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Joey Balls

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Everything posted by Joey Balls

  1. Ha! ! Still it will be interesting in the off chance the Dems do win. For some reason I see them as coming off as earnest and eager to start, then later shed their skin and look for recrimination. Hope I'm wrong. http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2...4520.shtml?s=lh
  2. I never heard of that polling firm, and what an unusual name for such a venture. Must be based in the mid-west or sumthin'. What did the RCow polling firm say about the 2004 election? There seems to be so many of these firms nowadays. Some folks swear by Zogby but I don't trust any of them. Didn't most of them pick Kerry? As I said before I expect the Republicans to hold on to both the house and the senate....but the House might go either way. Nothing I've seen since has swayed me. Though it would be a good thing if the Mighty Macaca goes down.
  3. Yeah really. That sounded kinda harsh. I consider nearly every post before I type in a response, try not to step on toes. To say smurf's opinion doesn't matter, is to say f you to a fellow Bills fan.
  4. I think of two movies when it comes to military recruiters. The first one is Stripes and that classic opening scene where Winger and his buddy decide to sign up. "I'm not going to say the Army is going to do for you what it did for me......." The second is the last Michael Moore movie 911 where the recruiters are in a lower class suburban Michigan shopping mall, picking off possible fresh blood by talking to kids in a hip ghetto argot. I didn't believe it for a second because it seemed soooo staged, like a number of Moore stunts, but then I witnessed something almost identical in a North Buffalo strip mall lot last summer. I wanted to shout to the kid "RUN"!
  5. Don't worry, I doubt very much he's even heard of Vanity Fair. One of the things I dislike about VF is they give that pompous ass Chris Hitchens too much space.
  6. Is Jack Davis a Libertarian? Check out his stance on issues if you can, I apologize the print's small, and tell me it doesn't run parallel to the Lib credo. Which begs the question can a Libertarian, or as Tom Reynolds might say a "Millionaire" libertarian, gain entry into congress. It was looking good for awhile with the Foley scandal and Abramoff tarring Reynolds, however Davis total lack of any publicity outside of his commercials has hurt him. The right is portraying him as this doddering, kinda batty fool with a one trick pony platform (free trade) while the Democrats have pretty much been hands off in his campaign, at Davis insistence. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20061104/1033327.asp
  7. Same thing in my part of the WNY world mate. No way am I voting for Spitzer or Hillary, or my noecon congressperson Higgins. Will probably split among the Libertarians and the Greens. McClachey for NY governor seems cool.l
  8. Correction...that should be "re-gain a Senate seat". The citizenry of the Commonwealth of Virginia were stupid enough to elect this bozo to begin with.
  9. Well, I was once method man...then I got high! Took my monicker from an old co-worker who was actually named "Joey Balls", a faithfull Philly Eagle fan to this day. If a jackass like Allen, who has no known talent outside of his pedigree is allowed to gain a Senate seat we should all bow our heads and say the lunatics have truly taken over the House. And to think he was being groomed for the White House by not only the National Reviews and Newsmaxes, but the mainstream media should give us all pause.
  10. There was a possible arrest record of Macaca circa '74 that had been expunged and destroyed? Why doesn't Allen just clear the air about all of this? What's he hiding?
  11. He didn't accuse Allen of it....he simply asked Allen if it were true, a major difference. The Mighty Macaca could have answered the question, simply said "no comment", or maybe even said to his handlers "Hey! Put that man down! He's one of my constituients". Instead Allen had a severed deer's head caught in the headlights look and ran away as quickly as possible...just like his handlers probably coached him to this whole last month.
  12. What doors were kicked down? Who hurled "obscenities" and what accusation was ever made? Nazis....thats real cute.
  13. That's where I beg to differ. Did you read the link I posted from the National Review Online by Byron York? One can infer from these passages that one conservative columnist seems to care: "That’s where Mike Stark came in. His bit of theater with Allen in Charlottesville got wide coverage. And in today’s Washington Post, sure enough, Stark succeeded in getting the spitting rumor into print. “W. Michael Stark, who identified himself in an e-mail after the incident as a University of Virginia law student, yelled a question at Allen about whether he had ever spit on his first wife, an unsubstantiated charge that has been circulating on liberal blogs on the Internet,” the paper reported." ...and "Mission accomplished. The spitting story is now officially in circulation. The incident shows what a dedicated activist — no longer a prankster — can do, with a little brazenness and a willing press. Stark is delighted, as are his supporters at the DailyKos. No doubt they’ll give him more money, if he asks for it. And why not? With a good plan, and his friends at the DailyKos, there’s no telling what he can accomplish" Obviously you don't write those kinds of things, especially from the right, if this is-as has been referred to here-a "non-story". It effectively ends Allen's career. I realize that's a prediction but I sure don't see it not having an impact.
  14. Not because I said so but because the story was NATIONAL NEWS that can't help Allen one bit given his fiasco of a campaign to start with.
  15. Obviously it's both....doink! The guy planned out what he was going to do, told his cohorts it was something that was going to affect the campaign, did it and it seems to have affected the campaign.
  16. Say what you will about this lunatic's stunt but it is the final nail in the coffin of The Mighty Macaca Allen's once promising political career. There's no way he comes back from that. For that we should all be thankful. http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=MjI1M...GE1NzhiM2ZjMDQ=
  17. Wow, you must be truly of the belief that nobody get's their hands dirty in political campaigning. That is rare. Fact is both sides do it and it happens every election season. Just ask Jeff Gannon. Remember the Velvet Revolution when these assclown gop operatives probably should have been tear gassed?: http://www.thegully.com/essays/america/001127miami_dade.html
  18. Who the hell is bruno? And who is Joey Pasta that everybody keeps mistaking me for? Look mac I'm just here for some friendly debate, not to rankle anybody. If you find my ideology and theories fun and amusing fine, believe me, with the exception of maybe three or four posters here I find you all funnier than a "Macaca Moment".
  19. Is it sort of the equivilant of the right still blaming Clinton for everything, including...now get this...9/11?
  20. I fail to see the dishonesty. I mean if me or you were attacked by some rightwing politico's henchmen wouldn't you go to the cops? That's that whole freedom of speech matter.
  21. "overly physical"?!.....please correct me if I'm incorrect but viewing the tape didn't the gray haired attacker nearly put the guy's head thru a plateglass?
  22. Oh I don't doubt this guy (whose blog "calling all wingnuts" I haven't viewed) appears to be some irksome gadfly. He is after all the same guy who pushed Fox News lunatic Bill Orly to sic the dreaded "Fox News Police" on him for mentioning Olbermann's name. But here's where we part ways: I think it was a smart thing for him to press charges and extremely stupid for Allen and his crew to completely overreact to his nettlesome questions. I mean who do you think is laughing now? Annoying lefty or Allen?
  23. Yeah, I guess stifling freedom of speech in this country currently is a non-story.....sadly.
  24. The point of the incident is basically George Allen can't stay out of trouble even when his handlers supposedly put a gag order on him. Instead his handlers have a chokehold on some guy, who pressed charges, now has put Allen in the unenviable position of having to talk to the Virginia Police less than a week before the election. Man I couldn't write this stuff!
  25. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nati...723_cdig02.html
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