Bills owner Ralph C. Wilson called Channel 2 Sports Director Ed Kilgore late Tuesday afternoon following his press release that the Bills will retain Dick Jauron as head coach.
"I hope its for the best of the team...we hope to improve the team", Wilson said, adding "it wasn't that tough a decision for me at all, it was for everybody else!" , which was followed by a big chuckle.
Wilson confirmed to Kilgore that Jauron has, indeed, signed a new contract extension, but Wilson said he'd rather not get into the specifics of earlier reports it is a three year deal.
As for any assistant coaching changes, Wilson said "I really don't think that will happen, and if it does, that's totally up to Dick".
How about front office or scouting staff changes? "Naw, I don't think we'll be making any changes there either", Wilson said.
When I asked Wilson if he felt disgruntled fans who felt Jauron should be fired might not renew season tickets, he just laughed and said "they're losing season tickets all over the league, and it's mostly the economy". In other words, his decision to retain Jauron isn't really based on the bottom line.
Wilson also said, when I asked him how he's doing, "I'm hanging in there pretty good for an old guy", and he did say he's happy to have the decision about Jauron out of the way so that everybody in the organization can move forward.
I cant take it......I dont even know what to say, didnt Ralph say we didnt have talent? Well talent is provided by scouting dept.......