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Everything posted by marauderswr80

  1. Im not saying the Bills needed to spend like the Skins. But there were players out there that they could have had that would have made the team better in one day. They had the cap space to do it.....they didnt. Thats all im saying.
  2. ..................../´¯/) ..................,/¯../ ................./..../ .........../´¯/'...'/´¯¯`¸ ......../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ......('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .......\.................'...../ ........''...\.......... _.´ ..........\..............( ............\.............\...
  3. On day one, a couple teams in the AFC EAST just got a little stronger. While we didnt do anything.
  4. We have major needs to fill.....players were there for the taking to help the team, we did nothing. NOTHING! Stop the dont rush into things approach. These teams that have made moves today, most likely will make some kind of push to play in January....
  5. LOL......Buffalo takes yet another hit. Yet again a team within the division gets stronger while we sit ho hum........
  6. Its all of the above......
  7. Same talent, same coaching due to having the same owner. It wont change till ownership changes.
  8. My thoughts exactly man.....we have needs. We have major needs.....day one of FA we fill NONE of them. The one thing I dont get are these people saying they are ok with what the FO has done thus far.....crazy!
  9. So your the least bit mad that the org has done NOTHING first day of free agency, while many teams in the NFL get a head start on making their team better? I understand the whiners and all, hell im one of them. But this organization has a long long long ways to go to repair the fans faith with the team. They could have done so today, making some moves to improve the team. At least show the fans, hey look we understand the frustration and we are doing what we can to improve. Thus far NOTHING! Its a huge diapointment. We enter yet another night of wondering whats going on with our beloved Buffalo Bills.
  10. That Corey McIntyre deal was a major ground breaking deal. I mean its made headlines all over....... Typical, Dolphins, Jets, Pats all get better, Buffalo actually got worse.......
  11. WOW, bitched all the way to bed........Good night folks!
  12. Dude, we have a RB whos about to serve a 4 game suspension and we couldnt even land a old man vet....... Now you have us getting the best WR on the market and Kurt Warner.....Who the hell on our roster would make Warner come here? You think he leave the Cards who currently have the best WR core in the league?
  13. Just another swift kick in the nuts to us Bills fans by the front office. Expect this time jackoffs are patting them on the back for it......
  14. Common sense does not exist within OBD.
  15. Is # 87 taken for the Fins? If not it is now.....Nice move OBD......way to knock that one outta the park.
  16. I hear the other guard from the Steelers may be available too.....Keomatue or whatever his name is....I might be wrong, but I swear I seen that on rotoworld.......
  17. Dont let him look at anyone else facility, cause thats when we lose him!
  18. Birk, Coles would be a nice start......however we need to start looking at a replacement for Dockery as well. And this Peters thing, did he get what he wanted today or what? If not we better pay close attention to that too.
  19. Rome was not built in a day, you are correct about that......but at least the foundation was built with some walls to hold things together....which is something this organization still dont have...... Defense sucks, Offense sucks, Coaching sucks......shall I go on.
  20. Buffalo a tough product to sell, but the one thing I wish the Bills front office would do is try to sell the family aspect of things. Schools, parks, ect.....
  21. For a team desperate as the Bills, I would have thought a move would have been made by now. I mean the fan base is shrinking hour by hour with no moves made. The players are out there to make the team better, we have the money, why no moves yet? They have a long ways to go to mend the relationship with its fan. Honestly I would have thought a major move would have been made first few hours of FA. But to wait almost an entire day. I dont get it. I know the patience game better then anyone out there. But show some signs of wanting to make the team better. I dont think we can use these so called visits as signs either....... Show me something....something! Show me they had an offer for Haynesworth, show me they tried to get TJ H-14 in here, show me they tried to make a trade for Winslow......show me something for crying out loud. Id rather FAIL trying then to fail trying at all.....
  22. Hes a guy that id love to see the Bills take a solid look at. Any thoughts about him?
  23. Good, I hate that guy!
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