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  1. I actually had a conversation with a friend of mine over drafting a DT early, he was for it, and I said we already have like 5 on the roster, I can't see us drafting a 6th, and his response was classic " Yeah your right, who needs a defensive tackle with a group like that." Hope you catch the sarcasm ha
  2. For anyone who cares and is local to Syracuse, Thurman will be at ENV collectibles in Carousel Mall signing autographs on September 29th i think, don't quote on that exact date, but for anybody interested I'll verify, but he's definetly going to be there sometime around then, I saw the sign when I picked up my Sabres jersey last week
  3. Pfff, anybody who thinks Bledsoe's career was "mediocre" is an absolute fool,14 year vet, top 10 in three major passing categories, 4 pro bowls, trip to a superbowl, if that's mediocre, how good to you have to be to have a "good" career? He had his faults, like anyone, and they were exposed far more often late in his career. A nice guy(Who I've met), and a good player, hall of famer? Doubtful, but, he's got nothing to feel bad about. I'll miss ol' Drew
  4. For the sake of this message board being a revolving door of the same topic I just wish this guy would get traded to somebody already so we can just start 252352 draft threads.....As if that isnt happening already too...
  5. He's not the same guy he was his freshmen year. You draft a guy on who he is NOW, I don't think the team that drafts AP is going to be raving about what he did 3 years ago.
  6. Totally agree, his freshmen year doesnt mean nearly as much as his junior, or sophmore season did in terms of scouts. This is who is he NOW, not then.
  7. Im not trying to bash your post, I may have come off that way but not at all. I understand where your coming from, I shouldn't have said his college career has NO relevance, but I think in terms of this deal and most, if the guy has had enough NFL exposure(WHich I think Turner has, considering he wasn't just a guy who played during blowouts) you can forget the college tapes. And considering you got to see him live against your boys at school you probably have seen more of him than most, I actually had him and LT on my fantasy team so I watched alot of their games. I like the player, alot, but, for the right price.
  8. College-NFL, different animals. I could see if the guy was a rookie last year, but he's been around for 3 years now, it's safe to say what he did back at Northern Illinois in the powehouse conference they play in is pretty much irrelevant. Alot of guys carry the load in college and can't in the NFL, I'm sorry but it's just useless. Marv didn't look at any Northern Illinois tape, that isn't what struck his fancy in Turner, he watched him play in the NFL, and he's gotten enough carries for scouts to see what type of runner he is and how that forecasts into a full time role. Do you think prior to acquiring LaMont Jordan the Raiders called Ralph Freidgen and asked for game film? Pfff
  9. Your talking about a guy who's coming out this year and a guy who came out 3 years ago. Do you really think anybody thinking of trading for MT is looking at his Northern Illinois tapes? I mean get real, what he did then means jack. And what did I do in college? Pfff, I produced, that's all I'll say
  10. Who cares how he "looked" in college against a crap Maryland team. They had some good backers'? That's great, what he did in college means as much as what I did in college
  11. I just hope Marv realizes we are the ones with the upper hand here, this guy walks next year regardless, and there are other backs in this draft that can be had. No need to give too much, I say a 3rd and 4th, and I liked the idea of swapping 2nd rounders and giving them a higher 3rd.
  12. We also have plenty of holes to fill, and we can't exactly be throwing away our first day draft picks. I'm firmly against anything involving 1st rounders, no swap, nothing. Here's the problem, anything more than a pair of 3rd's like we got for McGahee and we look stupid, how can we give up as much or more to a guy who's produced half as much as Willis had and is coming off a whopping 80 carry season. I tell AJ Smith we'll give him a 3rd and a 4th, and if he doesn't like it he can shove it up his a$$ and watch Turner walk next year for nothing. No need feeding AFC powerhouses with more picks for guys they are going to lose anyways.
  13. Not sure, don't really care either way. It's a message board, feel free to express your thoughts. But, in regard to all of this " He's an unproven backup", these college kids are more unproven. Is he great? Probably not, but he could be. But what we do know is that he's better than ANYONE we have on the roster and with him it's one less thing we need to address in the draft. For the right price, I'd love him, but anything that involves a 1st round pick or swapping picks is absurd, you can't trade away a PROVEN back like McGahee for a pair of 3rds and then trade for a guy like Turner for more than that. It's things like that that will make ESPN continue to rip the moves we make
  14. No, no Gladiators for me, some Blood Diamond and Grandma's Boy
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