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Everything posted by tombstone56

  1. SO BASICALLY ,,"HE JUST CALLED THE" BUFFALO NEWS ," articles total B.S, ......gee what a surprise!!!!!!!!!!! maybe sully and the other"" liars "" there will finally get LORAX'ED
  2. PETER KING IS A HAS BEEN,!!!, ROBERT KLEMKO IS A WANNABE!!! ,, THIS IS why the words journalistic integrity mean nothing anymore,,
  3. he is a exceptional player,I watched him in college .he has LAWRENCE TAYLOR type ability, and you want to have him watch?? . i had similar surgery and was back lifting in 8 weeks,at full strenght after 4 months,,,,ITS TIME... , he will be good THIS YEAR! AND GREAT NEXT YEAR! ,,go bills
  4. PERSONALLY I will cheer for him if he is back on track,,when he ran it was with great power,, something I haven't witnessed in many years..when KARLOS was crashing thru tacklers ,the one guy he reminded me of was EARL CAMPBELL ,if you ever saw Campbell run in person you would see the same thing I see "possible' in KARLOS.. GOOD LUCK.... K-W.
  5. I DONT AGREE WITH the naysayers, i think he is going to be devastating ! he has been working out for months he will be a great addition imo.
  6. similar situation happened years ago player came here late,no training camp ,signed on a wednesday played on sunday ,got a sack on his third play if i recall it right.. you might of heard of him ..he was called "biscuit" !!! go bills!
  7. LET ME SHED A LITTLE MORE LIGHT ON THIS, THERE are two guys row 28 on the right side going down i think ,,they cry to security every time someone stands in that aisle, both think they own the aisle ,both are major "as#$%^&" but that is why security is there because of them .i think they hold hands most of the game ,that might explain more.
  8. THEY ARE SAYING THE SAME stuff now about BOSA that was said about a guy named CORNELIUS BENNETT, ,, I hope it has same result!
  9. probably because he wanted to punch geno after watching him play
  10. ISNT THE JAGS owner a Muslim? IS that's why wife-beaters and abusers can play there .
  11. SPEAKING AS SOMEONE WHO HAS HAd "multiple "back surgeries,,6-8 weeks !! fat chance..he likely had a lamenectomy ,,that is where the disc is trimmed so to speak,,,for it to fully heal its more like 6 months.. if he plays with it not fully healed .all a offensive lineman has to do is lean his weight on Watts shoulder ,he will be toast!
  12. THE ANSWER IN SIMPLE,,,TELL THEM TO GET A WARRANT!!!............. if not tell them to f-off .. you still have rights!!
  14. I THINK IT GREAT! but put it in WHEATFIELD on the BLVD. we need some more good diners !!
  15. LETS see a entire thread based on a ESPN writer,you folks must be bored. some have suggested 'RYANs " have a motive,,BS..all the crazies off their meds? The only motive any coach has is to win!..to think that in his second year here, its make or break,, unless the team goes 2-14 that is ludicrous..,,it was obvious how half hearted "mario" played last year it had to infect others ,on the defense,,,this year we will see what happens,,,till then just enjoy the ride... go bills
  16. THAT IS THE TYPICAL ENGLISH MENTALITY,, FROM the people that brought the world slavery!!
  18. SHOULD,, tyrod evolve into a franchise type qb is something only time will prove ,for the first time in his career he entered the off season as the starter ,with sammy ,lashon,,clay ,and others including a line that seems headed in the right direction his future is bright,wheather he succeeds is now in his hands.
  19. KINDA like having a casino next to where a proposed s stadium site is huh, gee where did that happen?
  20. I HAVE a different take on this, you see i look at it as a homecoming of sorts, , both Rob are Rex are buffalo guys way more than many realize.. both were born in 1962 you following so far ? that is while Buddy was coaching the Buffalo Bulls from 61-65 ,meaning UB .so you can likely say they are Buffalo guys from conception ! WELCOME HOME ROB! ok NOW the BN has a new story to copy
  21. ABOUT TIME!!! the BUFFALO NEWS is a joke,, they have been plagerizing articles for years!!! the so called sports team is nothing but a tabloid reporters ,i doubt there has been a original thought in a decade . its great for someone calling them out ,,the used the .. " source" ...to impune players , coaches and ownership in teams here, in others words they have flat lied repeatedly ,and gotten away with it!
  22. without knowing who next years DC is ,hard to predict anyone on the defense. without knowing who next years DC is ,hard to predict anyone on the defense.
  23. gees don't people ever learn?? he will likely draft a one-legged running back, a corner that has a eye problem or maybe a defensive end with a bad foot.. ,if not maybe he will trade a arthritic linebacker to us? ..oh excuse me ,,that's what he did here, I forgot... NOT!!
  24. I WILL RENEW MY TICKETS BUT like the man says the " refs" are the almost as bad as the 70's when "Shula's" refs never would call a flag on the fish,, I think maybe its time though FOR THE PEGULA'S to step up and say something instead of sitting in a corner acting like the new kids! RALPH could see it , I AM pretty sure they can too! NFL has outgrown the refs now their incompetence is becoming a glaring problem ,its apparent that the NFL needs to be embarrassed publicly before they react any differently.!
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