Take it for what its worth......
But was at a local sports store in my area, amazing Bills fans that own the store, they have inside knowledge from a person that went to school with their daughter said the following: "The heard Mr. Wilson has gone right to the NFL about something, and I guess its pretty huge" They wouldnt go any further then that. Like I said take it for what its worth.....I know what I heard and I know the people that own the store very well.......
Now as to what Ralph Wilson went to the NFL about I have no idea, the sale of the team? Maybe.......But right now it has not been reported.
Fire away at the " i know someone who knows someones" blah blah blah.......
Like I said its a reliable source and I will leave it at that.......
If anyone has heard something about this or similar please share more information cause at this moment its all I have.