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Everything posted by marauderswr80

  1. I think the pats bills dec 26th may get flexed.....that has potential to be a tough game for the pats for the division.....
  2. did you guys forget the fumble lee evans recovered to keep the Bills the ball? He may have not had many plays but getting that fumble saved the Bills right there and then. I bet evans catches that ball that was thrown to johnson....
  3. from my playing experiences on OL, you are able to lay on any defender as long as he was taken to the ground by not being held? I could be wrong....but I've had cases where I made a clean legit block and laid on top of the defender to slow him down and it was never called.... bills should have been called for a 15 yarder when they twisted big ben when he was on the ground.
  4. Kelsay is playing much better football and the OL did a good job. Nice writeup though!
  5. there is talent....biggest difference is that it's being used this year. We desperately need a tightend! And we need a monster of a DT to help Kyle Williams!
  6. a few weeks ago NONE of us thought the bills would put up 30 plus on a tough ravens defense, bills shoulda won. This day and age any NFL team can beat any NFL team. Week to week teams change in the NFL. Giants at one point were all but in the super bowl, dallas hammers them then the eagles beat them. but man would I give anything to have the miami, chiefs, ravens, bears games back. I see a 2-8 team who can easily be 6 - 2 or 5 - 3..... bring on the steelers, love to see this team make another statement!
  7. Green better then Evans? Can Green take away all the double coverages? If you wanna draft a wr I'd take blackmon from okst over green.
  8. it's you!
  9. steve johnson's numbers don't exist without evans on the field. Evans takes away ALL coverage from Johnson. Evans stats may not light up the stat sheet, but having him on the field helps our other WR's. Tough to make plays when you have 2 or more guys keying you all game long!
  10. nice to hear how much johnson counts on evans. Hopefully that can end the trade lee talks....
  11. according to Darrell Revis, Lee Evans is the toughest WR to cover.....but with no Evans, johnson is not getting the numbers. Lee always takes on double coverages....always!!! It's up to Gailey to get Lee in a position to get open.
  12. do more picks = more draft busts? More inactive guys on sundays? I've always been a fan of getting more picks, but we have got to do a better job at getting talent.
  13. 1.8 million dollars to an NFL team is like 5 bucks to us fans! I just hope they didn't sell many of those jerseys to kids....thats a shame if they did.
  14. I'd love to see him make it and have a nice career! To wish anything bad on him is dumb!
  15. that would be great to see Fitz in the pro bowl!
  16. I don't blame Maybin for where he was drafted, I blame the Bills for drafting him when he was unproven even in college. I blame the front office for the Maybin pick when Orakpo was still there for us to pick. Maybin didn't show much in college and nor does he in the pros. Total garbage pick and he's robbing the Bills of several millions of dollars. I won't be shocked if they cut ties with him before the season. however...... if I'm the Bills front office and make a phone to Bruce Smith to see if he can help the kid out! I still think there is time for improvement, but....man he's gotta lot of work to do.
  17. anytime a team takes a tough loss, blaming the ref is easy to do...... but here is how I see it..... 1) Corner INT was a good call....look at it this way if it was the Ravens WR catching the ball is it a TD? NO it's not....tough call but right call. Either way, heck of a play by Corner. 2) Nelson fumble....I will never complain about hustle and determination, it's just unfortunate those 2 things costed us the game. Was forward progress stopped? Yes....until our OL said you can't stop us and started pushing the pile for more yards, which is why the fumble stood as called. tough loss but sure as hell am proud of the team!
  18. when a QB puts those type of numbers against that defense the OL is doin it's job!
  19. we have to take the same approach to the QB situation like the Jets did. They built a strong OL then brought in the sanchize.....
  20. I never thought much of Gailey, but when I went to the Jags game and seen how he gets on the guys for not doing what they need to and getting on the refs and seeing coaches have to hold him back, I loved it. I think we did find our coach! But one thing does bother me, why don't we use spiller? That confuses me.....
  21. biggest problem is ralph wilson.
  22. was listening to the dan patrick show, guess he's selling his share of the lakers and all 121 starbucks he owns in cali...
  23. what have the last 10 years been about? It's taken this long to see what ralph created is crap? Lack of players are a result of the decisions ralph has made, I mean maybin over orakpo...come on! What you see is what you get....crappy players is due to a crappy front office and terrible owner. sorry but I won't be fooled like I have been past 10 years. regardless....nice post I'm venting at the front office not you.
  24. when he was lined up against Monroe he tried to bullrush him and monroe didn't move an inch. I know monroe is a beast but, maybin was just over matched when he was in there.
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