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Joey Balls

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Everything posted by Joey Balls

  1. Which is of course my point. You're smart enough to know tha being in a division with Cleveland and Pittsburgh and Cincy made sense but that ancient coot Montgomery Wilson is too darn alzheimers addled to know that the regional rivalries made the most logical sense. So we're stuck with meaningless games against Miami and New England....I mean who cares? The Jets could be a decent rival because of all the ignorant UB/Buff State Longed Island fratboys that cause trouble at the stadium. Ralph Wilson is evil...but he'll die soon.
  2. Peabody's in Saratoga Springs is cool. Great wings! The whole Myhammy Fins thing has been pretty much been scoffed at by most fans here. Let us trace the roots: Ralph Wilson can not get access to the Orange Bowl back in '58...managed to convince most of the sycophants in the Buffalo media ('specially the old goats from the News) that there is an actual rivalry..though Miami might beg to differ...and true to Buffalo tradition they licked Ralph's ass just because we should be fortunate that we have a major league team in Buffalo...does anyone really count hockey? Flash forward a few years ago and the Bills have the opportunity to join a division with natuaral geographic regional interest..say Pittsburgh and Cleveland..and Ralph moans and wails and licks his palms. If we were playing Pittsburgh or Cleveland next week does anyone really believe the game would be blacked out?
  3. "Fox Sunday News roundtable"?
  4. Calls into focus once again this trumped up myth of an idea that the Bills/Dolphins still constitute a "rivalry".
  5. What this does is effectively prove that John McCain has succesfully, after coming close for many years, lost his mind and killed whatever chances he might have had for '08. He's finally crossed over to the batty right wing neoconservative side about eight years too late with his steadfast statement that we must send in more soldiers. In the unlikely chance that McCain is our next president get ready for a draft.
  6. I 'll get this out of the way too. I've always thought the wasted pick on Willie McGee was one of Donahoe's worst blunders. The guy never impressed me from the start. Trade him to Detroit or something.
  7. Well which is it mate? That second one seems to have come from someone who probably saw Borat fifty times.
  8. http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/2006/12/07/mary_cheney/
  9. Ok maybe it was after that photo of Cheney and Rummy shaking hands with Saddam.
  10. Hey what is this?!? Pick on the UN day!?! I'm curious as to why you would say Iraq was a UN failure? If anything the UN in Iraq had to beat a hasty retreat after the war drum beat influenced by neocon policy, spread by the mainstream media, and perpetrated by the Bush administration led us to this divisive disaster to begin with. I don't remember you calling them on it drevil. Don't worry, you're hardly alone here.
  11. It's hard to light a fire under anyone's ass in America today, whether it be about the shite state of affairs in Iraq...or as you mentioned Darfur. Wonder if anyone combines politics, footbal and laffs like this site does. Always fun coming back here.
  12. Happy you could clarify that for me. It makes it worthwhile to be proven wrong. Especially from someone so resolute. So how's the war goin'......
  13. If we're gonna take the rankings of presidents seriously then I like Ike.
  14. You're missing the Big Picture. Your violent ideogy has been rendered a failure...by virtually anyone with a brain. Time to change sides son....many already have.
  15. Alright Mr. SD Jarhead, ya wanna play it that way. Our decision to invade a soveriegn nation back in 2003 (actually it was welling up well before 911) was a positive for global peace? Man I wish, I truly wish that somebody had pinned the Abraham Lincoln Mission Accomplished thread here so all you ignorant martha fockers could be exposed for being the nimrods you truly are.
  16. Of course the UN is irrelevant tricky Dick. Now what we should really be attacking is the WTO. I've heard those guys have radar!
  17. Big Lebowski. C'mon man originality here, originality!
  18. Who would I want as UN Ambassador? How about Jesse Jackson? Whenever the sh-- flies around the world and one of our people are taken hostage it seems that Jesse is always on a plane to somewhere, gettin' the person safely back home. I haven't seen Bolton do anything like that yet! As matter of fact the only thing remotely memorable about Bolton is his ridiculous mustache, not too disimilar to the soup strainer on Run the damn ball's imposter picture from his profile.
  19. Don't act all innocent McBride. You can drop the cover now. It's safe. Makin' yerself out to be 27! Absolutely classic! And where did you get that ridiculous picture?!? Another classic!
  20. Don't act all innocent McBride. You can drop the cover now. It's safe.
  21. Don't tell me....you're going to take your ball and go home. Yer too much McBride! I love the fake cover on the profile! Freakin' classic!
  22. You're McBride aren't you! Ha I knew it! Whatz up you honky putz! I was almost ready to take a trip down to park slope and put my foot in your ass until I recognized the writing style.
  23. An arcane inside joke your nothingness?
  24. A quick timeout for a UN fun fact. Did you know that Navy Island was once proposed as a potential home for the UN? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navy_Island
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