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Everything posted by marauderswr80

  1. So Bills fans, lets here how you make a living in order to maintain your fetish with the Buffalo Bills and how you are able to make enough mula to attend games......? Its always nice to get to know others on the boards. Myself......I'm a State Employee for New York for the OMRDD ( Office of Mental Retardation & Developmental Disabilities ). I work at an all Female behavioral home. Basically I work with women who are not mentally stable enough to be in prison. I try to rehab them into being able to live on their own and get them more invovled with the community. Looking forward to seeing what others do for a living around here......
  2. I know its kids day at the stadium, my question is what do they do for kids day? Im taking my son to his first Bills game and what curious as to what they do for kids day? And also do they still charge the same amount for parking as they do for regular season? 25 bucks? Looking forward to haring from anyone who knows. Thanks. Tom
  3. There is plenty of reason for both teams fans to be excited. Bills defense will be much improved, offense has a huge wideout now, Lynch is a monster......Skins have a solid WR core a nice RB, a solid D.......No reason why both teams fans cant be a little excited. Granted Buffalo may have not looked sharp right off the bat, but man, I dont ever recall a season I was this excited. This includes the season we got Bledsoe!
  4. Ive always liked Takeo Spikes. I still remember his first game in a Bills uniform, F-ing beast that game!
  5. I dont think it will be Robert Royal. Courtney Anderson wont be here.........but my surprise.....id have to say Reed.
  6. I agree. I think the preseason should only be 2 games max. 4 games is really pushing it. Too many chances for injuries ect...... Im not sure if this is true, but back in the early 70's didnt NFL have like 7-8 preseason games? I really do think 2 preseason games is plenty, one home and one away.
  7. Im going to really cheer for Rodgers to play well up there in GB.
  8. I went from loving the guy as a player to wanting to vomit when I hear his name.
  9. QB Debate? Ive never seen any threads on it. Hmm, this is interesting. Keep me posted as to whos involved with the QB Debate. Baker V Hamdan? Could be a show down if thats who you are reffering to.....
  10. I want Edwards head on a platter after that first preseason game where he played at 50% along with the rest of the team. I dont care about the regular season! All I care about is meaningless preseason game to see how my team will play a few weeks from now. I cant believe Trent, He's terrible.........Trade him now. Worthless draft pick. We could have had better. I mean look he was soo bad he only played a few plays and only threw the ball a hand full of times, the coaching staff must NOT trust him. To all the Bills fans who can judge everything that will happen this year after one series of play, where players didnt give it their all. I really admire you guys.
  11. See im kinda glad this thread was started, only cause I didnt see the other 100 before it posted. Thanks.
  12. LOL........First preseason game hahahahaha......just unreal you guys are!
  13. Im still trying to figure out why Reggie Corner kept the ball Youboty pitched to him, not like he made the pick. Atleast I think it was Corner who got the pitch from him.
  14. With all due respect, Trent seen first stringers JP saw 2nd & 3rd's. While I agree Losmans performance was better. Trent is the starter of this team, like it or not! Although it is nice to have a qualified backup, just incase. Knock on wood.
  15. Nua I think was more concerned with his damn fro then anything else.
  16. You ALL are silly if you think you can judge Trent on his first preseason work against another team......seriously GET REAL people! I am the only one who dreads watching our starters play and love watching our 3rd stringers play! I just cringe when I see our guys get tackled in a meaningless game. But when those others get in, its balls to the wall. One thing is for sure, our backups look tough considering most of them seen A LOT of playing time last year.
  17. Not only that, but when Hardy made those mental errors he was still able to make up for it with that nice TD recep. McKelvin looks like the real deal for a returner. FORGET the Losman Vs Edwards garbage........Parrish Vs McKelvin will be the next debate.
  18. I have family in Daytona Beach, matter of fact South Daytona just off Beville Rd.
  19. I think Ive played Madden once in my life and that was the first ever Madden that came out. Nothing will ever beat Super Tecmo Bowl. I was a legend at returning kickoffs for TD's! Also I was a master at running backwards and heaving balls 75 yards downfield for TD's! Warren Moon was the man in that game!
  20. Yes, Good point! See if he has 2 years left even 1, id be willing to talk......but he has 3 years left on a contract he AGREED to in the first place. I think the main problem is that Walker & Dockery are making more then he is and they didnt sniff the pro bowl like Peters did. Peters has a valid point if that be the case, however, he signed his current contract. He has himself to blame.
  21. Dude, one word..........Steroids!
  22. Could you imagine if Big Ben went down.........Losmans value just skyrockets from there......keep an eye out!
  23. Id love to see the throws permanent. However, the home blue's are nice the aways a dreadfull.
  24. With the impatience around here (including myself) I say if Trent has a bad series and Losman has a solid one against 2nd & 3rd stringers.......before the game is over we see a thread on here that says Losman over Edwards....... Fact of the matter is, its a new offense for everyone, first real work against another team......honestly I dont expect much! I expect the bills to put atleast 14 on the boards, but no more then 21. But in all reality, if the entire teams comes outta the game with its health, I'll take it!
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