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Everything posted by gobilz

  1. Can ya dig it!
  2. lip sync all the way
  3. Steelers laying a big ol turd!
  4. This may get fugly
  5. AC/DC---Back in Black Metallica---One
  6. bonehead in Indiana
  7. put a raw egg white in a co workers drink.The look on his face when it went down was priceless.
  8. Alanis Morrisette
  9. Not with that cupcake schedule they played.
  10. Please use your head for more than a hatrack.Losman was thrown to the wolves in that game.I highly doubt that is what we can expect from him in the future.
  11. Rob! At least he didnt wear concrete shoes.
  12. please
  13. stevestojan refs
  14. slap your ass....
  15. And these people can vote?Lord help us.
  16. We can only hope.Its time to put Bledsoe out to pasture.
  17. Cardinals this Cardinals that.Its gotten a little old.Take it somewhere else.Im now a Sox fan because of it.
  18. stop the bleeding
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