people can rev up the excuse machine, but he had plenty of time to throw, and he had the support of a good running game tonight. He was clearly gun shy, as he failed to pull the trigger on a number of throws to wide open receivers - Evans in particular (not sure if they showed it on TV, but Evans was open for much of the game). I love Lynch and all, but he shouldn't be catching 10 passes in a game. Throw the ball downfield, Sally. I haven't even mentioned the 3 picks yet....
Some other thoughts:
-I've always considered Jauron a spineless tool, but I'm not sure if I can blame him for the final possession. Edwards was awful all game, so I can see why Jauron was reluctant to let him throw on that final set of downs.
- Interestingly, I watched LIndell kick to the scoreboard end zone at the half. He was having a tough time hitting from the 30. I wonder if he relayed this to Dickless.
- Kelsay. You suck. Plain and simple, you suck. And you're a thief to boot. I hope you feel guilty whenever you cash a paycheck from OBD.
- McKelvin. Nice to see him hit the hole, rather than hesitate, on the KO returns.
- Lynch. No player on the Bills has the heart that he does. Best game from a Bills RB in a long time.
- Edwards. I've never been sold on him as a long-term answer at QB, and tonight (along with the previous 3 weeks) only strengthened my belief. This is the 2nd year in a row that his play has regressed. Can anyone actually say that he's better now than he was a year ago? Note that this is NOT a call for Losman to start at QB, but I think that the Bills have to think long and hard about drafting a QB (along with DE, OC, OG, LB) next year.
- Same sh--, different year. Can't believe that the Bills extended Dickless' contract.