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Everything posted by marauderswr80

  1. Thats the thing, noone at OBD including players wouldnt know what to do if T.O. went off the way we all know he can..... And as fans, we can barely put up with what Lynch is doing!
  2. Buffalo would trade away the pick or just not make one at all. They wouldnt pay for Coles, you think they would pay top dollar for a player, let alone a rookie one......NO!
  3. This place would explode if T.O. signed in Buffalo.....you all know it. You cant tell me you wouldnt be curious!
  4. I dont think its stupid. I think its more dangerous. Reason being this team already has major issues. T.O. is about the only thing that would get the fans really excited for 2009. I mean ticket sales would go through the roof! I sit back and see how they are handling the Jason Peters ordeal and that alone tell me they could never handle a T.O. type player. But if you all want Trent Edwards to grow with his career, you better get him more help cause if you dont, hes another Losman in the making!
  5. If and this is a BIG IF, If T.O. wanted to prove himself as a team player and show people he loves the game of football, and that money dont matter to him, then Buffalo is the place for him. but in all honesty, he wont come here. The market is not big enough for him. But then again crazy things can happen.
  6. I think Indy will make a run for him....
  7. gun charge.....has to be 4 loaded gun to right? Drugs were involved no? I cant remember..... I think he gets 4.
  8. Who would want to come here with Trent Edwards as the QB?
  9. I still think Fred Jackson is the better back. Lynch has more power, but overall Jackson is the better of the 2.
  10. I was gonna say cats dont count.
  11. No they are not about to do bigger things..........
  12. They do it's called 68 lame @ss seconds with Langston Walker!
  13. 29 million under the cap, they have barely spent anything.......TRUST ME THEY COULD HAVE KEPT HIM! AND SHOULD HAVE!
  14. Before I read your post, I was 100% against brining T.O. in here. But that "chip on his shoulder" thing has me curious. But I would have thought he had that chip on his shoulder when he was with Dallas. Personally, I dont think he will ever consider playing for Buffalo. We all know he would love it here, low key town, I think Buffalo would keep him out of trouble. But I have a bad feeling, some team in the AFC East makes a run for him or the Redskins.
  15. We couldnt land Coles, how in the world do you think we can land Owens? I want an explanation on how you think we can get him to come here? I do agree, skills wise he has it all. Mentally I think there is something wrong with him. He cried when he didnt get the ball with the 49ers, he demanded a trade from Baltimore, he cried when he didnt get his way in Philly, he cried and damn near committed suicide in Dallas......they cut him....Now if you think if hes all of a sudden going to change his way for the Bills you are wrong. He wasnt happy with Steve Young throwing him the ball, He was not happy with McNabb, He complained about not getting the ball in Dallas.......If he come to Buffalo he may very well threaten to kill Trent Edwards for not throwing to him more then 10 yards down field.....we cant even get the ball to Lee Evans down field....... Get my point? Every team he has played & hasnt played for (baltimore) he has been a problem for them. This front office couldnt handle a Terrell Owens type player, neither could our coaching staff......
  16. Like him or not he says what he feels and most of the time he is right.
  17. The Bills are on the brink of an NFL Championship? Cato June knows he was visiting the Bills and not the Dolphins, Jets or Pats right? Right there tells me Cato June is a total moron!
  18. I dont know I thought Mike Furrey would be a decent grab!
  19. He will end up with one of the 3 other teams in the AFC East or Raiders.
  20. As much as he would help our team, he would be more of a problem for us. Great talent, but total A-hole!
  21. Cant argue any of that with you man.....i agree with ya.....
  22. Buffalo has to go DE in with its first pick. Honestly, I wont be shocked if they go DE picks 1 & 2
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