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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. I applaud your persistence. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/02/05/state-union-nancy-pelosi-clap-trump-quickly-becomes-meme/2786195002/
  2. You are now in the discipline line because you said something positive about Scandella. That is not allowed here. You will shortly be notified of your suspension dates for your problematic comment.
  3. I often feel like a character from Les Miserables manning the barricades. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=les+miserables&&view=detail&mid=25F6828482292737510525F68284822927375105&&FORM=VDRVRV
  4. Not so. This is a secular and not religious site. The majority mob wants to rule by fiat and not by issuing a fatwa because it is more politically correct.
  5. I am proud of my status of being part of the resistance to the despotic and overbearing majority. If Plenzmd says up---I say down. If he says yes----I say no. If he says go north---I go south. If he wants to fire----I want to give an extension. He is the barometer from which I make my judgments. When I do the opposite of what he is advocating for I end up being infused with overwhelming confidence that I am right.
  6. This is like going to a bakery and all they have in the store is fruit.
  7. This team obviously needs more talent. And the young talent that it has on its roster and farm system need to be developed. That's the reality that you have to face. Fixating on your bogeyman in Housley resolves little. It's about adding more talent. It takes time.
  8. Are you issuing a fiat that the losing has to stop? I wish you had the power to do that. Pegula would not only have you on the payroll but you would be richly remunerated. Are you aware that you are too late with your fiat because Plezmd has already issued the same fiat a dozen times already? I agree with you that this homestand is going to be very important in determining whether the team will be playing meaningful games at the very end of the season. As much as I want to make the playoffs I will be focusing on how our young players improve and finish out the season.
  9. Maybe curtailing your imbibing might result in more sober thinking? When the Sabres lose you complain. When the Sabres win you complain. The obvious conclusion is that you are inherently a complainer. Your persona has become very dark and dour. When you go for a walk on a bright sunny and cloudless day in the summer do you carry an umbrella with you because you are expecting an imminent torrential rain? You are working too hard to be negative about Housley. A win is a win.
  10. I respectfully disagree with you on this issue. The team was struggling for an extended period of time. Something had to be done to shake things up. Trying something different to spark the mostly impotent secondary lines was the right thing to do. In this game it worked out well. What Housley did in shaking up the lines and defensive pairing is the standard tool that coaches use when their teams hit a bad stretch. It's like in baseball when a batter is not hitting well sometimes the manager lowers or even raises the struggling player just for the sake of a change and different look. I doubt that the change that Housley made is permanent. It's apparent to me and you that Skinner was hurt by the lineup alteration. But the trade-off is that the other lines were upgraded. So when you add the plusses and minuses (in my opinion) this lineup strategy worked. Ultimately, a win is a win. I'll gladly take that outcome.
  11. Buffalo played a choppy game. That's not surprising because of the jumbling of the lines and pairings. Minnesota isn't an elite team but they are a good team. I'm not looking for silver linings with this team. I know what they are and where they rank. There are clearly deficiencies with the roster that need to be addressed. I expect changes/additions will be made in the offseason. Right now we just have to go with what we got and hope that the young guys get better. From what I have observed it seems that Mittelstadt is steadily getting better.
  12. If I were issuing stars I would give it to Reinhart, Jack and Ulmark. I thought Reinhart was the first start for us. Jack demonstrated on some of his challenged rushes where he blows past his defender that he is one of the premier players in the league. There were stretches where the Sabres scrambled in their own end resulting in scores and good chances for the Wild. I don't like Skinner not being on the Jack line. He is a lot less effective without Jack. A wins a win. We needed it.
  13. If the stock market crashes are you going to blame Housley? If your hemorrhoids are on fire after eating a very hot pepper are you going to blame Housely? If it rains and you are driving a convertible with the top down are you going to blame Housely? If you get up at four in the morning to drive 100 miles to make an appointment only to learn that the appointment was for the next day are you going to blame Housley? If you over-indulge with your favorite alcoholic beverage and fall flat on your face and break you nose are you going to blame Housley. Oh, I forgot to tell you that the Sabres won against a good team. It's gotten so bad that not only can't you handle losses but you can't handle wins. I sincerely fear for your well being. Don't bother discussing your blues with your nephew because you have already contaminated him. So he won't be very helpful in uplifting your sagging spirits.
  14. Why not wait until the end of the season before jumping off the stagecoach? After the season there will be more than enough material to make a judgment on him. As I have often told the venerable K-9 that the worst thing to do to this battered franchise is to prematurely make a coaching change. This organizational lurching back and forth has been more destructive than positive.
  15. This was one of the funniest responses I have had to my posts. It may seem that I am being stubborn for the sake of being a contrarian but I genuinely disagree with the majority of people who believe that it is panic time. If one compared last season to this season there is a major difference. I'm not just talking about earned points so much as the quality of play. No doubt that there is a lot of frustration and exasperation with this team. But if you put things in perspective there is progress. My confidence is more derived from my belief that our GM is forward thinking and has a good plan to get this franchise back to being a contending team. It just takes time.
  16. You are simply a bad influence on the people you intersect with. You have an affinity to contaminate the purist of souls. What the hell is your emotional nephew complaining about? You and others have unmercifully hectored the coach to make changes for the sake of shaking things up. So the coach does so. And now you continue your onslaught against him after he does what you wanted him to do. Not only are you losing your freaking mind but you have stressed your own family lineage because of your hyperbolic reactions.
  17. You need to read my numerous comments about him more carefully. I never said he had good or bad takes. Having a good take is not the standard or requirement to participate on this at times unruly board. If you doubt that standard then you are not reading the numerous odd, weird, perplexing and outright stupid takes. 26Corner certainly wasn't always a gracious or diplomatic responder. I'll even go so far as to say that he could be irritating and be unlikable. I'm sure many people find me to be obnoxious and insufferable. That's okay. I then have the choice of responding or not. This is a different situation. He moved on while others continued to partake in denouncing him. 26Corner has for more than a few weeks decided to leave the scene. Some posters have even reached out to him by PM to find out what is going on with him and his absence. He has not responded to any of those inquiries. So it is clear that he doesn't want to be involved and have anything to do with this site. That's his prerogative. I just find it to be less than classy to have a dedicated topic to ridicule and to a degree abuse someone who is no longer here. If he were still participating and could respond back to his critics that is a different scenario. That's not the case here.
  18. He's long gone. Find some other phantom to kick in the nuts.
  19. You are the type of hustling character who when participating in a coin toss is asked to call heads or tails your call is heads and tails. And then when given a funky look your response is what is your problem?
  20. Housley must have listened to K-9's and Plezmd's exhortations. The coach's thinking was that for the short term he is getting away from the hound dogs. I'm sure he realizes that he is on a short leash with them.
  21. What's the point of this seven page and counting topic that has been going on for quite a while? He was a contributing member for a long time and provided a useful service. He departed. Go through some of the responses and you will have a better feel for what I am saying. Then come back and tell me what the utility of continuing on is.
  22. If you respond to me I can respond to you. And vice versa. That's not the case here. There are seven pages of responses mostly made up of ridiculing a person who is no longer participating on this site. The majority of posts on this topic are not respectful. They are mostly ridiculing responses for someone who isn't responding back. So what's the point of continuing on. Seven pages of denigrating someone serves what purpose? The issue has absolutely nothing to do with agreeing with me or not. I don't give dam. People can disagree with me as much as they want to. That's not the issue. It is about the continuing mocking and ridiculing of someone who is no longer here to respond to what is being said about him.
  23. The moderators have never been reluctant to close out a topic when there is nothing productive left to say or the topic's lifespan has been exhausted. They are usually right in their judgments and kept this site functioning well and moving along. I have never publicly criticized any moderator because they volunteer their own time and provide a service for all of us. For that I am very appreciative. It's now time for them to step up and do the right thing and close this topic that has gone on for too long and serves no useful purpose.
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