They were cooked, IMO, even before the Cleveland game. So I don't think 4-6 are really season changing plays.
My ranking (from most damaging to least damaging): 3, 2b, 2a, 1
He did play 2 weeks ago. Don't you remember the scoreless half with Edwards at QB against the mighty 49ers D?
When was the last time that the offense scored 3 TDs against a team that finished their season with a winning record?
I'd like to punch Fireman Ed in the face, mid-chant.
I've only been to one Bills-Jests game at the Meadowlands, but Ed was sitting on the opposite side of the field
Coaching, personnel and on-field performance have all been contributing factors to another sh------- season. Off the top of my head, I'd rank them as follows:
Coaching 35%
On-field performance: 35%
Personnel: 30%