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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. What helped out Milano was having Star Latul in front of him and giving him space to roam and pursue the ball. McDermott showed adroitness in getting players who fit his scheme. Poyer, Hyde, White and the defensive backfield are players who match his system. There is some thought given as to what players to pursue in free agency and through the draft. On defense McDermott knows what he is doing. Let's hope that that same smart and coherent thinking is also used on the offensive side of the ball.
  2. He should be charged with assault and stupidity.
  3. You are so drunk that you are drowning in your suds and don't realize it. Check your health care plan because I'm sure it covers the cost for the help you need.
  4. Through rigorous training Plenzmd has built up a high tolerance for booze. He can easily handle what most experienced drinkers can't handle. He is what you call a paradox. For a person who can maintain his sobriety even when his consumption is tremendously high he still isn't sober-minded when he is completely sober. If you don't believe me just ask him about the hockey trades he proposes. You will quickly come to the conclusion that he is either out of his mind drunk or delusionary.
  5. Plezmd daily takes a booze cruise. He gets in his car with a cold twelve pack of beer and drives around the neighborhood until the cold pack is completely consumed. However, he doesn't act like a red neck because he doesn't throw the empty beer cans out the window. He, instead, frugally keeps them and gets his deposit back for a nickel a can. Plezmd may have his faults but he is very conscious of the environment.
  6. I aim to serve. With respect to your trade question especially for Okposo what weighs him down is his contract and the length of time it still is in effect. I just don't see any organization dumb enough to bail us out. That's why I hector him so much about his lack of roughing it up in front of the net in the offensive zone. He is actually a tough hombre who is difficult to knock off the puck when he has it. But that's the problem with him in that he refuses to change his style of play to help us in an area that is lacking i.e. muck it up in front of the nest. If we have to be stuck with him it might be useful to get more utility out of his game.
  7. You are becoming more irascible and more of a curmudgeon as the season advances than I am. That's quite an achievement! And, I'm waiting for one of your hallucinogenic trade scenarios that you are great at that will knock me out. How about having an auction for Okposo and Sobotka? Do you think we can get a bag of stale bagels for these two dynamos?
  8. The below link is a WGR interview with Jordan Reid discussing the prospects at the Senior Bowl and how they would relate to our needs. This is a 13 min. segment. He talks about the UB prospects and their prospects. He stated that his favorite qb in this draft was the Ohio States' qb. https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/01-24-jordan-reid-cover-1-howard-and-jeremy
  9. I'm really sorry about your mom's situation. You bring up a harsh reality point that there are no guarantees when having a surgery, any surgery, serious or more mundane. Again, I'm sorry for what happened to your mon and your family.
  10. That's so disgusting especially if he gets the sequences mixed up. ?
  11. Richie Incognito had mental health issues. I'm not aware that he had criminal or woman assault issues.
  12. This individual didn't have any clicking before the operation. After the procedure he did. And it was noticeable. He and the doctor agreed to wait and then revisit the issue. He told me that he is not going to allow a full procedure but would consider an orthoscopic procedure if it was determined that it might help. He believes that this is a product defect.
  13. The Pegulas fired Brandon because of his relationship with a woman on the job. And a top executive was recently allowed to resign after some inappropriate conduct toward a server at a bar. Especially Kim, she has set the tone that she is not going to tolerate one of her employees, upper or lower echelon, to represent her/him at one of their businesses. It just my sense that she is not going to employ someone with a history of bad behavior, especially against women. I'm not suggesting that Hunt is irredeemable. But because of the code of conduct standard that she/he has established for their businesses I don't see Hunt being signed.
  14. I know of a person who had the same procedure done with the CT-scanning done to get a properly form fit. He is doing well with his only complaint being that his knee clicks with certain movements. The doctor told him to wait some more and then he will review his case. Other than the clicking he is doing well. Good luck to you.
  15. Kirby thinks I'm pigheaded on this issue. I'm not. I would have no problem taking an elite back after a trade down and getting some additional picks. However, I am steadfast against using a top ten pick in this draft for a back.
  16. The Pats took a back with the 31st pick in the draft. I would have no problem if the Bills traded down or traded up from a lower round to select a back near the bottom of the first round. I'm just not receptive to using a top ten pick on a back this year. If this was a more complete team I would be more receptive to the notion. But not this year with the way our roster is currently set.
  17. Why would we draft a top shelf back in the first round when we could get a top shelf back in the second round. This is a position, more than any other position, where you can still select a high yield back at a lower round. I'm not arguing that we don't need a back. In fact, I have advocated for it. But from the Bills perspective I still see it as being very improbable. If you want to argue possible, then so be it. But I just don't see it rising to the level of being reasonably probable. It's still early in the draft process. I'm not denying that he isn't a terrific prospect. But I still have some doubt that he will be rated in the top ten when the evaluation comes close to concluding. Let's just wait and see how this shakes out.
  18. I steadfastly stand by my view that the Bills will not draft a back in the first round where we are currently positioned. Is it possible? Anything is theoretically possible. However, it's so improbable that it borders on impossibility.
  19. I respectfully but strenuously disagree with you that the Bills will not draft a back in the first round.
  20. As I stated in my prior post it is very improbable that McBeane would take a back even if he was rated in the top five to ten. I'm not arguing that he isn't worthy of being a top rated player in this draft. However, I am saying I am exceeding confident that this regime won't take a back with their first pick. The odds for Canisius College making the final four this year is higher than if we would draft a running back in the first round.
  21. You are creating a false paradigm. It's not about loving or hating a player. Do you honestly believe that if McDermott had an opportunity to draft an elite pass rusher or even a top tier CB or offensive lineman he would instead take a back, a position where a lot of other highly talented backs can be had with a lower pick?
  22. I have no doubt that scouts are raving about this back. But he is not going to be rated in the top ten where we are drafting. Even if he is rated that high it is still unlikely that McBeane would use it for a back. It would make no sense for us. It might make sense for a team that has a fuller roster and more robust OL. But from where we are drafting and considering our priority needs I just don't see it. If a highly touted back was on the board when we were drafting in the second round I would be receptive to taking a prime time back. But it makes little sense where we are currently drafting. If the Bills traded down and accumulated additional picks I would be more receptive to the possibility.
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