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Everything posted by bills44

  1. Nah, that TB defense had nothing to do with Johnson getting to the Super Bowl, did it?
  2. Uh oh. This is not going to go over well. I predict that despite you saying this: "And please, don't read into this, I am not suggesting that JP is the answer in the least although the team, as a team, has put up more points on average with him under center and has generally been marginally more effective otherwise from an offensive standpoint. ", you will be labelled a Losman supporter.
  3. ** http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3496481
  4. http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/394619.html
  5. This should really help Rodgers feel like he has the support of Packer fans: http://cbs.sportsline.com/nfl/story/10896881
  6. Crissy actually stomped on Aminu Timberlake. But yeah, if the roles were reversed, you can bet that a UK player would've gotten the boot (no pun intended). http://www.truthaboutduke.com
  7. Considering the circumstances, I can't believe how composed and well-spoken Luke Russert was at the service. Luke even mentioned his father's love of the Bills.
  8. Courageous, gritty and gutty effort from the Lakers tonight. Their defense was swarming, and they played with passion Congrats to the Celts, especially The Truth. Red > Phil Jackson
  9. I can see the Libel lawsuit now... Kimberly Shpeley vs. End Zone Crew.
  10. http://www.buffalonews.com/258/story/370894.html
  11. I'm just curious as to the amount of the civil judgment/settlement (if any) you people expect in this situation.
  12. Haha. She's "a very sweet person"....WTF does that have to do with anything? Why is this ambulance chaser being so cryptic about the extent of his client's injuries?
  13. Yeah, I saw that, and I posted as much in another thread. I think that would be a great tribute to Russert.
  14. Yeah, Brokaw did a great job on Meet The Press this morning. I particularly enjoyed Brokaw saying that at his mother's apartment, Russert's book was on the top of the stack of books on the coffee table. MSNBC said that legislation will be introduced to rename the portion of Route 20A around Ralph Wilson Stadium "Tim Russert Highway"
  15. Great story, plez. Never met Russert, but your story is exactly how I imagined him to be. Blitzer was on NBC's tribute to Russert - he told a story about he and Russert meeting the pope. Russert looked at Blitzer, and said something to the effect of "Can you believe it? Here we are, two kids from Buffalo, and we're going to meet the Pope." Russert NEVER forgot where he came from, and he wore his Buffalo upbringing like a badge of honor.
  16. Had to be tough for Brokaw.
  17. Brokaw ended the Russert Tribute with a "Go Bills"
  18. Sadly, no.
  19. Some memorable Russert quotes: "....being a Buffalonian means getting up, dusting yourself off, and going back in". on the Bills winning the Super Bowl: "One day, it's going to happen".
  20. This truly sucks. Russert just seemed like a genuinely good guy. As someone said earlier in this thread, he never stopped being one of us.
  21. Posey is the new "Big Game James"
  22. Nice choke, Zen Master. Is he going to whine about the refs again?
  23. Is Marshawn Lynch going somewhere?
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