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Everything posted by marauderswr80

  1. Yea...I dont care anymore honestly. Numb is right!
  2. Nothing changes until Ralph is gone! Simple!
  3. That's a good point! Makes sense! I seen a few things that made me scratch my head!
  4. I dont even bother wearing my Bills gear out of fear of getting picked on.....embarrassed!
  5. Guess they don't need to order corndogs anytime soon...
  6. NFL is slowly fading in my heart. Mainly cause the Bills suck...we have a crappy owner...you can't hit a QB anymore...its getting boring! I'm starting to watch a lot of college football...I love the rivals...the bowl games...ect. Id probably feel different if the Bills were winning or putting effort into...but...yea its fading on me.
  7. Start with Ralph...end with water boy! F them all.
  8. Noone wants to come to Buffalo..... Crappy franchise run by idiots.. The end 14 and counting!
  9. If that's the case....piss poor coaches!!!!!
  10. He is just another QB....that sucks!
  11. Proof a college team can beat an NFL team! You're seeing it now! Rutgers players kicking Bills @sses!
  12. Touchdown Bucs!!!!! Suck it Bills!!!!!
  13. You can't dive at the QBs legs! You guys know better! Just stop!
  14. I was right they are throwing it! Byrd clearly kept that drive alive for the Bucs!
  15. Yuuuuup that's Bryan Leonard shredding the Bills....
  16. Good field position against the Bills is from goal line to goal Line!
  17. This game is soo bad...I'm wondering if the Bills are throwing the game?
  18. Woods didn't even run a route!!!!!
  19. Congrats lindell....bet that feels good!
  20. Its Christmas...lets give away football's.
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