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Joey Balls

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Everything posted by Joey Balls

  1. No, but I am willing to learn.
  2. "Nutsack"!?! Now yer talkin' you revisionist hack! Now if you'll excuse me the Game Show Network is showing it's 100 greatest moments in Match Game history and they're up to #34 when Fannie Flagg comes to the realization that Charles Nelson Reilly has no interest in progeny.
  3. Bolton was so toxic that even some Republicans (Voinivich...for one) had severe reservations whether this guy was right for the position....and this was back in the day, early 2005, when Bush, fresh from re-election with a self declared mandate could have nominated anyone he wanted to. How's this for a candidate dino testes: someone perhaps level headed? But that's asking way too much from Bush.
  4. Ohhhhh but do they try.
  5. Oh cripes I hurt your feelings. I'll have to remind myself to pick up a copy when I'm standing in the checkout line at the Tops...right after I pick up a copy of Good Housekeeping and their list of 100 defining moments in model kitchen history.
  6. Sure the UN is dysfunctional, nobody ever argued that it wasn't. My point is why bring in someone like Bolton to reimagine the bull in the chinashop scenario?
  7. Oh maybe you're right and I've misunderstood his statements in the past...especially that bell ringer one where he said they should knock ten stories off the UN.
  8. Pardon my lack of enthusiasm. How's this: "Wow! I sure look forward to another top 100 list where all the cliched caricatures of history have their cobwebs dusted off for the sole purpose that it might grab my attention so I might pick up a magazine that nobody reads".
  9. Sounds like it has all the makings of a lethally dull coffee table book......right in time for the holiday season.
  10. Yeah, that would be a pity if he didn't include himself, after all the wothwhile tidbits and newsworthy items he's come up with. Truth be told I usually skip past his crap. As for Bolton he was originally chosen for the position in large part due to his disdain for the UN. I guess that's a qualification for a Bush appointment. Hate the environment?....great, you're head of the EPA. Hate the fact that teenage girls could possibly get RU-486? Fine, how does a position at the FDA sound?
  11. Myself? I prefer to live free........ ...............or DIE!
  12. Is your "All I wanted was a Pepsi" line from Suicidal Tendencies "Institutionalized"? Haven't heard that song in about ten years.
  13. Um...he made it easier for the government to pry into private citizen's affairs, thus opening up a WHOLE NEW INDUSTRY!
  14. Yeah, probably. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...6120101509.html
  15. The hero of the Republican far right neocons has stepped down from his temp position as ambassador of the UN, knowing full well nobody with any common sense would vote to confirm the assclown. Just another black eye for the administration with the worst foreign policy of our lifetimes.
  16. I live right on the outskirts of Downtown Buffalo (Allentown) and will be able to watch the game from my house tomorrow. For some strange reason my little BW Gold Star TV picks up the signal pretty clearly out of Erie PA (WSEE channel 35) which is broadcasting the game.
  17. I tend to tune out whenever I hear 911 conspiracy things. It seems the event has spawned quite a flurry of conspiracy talk without much of substance to back it up, sort of like Kennedy assassination screwballs.
  18. No, "sarcasm" doesn't quite cut it for you. Self parody would be more like it.
  19. A friend of mine who writes for a local publication as well as the NY Times once told me that one of these days, maybe soon, conservative libertarian types will truly come out of the closet and finally admit their real goal, which basically is they don't want to live near any minorities. Looks like you're more than halfway there mooseman. Does anyone here ever call you on your racist drivel?
  20. Yeah but I really don't think the cable news networks are even competent in selling the News as entertainment as witnessed by the tedious football spin used as commentary on election night, which I posted on another thread. Additionally Fox News ratings are crashing harder than their resident lunatic Bill Orly's "War on Christmas" crap.
  21. Yet nobody in the mainstream media has raised a fuss like they did with the Rather/Guard story. http://www.newshounds.us/2006/11/14/fox_ne...dem_victory.php
  22. I really didn't believe you made any points in your moronic post. But if you feel you scored zinger points mooseman don't let me stop your party .
  23. Having followed election coverage for a long time the change might have been imperceptible, but the sledgehammer repitition of the last few elections post 2000 have made things pretty obvious. However your point is basically moronic, seeing as you claimed in one of your other retarded posts that you never even watched a second of the coverage a couple tuesdays ago.
  24. I didn't actually realize how true this really was until I looked back on the coverage I saw from the broadcast and cable news networks on election day. http://rawstory.com/comments/22472.html I guess the advertisers really have to disguise the crap they sell us.
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