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Everything posted by Kgun5

  1. Which is why I said that I WOULD have thought...Anyway, TD probably knew it, but figured he could sell more tickets with his "fun" picks. In the end, he might have been right about that, but it didn't save his job. TD = PT Barnum.
  2. Exactly...Those "skill" players are always limited by the abilities of those big fat guys on the lines. I would have thought every NFL GM would know this.
  3. This begs the question...Would you rather have had the Bills' season which, while terrible DURING the games, was at least humorous OFF the field, or the Colts' season followed by this incredible collapse? It will be tough for the Colt players to get over this, while perhaps the Bill players will flourish with the all new brass.
  4. Some MM reminants on that last score.
  5. Using Netscape, my browser can't even find sabresreport.com anymore. I do remember seeing something about the board going down though... Edit: IE seems to have no issues.
  6. Well, that's true. I suppose a good way to look it is how much a team can be hurt in either sport if its timeouts are misused.
  7. Who, me? No, although I have some acquaintences that are Pats fans.
  8. I was thinking about this one last night and wondered what others here thought about it. My personal feeling is that they are more a part of basketball, but they are more important in football. Plus, the very fact that teams get more timeouts to use in basketball tends to make their importance slighty less. Any thoughts, or is this too off-topic for this early in the off-season?
  9. Where is Sullivan speaking?
  10. The only two games he played? In 1991 for Levy's Bills. Edit: My bad, he also played 2 for Tampa in 1992.
  11. Stop that! How am I supposed to work for another hour now?
  12. This is exactly how I saw it, as well.
  13. From the way it sounded, I'd guess that he's at least on 20mg, but it's quite possible his dosage was upped to 100mg. The 120mg was clearly just a crack on JS, though.
  14. Number 3 seems very up in the air to me. Edit for: Oops, number error.
  15. How many "millimeters" of Viagra is Ralph on?
  16. I have a feeling that a lot of the "venom" you discuss stems from TD's treatment of the fans, as opposed to his failure as a GM. I also agreed with a lot of his moves, (although NOT trading up to get JP [or even taking Evans earlier that round,]) but hopefully he's still held to a higher standard in football operations than I am. The thing that gets me is the arrogance and contempt. Not just for the bandwagon fan, but also for the diehard, the dillusionist, the media -- and basically, the whole damn community. Bad things DO happen. People tend to be more understanding and forgiving, however, when the person making the mistakes isn't a complete jackass.
  17. However one feels about JP's ability, it was shockingly mishandled. So many coaches in pro sports underestimate how much confidence has to do with young-player success. These are still kids, for the most part. Sure, some guys are unflappable, but most aren't. New players have to be handled differently then veterans, and this wasn't done with JP. JP played his best when he threw caution to the wind. The coaches should have stood behind him and been supportive. Instead they gave him the hook in game #2. That kind of thing can kill a player. It's really too bad.
  18. Isn't that just always the way it happens for ex-Buffalo guys? Scotty Bowman still lives here for crying out loud...
  19. Notice that we are 3rd if we lose to Cincy...Wow.
  20. I don't necessarily mean play calling. I'm talking about clock management, bad challenges, slow reaction to others' game plans, etc. You're right about play calling. Some teams would make any play look good, others make the most sound ones look like crap. Edit: Off to Christmas Eve din-din. Merry X-mas all!
  21. I agree, and it's not because I hate MM. The bottom line is that MM makes decisions that either have, or could have, cost the Bills games. That's all that really matters to me.
  22. We can all hold hands and sing Christmas carols, unified in our thinking on the above point.
  23. That's fair enough. We just differ in opinion. Another issue is that if the GM felt the way you did, he could always trade down. In that case, it's tough to see the value in have the rights to a lower pick.
  24. Perhaps, but (at least IMO) free agency does more for teams on the cusp. Whereas, drafting is the route for teams looking to rebuild extensively. Of course the waters have muddied with respect to this in the last 10 years, but the youth of this team is where future success wll come from. All 1st rounders cost a bunch. The top 5 DO cost more, but would the difference between 5 & 10 really mean missing out on a free agent we want/need?
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