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Everything posted by marauderswr80

  1. Good points and all but at the wrong time. If JP had another year on the contract maybe, just to see if we can get some trade bait. But Losman is gone after this year. May as well see if Trent is really the guy for us, let him play rest of the year with NO LEASH. Meaning air the ball out, throw more. See what he can do. Cant hold back now......
  2. It would be in the best interest of the NFL to keep the Bills in Buffalo! And the commish knows it!
  3. Am I the only one who though Corner & McKelvin played solid Monday night? If McKelvin brings that INT into his arms, everyone around here would be saying he's ready to start. Fact of the matter is McKelvin showed some nice playing ability when he was on defense this past game. He really made some strides I thought. He took his attitude from kickoffs to defense and it worked well for the most part. I still think if he gets that INT in the 4th quarter he was taking it to the house!
  4. This dude lost all cedibility when I read the part about kicking with the swirling winds. Anyone who was at the game seen that when Dawson kicked & Lindell kicked that the flags on the goal posts were not moving. There was NO WIND! At that point and time in the 4th quarter the wind was a NON Factor!
  5. True, but I can see a few players that can help the Bills right now. But every system is different thats for sure. Nice post!
  6. My 2 reasons to watch this team McKelvin on kickoffs & Roscoe on Punts. Simple.
  7. Dont NFL teams have some of the best doctors? I dont see why they would send him back onto the field to play if he was still hurt.
  8. You know I asked a buddy the same question about Jim Kelly always being there. Has anyone seen him around with other guys along his side? It kinda makes you wonder.
  9. Now wait a minute! You are telling me with the way the team is playing losing 4 in a row we should be allowed to talk playoffs? Are you kidding me! YES I think anyone who thinks we stand a chance at the playoffs is embarrassing themselves. Being 0-3 within the division KILLS our chances. We wont beat the Jets in NY. Look if the team was playing good football, hey id be there right with you. But dude, they are not going to the playoffs with the way they are playing. 5-1 to 5-5 is NOT a playoff type team!
  10. Dont bet against me! Dude my wife was willing to buy tickets for me for this game just to go to Toronto for a nice weekend. I turned it down. I have NEVER turned down a Bills game in my life! That was a first!
  11. Exactly Bill. I refuse to cheer for an NFL team in Canada nonetheless the Buffalo Bills.....I'm not even going to watch the Miami game strictly cause its in Canada. I wont do it!
  12. I like the positive attitude and all, Ive always had that attitude until the past few weeks. The one thing thats embarrassing is people who actually think they can make the playoffs. Take the blinds off and have a look at the team. They are far from playing playoff football. Honestly, I look at the schedule and every team on there can beat us. The only game I see as VERY winnable is the San Fran game strictly cause its at home against a west coast team. Sad huh.....I think KC wins against us, I see the Jets & Pats & Miami beating us. We will be 0-6 within the division this year or at least 1-5 but thank god we signed our coach for another 3 years......... I am not giving up till we are mathematically eliminated....period! Now thats funny. Its the same sh-- every year, we look where we stand see how many games we have left and say the same things. And yet when the last game of the year comes its meaningless. Dont it get old?
  13. I will be done with the Bills & the NFL as another poster put it they would be dead to me if they moved. I cant sit here anymore and watch this organization make very lame attempts at making the team good. This team is far from being good, FAR from it. They want to start building a winner go get a coach who has a winning attitude NOT a coach who's content being a 5-5 football team.
  14. Same here, even fantasy football would be dead to me. I could careless about football. And it would be hard to watch college football cause my team there is Syracuse, and well.......id rather be dragged outside get kicked in the nuts and call it a day.
  15. Vick? Seriously? I was thinking like Kerry Collins, Jeff Garcia or Kurt Warner you know guys helping their teams NOW get to the playoffs.
  16. Can we please stop these post after every loss? Seriously we are not going to the playoffs, this team has showed no signs of life to make the playoffs.....GET OVER IT WE ARE NOT GOING!
  17. Its worthless to play Losman now. Playoffs are out of sight, may as well keep Edwards in there, cut the chains off let him air it out all over the field. See what potential he really has....... Now I dont know what Losman's contract status is, but if he has another year then I'd think about playing him just to showcase his talents and maybe get a draft pick for him.....but last I thought this is his last year.
  18. Good points..........However, I do see Jim Kelly trying his best to keep the Bills in Buffalo. Although if they did move, I would no longer be a Bills fan. Even if they kept the "Bills" in the name, such as Toronto Bills I wont cheer for them. Football belongs in the USA, hockey belongs in Canada. I refuse to go there for anything. If Bills go there they can stay.......But I'd be done with the Bills and the NFL as a whole!
  19. Possibly 10-0 but right now we are 5-5 and I'll take that.........
  20. Lets hope he grows. Watching that guy play he always gets pushed around, watching him warm up with the other DL's, it looks like the Bills pulled some guy out of the stands to play ball. I think he's a very small DE. I dont think he will be any better then backup and thats being to honest.
  21. When the team has a new owner we might see some quality coaches at OBD.
  22. It has to do with Ralph Wilson. Until the team is no longer in his hands this organization wont be a winning franchise.
  23. OL line couldnt run the ball when it counted. But play calling was bad too at the end of the game. So who really know. The OL did look a little better.
  24. Honestly, id keep Edwards in there rest of the year no matter what and I'd play all the rookies rest of the year. Id play Reggie Corner & McKelvin a lot more. Id let Steve Johnson & Hardy play along side Evans...... And in return we wont have to sit for a while until the Bills pick in the NFL draft. Yet another year down the shitta
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