat us in the Ralph then...They didn't? Why was that? I guess the Bills were playing better and were also at home that game. Yes, this last comment is tongue-in-cheek, but it relates. A Houston or Oakland win is unlikely, but of course it could happen. My main beef is people like you that criticize people for opinions, no matter how valid, because they don't paint the rosy picture you'd like to see. REALITY DOES NOT MAKE A PERSON ANY LESS OF A FAN. You act like the writer of this post has somehow hurt the Bills' cause by pointing out the situation...That GB's loss all but ended our hopes for the playoffs. You have the right not to agree...You don't have the right to tell someone that they're not a fan because they feel the way this poster does.
  10. That's all we can do...Maybe the Jags will insult David Carr's mother or something.
  11. Uh-huh, those points relate to the discussion at hand very well. Actually, I was 15 at the time of the Houston game, and stayed the entire time. I also own two tapes of the game, which I ad to find from vendors in Texas and Arizona. But we both know that has nothing to do with what I said. We'll ALL watch next week, and we'll ALL hope things break our way. No one is disputing that. However, you seem to think it contemptuous to even suggest that our getting into the playoffs is now EXTREMELY unlikely due to the GB/JX result. Forgive us "not real" fans for seeing the world as it is, and not how we want it to be. Why don't you go ahead and tell me some more about things I've done in my life as evidence of how I suck as a Bills fan. At least that's more entertaining than watching you try to use logic to explain away your bigotry.
  12. How is he "pissing" all over what the Bills did? He's telling it like it is. And now you throw insults. Nice. What the Bills have done is great, and I don't think anyone isn't excited about it, but give the "you suck as a fan because you're not blind" BS a rest, ok? Why not just yell at the Buffalo newspapers tomorrow for reporting a GB win over Jax...They're obviously not Bills fans.
  13. I support the comment. All of the "never give up" comments are about what the BILLS did. What were talking about here are what OTHER TEAMS need to do. YOU guys kill me. No, it's not "over", but it's damn close...And shame on you all for yelling at the messenger. Self rightousness, they name is TBDer.
  14. Boy, one of those missed FG/TD opportunities would have been really nice, huh? Thanks Packers. You really showed the NFC for what it is today...Garbage.
  15. Miracle time.
  16. You mean DIDN'T knock the ball dwon.
  17. One more from Jax board...Gotta love it (after 10 years in the league): "WE - ALWAYS - GET - SCREWED! WHY - DOES - EVERYONE - HATE - US?! THIS - IS - .ING - BULL.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Uh-huh...Come to Buffalo, boys.
  18. Didn't see it, but I know we came back after a joke of a call early (on the punt 'illegal block' play).
  19. Quote from Jax board: "THats bullshnizzle!!!!" lol
  20. Allen and Salisbury both picked all 5 games to go the Bills' way this weekend.
  21. AHA!!!
  22. Seriously, it'd be good if someone here had it...
  23. With all of the useless stuff (that you'd already gone through) I''ve posted in this thread, it's nice to be able to give you something that might help. Buy the NFL again
  24. Looks as though they only SELL the official book...Shocker.
  25. Duh...right at the top it says, "THIS IS NOT THE REAL RULEBOOK". LOL. Hmmmm...Interesting.
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