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Everything posted by bills44

  1. Todd Schlopy maybe Shayne Graham
  2. "I'm pissed off to the highest degree of pissivity" "well, they played pretty good today, and we still kicked their damn ass" -Thurman, regarding the endless excuses offered by the Dolphins after their losses to the Bills
  3. I wish nothing but the worst for this scumbag POS
  4. As BBD said, " never trust a big butt and a smile"
  5. Yeah, I'm with you. Can't stand white trash.
  6. Hard Knocks is going to be interesting this week...
  7. Great beer, and good food. http://bier-markt.com/
  8. Clark Judge @ClarkJudgeCBS At Bills camp where Steve Johnson wears T shirt saying, "Yes We Chan," with Gailey's face, not Prez's, depicted. Gotta love SJ...
  9. Forgot about that show. Is "Dream On" on HBO GO?
  10. Did concussions cause his sleep apnea?
  11. and that he's looking at 3 teams. The writer speculates that the Bills could be one of the 3 teams. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/blog/eye-on-football/19445395/donovan-mcnabb-an-80-90-percent-chance-ill-play-this-year In scrolling through the teams who might need a somewhat capable, 35-year-old backup who's looked old and ineffective while playing for the Redskins and Vikings, I've come up with three possible options: the Bills if Vince Young is absolutely terrible, the Ravens and the Colts.
  12. Man, this is just heartbreaking. I'm so, so sorry, Ye Ole.
  13. Not to Jeff Wright. During the comeback, Jeff Wright looked at the camera man, and said "It's pandemonia! All over!". I don't know if he meant to say "fandemonium", or "pandemonium", but either way, he was wrong. That's one of the random moments from the game that my brother and I still laugh about. Others: Carwell Gardner: "It's ours (points to helmet). B-lo!!!" Darryl Talley "We're a team, dammit. We can overcome!" Mark Maddox: "They don't want it!" Biscuit doing the Fred Sandford on the sideline. Sam Seale rubbing his head, incredulous at what's going on.
  14. It's pandemonia! All over!
  15. Not proud of it, but I used to do it all the time while in college. Wouldn't think of doing so now. Never hit anyone or anything, though.
  16. Same here. It's tiring watching Wade and James whine like children on the rare occasion that calls don't go their way. BTW, James shot 17 FTs tonight, the entire Celtics team, 15.
  17. 3 on Pierce, 3 on KG
  18. Look for Wade and James to live at the FT line in the 2nd half
  19. I guess I really don't put much stock into what kids say on social media sites. If she knew that she was going to get hit, and then fly 50 yards, then she had a much better understanding of physics than I did at the age of 18. Regardless, I'm more concerned about the juror's belief that there was "reasonable" doubt that Corasanti knew he hit something. After all, these other witnesses saw her, right?
  20. She was literally in the middle of the road? I thought that the damage was to Corasanti's passenger side fender. If he was driving straight, that would indicate that she was on the right side of his car, not in the middle of the road. I drive on that road literally 3-4 times a week. It's a bit winding, so driving even 5 mph over the speed limit isn't a great idea. Especially after you've been drinking
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