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Joey Balls

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Everything posted by Joey Balls

  1. This is a great example of things the Cable News Networks won't report. Last night when it was announced that Webb had beaten the Mighty Macaca and the Dems had taken over the Senate CNN and MSNBC broke immediately to the story. Fox? They had Greta on talking about that super important issue the Duke rape case. Talk about sour grapes Fox.
  2. How's this for a newsflash: Democrarts take over House and Senate. Do you want a little cheese with that whine? Get over it.
  3. You forgot the absolute ineptitude of the Federal government during an emergency crisis.
  4. Well...Jack Davis cared. ...but then a funny thing happened in Buffalo on Friday the Thirteenth....and the rest just writes itself, reconfirming the belief of many that God is a Republican.
  5. I disagree. Many people didn't work long hard hours, devote their time and money not to reap any tangible results. I think Bush has finally come to his realization that the whole TOP GUN act no longer works and Americans want a different course.
  6. Man, I'm a quakin' in my Doc Martens® now! The only major party incumbant I voted for was Higgins...and that was because I would not pull a lever for a Republican. And you don't think this costly, idiotic war we're currently involved in isn't the reason why many people voted against the GOP ?
  7. A prime example of how out of touch with any semblence of geographic historical perspective the conservative movement might have is revealed by an Arizona prop that passed last night. It made English the "official language of Arizona" WTF? This is coming from a State that was still a Mexican territory even after the Gadsden purchase, has many native American tribes who still remain and most of the populace is bi-lingual anyway. I guess conservatives would call that a "symbolic victory" right about now.
  8. Awww Macaca...we hardly knew ye
  9. Who really knows what's going to happen? The Democrats put a lot of social and fiscal conservatives into office so don't be so quick to leap to judgement.
  10. I think it goes deeper than that with the changing demographics of the country. For awhile it has seemed that the Republican party is the place where fat, balding, rich white dudes go to chomp cigars and appeal to our baser instincts, taking the Evangelicals along for the ride. Now, that no longer cuts it.
  11. BTW, the AP has declared Webb the winner of the Virginia Senate Race which a number of us knew should have been declared last night. Dems take over the Senate.
  12. Fire, Burns has conceded. I read your post the day before the election on a different thread and most of your picks were correct with a pretty solid analysis to boot. Though in Virginia I don't see how the Mighty Macaca can come back...and assuming he might does it really matter for the GOP?
  13. I don't find it astounding at all. They don't call it Florid-duh without reason. How many times was Jeb re-elected?
  14. Thank you and goodnight.
  15. Go to bed. Will you go to bed!
  16. Tells ya' what i know.
  17. Hevesi leading handily. Spitzer has probably already won while Pirro is actually up on Cuomo with 1% reporting.
  18. WGRZ reporting Jack Davis 51 Tom Reynolds 49 15% reporting. Could it actually happen?
  19. Three down, three more to go! Whitehouse declared winner in RI! I think McCaskill and Tester hang on so that just leaves the Mighty Macaca! No matter which way the virginia race goes there will be protests and suits no matter what.
  20. Watching CNN there's a Virginia House race graphic on the bottom of the screen that read: ® Goode (D) Weed That does it! I'm staying up for the Nevada initiative result!
  21. I went Libertarian for Attorney General because of that thing about big sticky gooey buds. To vote Socialist in NYS you really had to look hard for the Party Line. It was the last row and partially obscured. Only three candidates were running on that line. Was interesting to note the Green Party Line was a few lines above Libertarian.
  22. I'm just listening to the radio and watching tv and their seems to be problems all over the place with the newer machines, including hilariously in Ohio (go figure) where the machine wouldn't accept Mean Jean Schmidt's scanned ballot. Maybe Diebold isn't evil after all?
  23. Voted third party. Socialist, Green, libertarian, and yes...one conservative judge. The races where I voted for the Democrat I voted on the Working Families line. Disappointing that I had to vote for Conservative congressman Brian Higgins but there was no way I was voting for any Republicans today. Voting in NYS is so simple. The process has been used for what seems like fifty years and it makes me wonder why the other states don't make it less complicated. Give me the old curtain and levers anyday. In and out with no wait.
  24. I know the governor's race has turned on a possible sexual assault scandal, and Jimmy Carter's son is running for Senator. But....the one initiative on the ballot that holds the interest of aging hippies and libertarians (aren't they the same thing?) is the medicinal herb to relief stress and tension bill. It failed a few years back, how's it look now? We all know the drug war is a failure....don't we?
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