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Everything posted by marauderswr80

  1. That was by far the slowest 2 minute drill ive ever seen....no urgency no nothing!!!
  2. None of them are trying! I seen enough after the fake punt in the Seattle game! That told me where this team is mentally and physically! Big ole pussies!! All of them! Coaches coach scared and thats how the players play!
  3. Yes!!! How did you know! BTW...my names Ashton Kutcher....i have this one show....well nevermind!
  4. Good night guys! Sleep tight!
  5. I remember seeing it....
  6. Which is where ?
  7. Lol...thats not what im looking for!
  8. Its ok! I have thick skin! I feel the same! Id never post this if i heard it from someone else! But my source knows Bills football inside and out!
  9. No...i completely trust my sources! Hmmm...
  10. I respect your opinion!
  11. You are correct about the rooney rule! Like i said rumor only!
  12. Lol!! I love that part of christmas vacation! Cause he sees talent not being used properly!
  13. Mean i wont get banned now? Thanks for backing me!
  14. Thurman says 3 weeks we'd know! Gruden gives espn 2 weeks notice!
  15. Im tellin ya guys!!!!! Its 100000000% true!
  16. Im not the type for drama.... Id never post this! But considering who i heard it from.... Its 100% reliable!
  17. Dont forget i was the first to say Mario signed with the Bills by my experience in reading the body language of people! I knew he signed when i seen him at the airport with wanny...
  18. No! Just a friend who lives in WNY... Who also know more about Bills football then anyone i know !
  19. Thats fine...i said rumor only... But i trust my sources 100%
  20. Ive heard from a friend John Gruden was/is at Tempo with Russ Brandon.... Take it for what its worth! My sources are reliable! And very knowledgeable about Bills football....
  21. Copyrights? Better the camera better the pics people can sell....
  22. Im wearing a plastic bag! Im going to suffocate myself!!
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