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Joey Balls

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Everything posted by Joey Balls

  1. Oh yeah, big time. As a matter of fact Karl Rove was the person most responsible for booting Lott out of his leadership position proving once again how much the GOP loves to eat their own.
  2. Yeah it probably wasn't the right link to use but if you post anything here other than the conservative's Pravda's they tend to dismiss you out of hand.
  3. http://www.theconservativevoice.com/article/20169.html This is going to make the Clinton fiasco look like a walk in the park compared to what this administration is going to face. I fully expect Cheney to be gone in the next year...and who knows maybe Bush?
  4. And don't think for a moment that they won't, or they shouldn't. Payback....this time it's for real.
  5. Maybe we should send you to a Rick Sanitarium.
  6. I know but having lived in Reynolds district I just found that statement unbelievable. But hey, I'd bet you would find my definition of Hillary Rodhamburger Clinton as "Not liberal" equally as silly in your pov.
  7. That's not why Reynolds won. Reynolds won because of 10/13/06 and he was running against Monty Burns. Tom Reynolds isn't Conservative
  8. No thank you, to misquote Anne Coultergeist, "I'll go right on doing what I've been doing". Besides, I've been calling little Ricky "Rick Sanitarium" since he sprouted up like crabgrass during the Schiavo debacle. In addition "Sanitarium" was used by somebody else on this board yesterday. Why don't you ask that person to stop using it?
  9. Nobody even mentions the "deer-in-the-headlights" school photo look of the poor boy. It has to be tuff to be a young kid growing up in political surroundings. Say what you will about the wealth and privilege, the little girl's heart is broken at the moment. As the father of a ten year old daughter I can't stand to see kids cry...anybody's kids. It depresses me to no end.
  10. I think the dude he was facing was the comptroller from Saratoga county, a placid place of about 200,000 people noted for its horse races and mineral spas. Do you honestly think we would elect someone like that to be the fiscal watchdog of the 3rd largest state in the country? Not that I voted for Hevesi mind you but I can understand why many did.
  11. He may be an ass but that is one bizarre photo, perfectly in keeping with the strange world of Rick Sanitarium.
  12. Hillary is waaaaaaay too divisive a figure to ever be considered for the Presidency. Just the mention of her name illicits strong, and usually negative, responses from the wing nuts. In addition not many know that she is really disliked by the hardcore Left in this state, not only for her pro Iraq war vote but for her ability to use and abuse issues cosmetically for her political gain. Look for a Howard Dean type collapse in '08 from her. Obama would be a natural save for one fact....he's a negro. Very articulate, somewhat moderate and a dazzling smile don't make up for the fact that there still exists states like Tennessee and other spots of unenlightenment that wouldn't vote for him even if he were running against the Mighty Macaca. I like Feingold and would vote for him in a primary.
  13. Macaca is introduced by Warner, steps up to the podium and launches a football at some plant in the audience and then goes on to say "I thank God" (*groan*), launches into your basic concession before beating a hasty retreat. No Macaca moments. *sigh*
  14. Joe...Joey. I get it!
  15. Ed Bradley died today. ....and the Mighty Macaca will have a concession speech at 3pm so set your tivos for that one. I'm just hoping for one last "Macaca Moment" before he fades into the oblivion he so richly deserves. What a confederetro jackass!
  16. Falafal Man Bill Orly...today's worst person in the wooooooorld!
  17. Are you kidding me? Bush wouldn't piss if his pants were on fire! His plodding "Stay the course" crap combined with his unceasing loyalty (or stupidity if you will) to his neocon cronies speaks of someone who wouldn't change course if his life depended on it. What more than likely happened is Pelosi got on the phone and said "You know that guy you got calling the shots in Iraq? Well by the time the transition begins next year we'd like it if........."
  18. My favorite "hat thrower" at this early stage for '08 is California congressman Duncan Hunter. Let me see......you are linked to disgraced jailed GOP congressperson Randy "The Duke of Oil" Cunningham through defense contractor Brent Wilkes and your position as chairman of the House Armed Services Committee...... ...but you're going to run for Prez. O..kaaaaay
  19. "You don't send me flowers...anymore". You don't hear songs like that anymore. Or like "Love on the rocks" or "Islands in the stream". Islands in the stream That is what we are No one in between Sail away with me to another place Instead we get crap like "loosen all my buttons babe".
  20. Wait...there's a good one?
  21. Beside the often unintentional laughs I derive here from the conservative sheep, there are maybe three posters who have a modicum of wit, intelligence and rationale that I appreciate.....and trust me pal you ain't one of them.
  22. On that Mighty Macaca thread sure.
  23. Actually Olberman's program outdraws Fox news lunatic Bill Orly's show in key demographics.
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