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Everything posted by marauderswr80

  1. first off....god bless your mom and family! I share the same passion about the Bills as you do! For me in life, it's God, family, the bills..I was raised to be a bills fan, I don't know anything else. I have 3 kids, 2 sons and a daughter....my 7 year old last night asked me " daddy why do the Bills always hurt my heart". I was speechless, why...cause he has never asked me a Bills question in his life, I wasn't cerain he even liked football. But the question is am I doin the right thing raising them to be Bills fans? That's the question! the first time I ever swore in front of my father was during the comeback game....i dropped the f bomb...he just looked at me and says go to your room. Needless to say an hour later he's yellin for me to come out and see what's happening.... in the end....this franchise won't change until ownership does.
  2. i ve gotta disagree here....i understand your point, but being the losers we are things are magnified. We B word when players get into trouble cause they are suppose to be role models, so when they show that role model attitude on the field we still B word....its a double edge sword I know. I'm as frustrated as anyone about the state of the team. But it's hard to get mad when they show sportsmanship even when they are getting waxed. overall it's just a pitifull team, from top (ralph wilson) to bottom....
  3. he feels bad until he looks at his bank account and laughs at us.....for the idiots we are for supporting a crap franchise.....
  4. you call him "mr" I call him a thief! Steals boat loads of money from loyal fans.
  5. dwan edwards??? Oh!!!! Our DE that was being pushed back by the Jets TE? Some sweet moves eh?
  6. when my 6 year old sons at the dinner table and says "dad why do the bills make my heart hurt"?.....yeah it's that bad for us bills fan folks, we now have children callin out the bills and how they suck!
  7. we needed a QB and a LT this past draft and we took a RB....so yeah it seems to be difficult for the dumbasses running this team. You think ralph will pony up the big bucks to pay a number one draft pick....NO!!! Owners garbage teams garbage.....simple guys.
  8. my wife has seen battery operated crock pots for camping....see if ya can fine one. Enjoy the game though!
  9. nice post....but with all the facts you bring, all I find myself doing is pointing the finger at the front office who brought these guys in and made the moves to get them here. Nothing will change unless ownership changes.
  10. Maybin reminds me of that one skinny highschool player we see every year on any team who wears huge pads to make him look bigger then he really is.....and pumps his chest when he lands on top of the pile. but he also looks like an etheopian (sp?) trying to play football....
  11. it pains me to say this but I've gotta........ we are 1 quality owner "who cares about winning" we are 5 plus OL and 5 plus DL we are 3 plus WR's we are 1 solidified HC and an entire front office away from being revelant in the NFL again. basically...we need SEVERAL things to happen to be good. The front office has had every chance to make the team better. However for whatever reason our owner has neglected to do anything. The T.O. Thing was to low ball the fans to sell tickets, that's what it was. The C.J. Spiller pick, most exciting player in the draft...we take him over desperate needs. Will spiller be good? Sure....when he leaves the bills for greener pasture. To say the 2010 draft was good is a joke, we basically drafted a player to sell tickets, then after drafted kids who don't see the field...that sets a franchise back years. This past draft set the team back 3 years if not more. Name one guy NOT named spiller that will produce? I mean hell right now spiller hasn't done anything, but it's tough when you get the ball handed to you once a game. You heard me....we gave the most explosive player in the draft the ball once...that has WTF written all over it. bottom line get a new young owner who wants and is willing to do what it takes to put a winning team on the field for it's fans...Ralphs continues to suck money from our hard earned pay checks. if I was an owner of the Bills I'd put every single breathe it took to put a winner on the field....and I wouldn't stop till the day I died.....i would never be content....
  12. I think the franchise either ruined relationships or let go players due to lack of willing to pay them... where would the team be if we kept, Pat Williams, winfield, spikes, fletcher, greer, peters, incognito, owens, clements...ect...these guys are better then who we have now. Maybe not better then our DB's idk, but point being we let some solid talent walk instead of paying them. I'm no expert, but games are won in the trenches....we can't win at the point of attack on either side of the ball...until that happens, expect any talent we have go down the drain! only thing that's gonna save the franchise is a new owner. God bless Ralph, but the NFL is a newer style of operation...we need a young hungry owner to take over and do what it takes to win. kinda like a Mark Cuban sorta owner....dont shoot me.
  13. we need talent. But why don't we have it? Bottom line it's the owner! There has been plenty of talent out there for the team but our owner chooses to get C list athletes. On offense how many of the 11 starters can start for other teams? I count 2 maybe 3 tops! We have starters who would be 2nd 3rd string on other teams. Buffalo is a talentless franchise and will be till they are sold to someone who wants to build a winner, instead of an owner building his pocket book!
  14. I feel the same.....i used to post here on a regular basis, but it was to the point where I was bashed on every thought I had on the bills. Die Hard you were by far my favorite poster on here....sad to see you go....but do what you gotta do. Good luck and god bless.....twobillsdrive lost a good dude today....thats a shame!
  15. there is no QB that could have a productive season behind our OL. i mean maybe a QB that can run around and make plays....a QB with legs.....but a pure pocket passing QB would and will get killed behind our line. I feel bad for our QB this year.....
  16. not gonna sit here and say i know everything there is to know about football.....but anyways.....last i knew it takes a solid QB to get his WR the football.....which Lee Evans has never had. Also other then last year with TO Lee has never had another quality WR on the other side to help him out. kinda hard to put up numbers when your QB checks down left and right but when you cant protect the QB to begin with i suppose checking down is the only option........ And as for Lee going over the middle he goes over the middle but it helps when your QB can find you. Anyways i thought TO was suppose to be the over the middle guy? And as for Lee dropping passes i can count more great catches hes made theb critical drops. but yea lets trade Evans......lol.....lets depend on a bunch of guys who have not proved a damn thing in the nfl. but really in the end its a QB driven league and thats our biggest weakness is QB we dont have a legitimate one.....not only is our QB's not ligitimate in the nfl our not so ligitimate OL cant protect the scrubs we have now...... anyways........i will stop making sense dont wanna confuse anyone around here
  17. i love how people say the pats are not good as they used to be....this makes me laugh why you........cause they still kick our asses evevry year. while im not drinkin the jets koolaid but let me tell ya that koolaid looks pretty sweet. at least the jets take chances on building a winnng franchise. whats buffalo done for the team to even be able compete in the division yeah nothing........ i know what koolaid the bills give their fans and its called **** flavored.........
  18. then why does everyone else think buffalo totally **** the bed this draft........other then spiller name one guy that says wow hes really gonna turn that position around? yes you have to rebuild the lines but for christ sakes guys do it with quality talent. the bills front office didnt make this team any better then we were a year ago. so from my stand point this organization dont care about its fans. listen to ralph talk.....says he knows the teams been dull past ten years.....thats nice its taken ten years for the old bastard to figure it out. enjoy losing every year while the pats jets phins all get better..... damn lions will make the playoffs before we do........ fire away homers......i will accept my ban now just dont go pete rose on me....... but really bills fans bend over cause we got screwd again being great fans.....sorry we deserve better.
  19. nah noway man......jackson has more power then you think. he rarely goes down first contact hes better at catching the ball out of the backfield overall jackson is the better back and better person..... its sad to see lynch go downhill so fast. i do like him.....but gotta do whats best for the team if we can get a 3rd or 4th for him we gotta do it.
  20. lol....i dont care if it gets any hits at 3am but in all honesty this guy needs an apology from most posters around here when his mock came out......i really dont mind the pick of spiller. i think in he end we will all be greatful we drafted him
  21. it was funny when the boards exploded when this guy had his mock draft and the bills takin spiller.........you guys called him every name in the book........and here we are spiller on the bills....... you all owe the dude an apology........
  22. i dont mind the spiller pick i mean whats wrong with a little excitment with the offense? i can tell u this the front office needs to address the qb spot and the ol and dl. i also think we keep lynch as insurance stop and think what if someones rb goes down early training camp and preseason? all of a sudden a team can panic and we get more out of them draft pick wise.......
  23. Nice article and thanks for sharing. But in the end every draft pick teams make is risky. Anyways thanks for sharing.
  24. Personally, Id like to have a guy who's played in the NFL then a rookie, but in the end we have to be able to protect the QB and until that can happen, we can only pray for the guy we have at QB not to get killed.
  25. It's been a very long time since I've posted on these boards...although have frequently visited here to keep up on the latest Bills "rumors" and GOOD/BAD news on our team....... Here are some of my thoughts that are going on with this team and players. First, I will start with Marshawn (Beastmode, Bustmode) Lynch...Look I've been going back and forth on this guy. The kid has all the skills/toughness to play the RB position, he just lacks the brains in life that could make him better. I do think he needs to spend more time in Buffalo with his teammates and stay away from the Bay area as to me is where the trouble is for this guy or shall I say more so then the Buffalo area (minus the hit and run). Is it really true if you surround a bad reputation guy with good character guys he can change? I think so, bu Lynch needs to apply himself into that position or else he could find himself right out of the NFL. Anyways, I think if the new regime (staff) can sit down with the kid and talk with him, I think it would benefit the Bills to have Lynch on the team. Id hate to see him go even though I've been very objective about him. But in the end you have to do whats best for the team. 2nd: Tim Tebow....I cant count how many negative threads I see on this kid or negative press. For that reason alone I want to see the kid prove everyone wrong, it would be even better to see the kid prove everyone wrong in a Bills uniform. I watched the kid play ball for the Gators and he has LEADER written all over him. Now this leads me to a question: Who has leader written all over them on the Bills? I can only think of 2 guys.....Lee Evans and Freddy Jackson. Honestly we need more leaders then that. Look Tebow is a project no doubt, but I really do think in due time he can be a good QB that can lead the Bills to the playoffs. 3rd: The draft......NOONE here can honestly say they know what way the Bills are gonna draft? From my knowledge of the game of football, games are WON in the trenches. He who has the best OL & DL go places and go far. And from my standpoint Buffalo is 5-8 guys away from having good OL & DL's. We need 2 Tackles a LT & RT, we need a Center and really is Eric Wood going to be any good after that leg injury? Thats a huge question mark in my book. Thats 4 spots on the OL that are HUGE ??????????? This team wont see the playoffs until the OL & DL are solid. I dont care who you have at QB. If that OL is not fixed why draft a QB and get him killed? I mean lets face it, its not the smartest idea. Enough about the big ugly guys, what about WR's? Yea we have Lee Evans, but who else? James Hardy, Steve Johnson all unproven guys....again we have ZERO help for Lee Evans. And man this really hurts to say this cause Lee Evans is my favorite player but we all know his numbers dont go with what we are paying him, granted not his fault........but trade the guy before he gets any older. I really do think Denver would take him for a couple draft picks. Great character guy, great player.....like I said I hate to say it. But why let Lee Evans career go down the crapper while the Buffalo Bills rebuild? I think Lee deserves better then the Bills......I love the guy want him to be here forever, but really does he deserve to be here? If we keep him, GET HIM HELP!!!!!!!!!! 2 seconds for Marshall, I would have gave that for him, well worth the gamble but yet again ANOTHER AFC EAST rival just got better. Bottom line this team has WAY too many needs to fill in this years draft way too many......but if the team needs its draft picks I guess trading them away is not smart either. Personally trade the 9th pick and stock pile the picks. Anyways.....I dont know what else to say other then this team is 3-5 years away from even making the playoffs. We are an offensive line and defensive line away from being a solid club, add a worthy QB and we might be a wildcard team, add some QUALITY WR's and we can make the playoffs...... Fire away ladies and gentlemen, just be easy on me its been a while........ Thanks. Tom
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