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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. I did get your point. However, you missed my point that not every trivial and bullshiiit infraction is enforced by the police. If you don't understand that common sense and judgment are involved in the enforcement of the laws then you are not in touch with the real world. Failure to poop scoop is an infraction but that doesn't mean that the handcuffing and a ride to the cell block are called for.
  2. The next time you jay walk I hope the police pounce on you and take you to jail for your scofflaw. You may be surprised to know that common sense and judgment are part and parcel in applying the law. In this case yes.
  3. Your missing the point in this "*****" charge. The bigger issue with a wider implication is the police conduct. The "pretext" stops to get the names of the customers are illegal. Is the application for the surveillance taping to the judge an accurate description of the facts? Let's not forget the basis for the investigation was human trafficking. That case turned out to be a dead end. The surveillance was a tool to deal with that very serious issue. Once nothing came of the original case then the ancillary fallback charges that probably related more to face saving than community safeguarding. While the police were intent on getting the big fish on a ridiculous ***** charge the authorities violated the privacy rights of customers who were getting their tired muscles massaged. What happens if those unsuspecting customers now sue? How much is this going to cost the local government in legal costs and possible settlements? When all is said and done the potential costs to the taxpayers can turn out to be exponentially large compared to the actual infraction. This is stupid! The bigger transgressions are the criminal justice authorities abusing their power. For what? To catch a the well known 77 yr old widower getting some stimulating touching in a worn out erogenous zone.
  4. I respectfully disagree with you that it is unlikely that Ford will play inside if he isn't ready to play at right tackle. Where I disagree with you is that I believe that Ty is going to get more playing time than you think. He was a lineman that the brain trust identified who would be on the market, and then quickly signed him. It's my opinion that he will be getting more playing than you think.
  5. What Beane has explicitly stated is that he is going to identify his top five blockers and then figure out where they play. Even if this regime prefers that Ford start as a RT that doesn't mean that he won't start off as the right guard. We shall see how this plays out.
  6. He's going to court because he is being charged. That doesn't mean that he is guilty of the charges. And that is why he is fighting the charges. Some people are relishing the thought of Kraft being humiliated. I'm not one of them.
  7. I respectfully but strenuously disagree. He was targeted by this regime for a reason. I'm confident that he will be playing somewhere on the line. We shall see.
  8. I don't agree that he will be on the bench. I'm not sure if he is going to be the starting RT or RG or swing lineman but he will be getting a lot of playing time. When he was the Redskins and replaced the injured Trent Williams at LT the OL didn't miss a beat. I'm not saying that he is as good as the all-pro Trent Williams but he was a valued lineman that the Skins didn't want to lose but couldn't keep him because of the cap issue. There is a reason why the Bills identified him as a player that they wanted and quickly secured. I don't believe it was for him to acquire splinters from the bench.
  9. What difference does being arrogant or not or a jerk or not or arsehole or not when it applies to how the law is applied? It shouldn't be surprising that someone who has the resources to buy a franchise in pro sports (any pro sport) might likely be arrogant. Is there a need to go through the ranks to come up with some owners who might not be likeable. Many people in his financial strata don't have the common touch. Again, what does that have to do how the law should be applied to them?
  10. This is an interview with Jokke Nevalainen on WGR talking about Arttu and a few other prospects. According to Jokke Arttu is going to need at least another year or so to get stronger. It is an 8 minute segment. https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/05-08-jokke-nevalainen-dobber-prospects-howard-and-jeremyevalainen
  11. At this point you are right. But when the deal was made it could have been either one of them. When the deal was made we were getting Montour with one of the two extra first round picks acquired in trade deals. Don't be surprised if the lower first round ROR pick will also be traded in a future deal.
  12. There is a big difference in this case with the Kardashian and Jersey Shore naughty guys and girls. In this Florida Kraft case it would be someone in the legal system selling evidence. I don't want to come off sanctimonious but that is illegal and corrupt. Just because Kraft is rich that doesn't mean that he should be treated corruptly by the legal system. In the grand scheme of the judicial system this is a miniscule and a nuisance case. In my view the authorities are acting out of proportion to the scale of the offense. It's a waste of time and resources. This case should be dropped. Don't believe in the concept of the purity of the law. Discretion and judgment are part of the fabric of the system. Just as it is in horse racing!
  13. Are you expecting the Putin hack? I wonder if there is a big market for a video of a 77 yr old sausage being gently massaged?
  14. The video is in the custody of the authorities. Anyone involved with the selling of evidence is committing a crime and will be held accountable.
  15. I have made this point before so I apologize for the redundancy. The ROR trade as it currently stands certainly isn't a balanced deal. In the short run it was a devastating deal for us and a stupendous success for the Blues. But although the deal dramatically tilts toward the Blues that doesn't mean that in the longer run that balance for our side rises a bit. Because of the trade of ROR and his contract the Sabres were in a better situation to sign Skinner and then hopefully get him on a longer term deal. And because we had an additional first round pick in our arsenal we were able to use it to trade for Montour. If Thompson develops, and that is a reasonable prospect, then although the deal still balances toward the Blues it becomes a more reasonable deal. The big unknown in the longer term view of this deal is Mittelstadt. Will he eventually become a second-line center? Without question he is not there, and I don't believe will be there in his second year. But it is not out of the realm of possibility or maybe even probability that he will attain that status. The point I'm making here is that the calculation that you make in the short term doesn't necessarily turn out to be the same calculation you make in the longer term.
  16. Highly paid prominent attorneys playing hardball. What's the surprise? The prosecuting side is just as capable of fighting back against the men who wear more expensive suits. There is going to come a point where the judge is going to get exasperated with these guerrilla war legal wrangling over a low caliber violation that is taking up a lot of his court's time and resources. It is going to be interesting to see which side his ire is going to be directed towards.
  17. I like you hope that whatever internal issues he had plaguing him is now resolved. Getting that more serious personal issue resolved is more important than his performance on the field. You see players such as Incognito have episodes of trouble and forget that how those types of issues impact him on the field is less important than how it affects his life.
  18. I'm clueless what your "salt shaking" reference means? Smith took off in his second year. That is not to say that he didn't do well in his rookie year. But in his sophomore year he became a much more prominent receiver. As you pointed out he had a prospective HOF qb throwing to him and he had one of the best receivers in the game who was the primary receiver on the field with him. I pointed out that the qbs throwing to Zay weren't very accomplished. So I don't what your point is about that. Zay may have been open many times when Allen didn't see him but in general most people would consider Zay as not having really a good year. He had a number of drops. At least that is how my "salt shaker" sees it.
  19. There is nothing unusual about receivers taking some time to develop into full fledge receivers in the league. The Steelers Ju Ju Smith-Schuster took some time before he became a good receiver for the Steelers. And now he is their primary receiver. Zay was a super productive college receiver for East Carolina, a second tier college program. So it shouldn't be surprising that there was an acclimation period for him. Let's not forget that this mostly possession receiver has had precision qbs throwing to him. I doubt that he is going to be a primary receiver for us because he doesn't have the required explosive or even quick traits on the field. But that doesn't mean that he can't be a solid to good receiver for us. I'm looking for him to step it up this year.
  20. If you run through someone by definition you are being touched.
  21. Isn't it outdated because there aren't many/any? phone booths any longer?
  22. No one is questioning Spiller's speed and athleticism. He was an exceptional athlete. That's acknowledged. But if a back doesn't have the instincts to hit the right hole or adjust to the line play then as a back then he is not going to be successful. It must be pointed out that Spiller not only struggled with the Bills under their coaches but he also struggled with other teams under their coaches. He was a great college player but a failure as a pro because he lacked the intangibles and running instinct that Singletary possesses.
  23. If CJ Spiller would have had the vision and instincts that Singletary has he would have been an immensely better player. Those are attributes that as a back you either have it or you don't. An argument can be made that Spiller was improperly used. But the primary reason for his lackluster career, especially compared to his prolific college career, is his not having a feel for the game. In his case his intangibles undercut his measurables.
  24. Did you like his sausage? Luke was a player who was attuned to the average fan. There was no pretense about him. He also was a hard working man with an entrepreneurial spirit. https://buffalonews.com/2018/12/21/luke-easter-slugger-barrier-breaker-and-sausage-maker/
  25. What did you expect the draftees to say? That they were not happy to be drafted by the Bills? Did you expect Singletary to say that as a life long Floridian he shuddered at the thought of freezing his thin skin arse off in the land of tundra?
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