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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Guhle was a good prospect. On the other hand Pilut moved ahead of him as a defenseman prospect. When he is healthy will be on the roster with the Sabres. Montour is a good second pairing defenseman. When the tally is finalized this was a good deal for us.
  2. There is nothing wrong with dogging Kirby. You are not only entitled to bark at him but if he persists with his denigration of an earnest player then you are authorized to nip at his heels.
  3. You act as if Peterman has been in the league for a generation. Why the zealotry for an at best backup qb? You, Gunner and the revved up angry mob can cheer at the lynching. I'm not only not joining you but I will be the one chortling when he hangs on as a backup and collects his lovely checks. EJ is in no position to point fingers and pass judgment on any other qb. He had more than enough opportunities to prove that he could at least be a mediocre backup. He wasn't even good enough to attain that low status. For him to point the finger at any other qb is like Al Capone calling someone else a crook. EJ (a good guy) not only failed as a qb but he was emblematic of a generationally long failed organization. It would be wise for him to live out the dictum: Silence is golden. I am again having problems with the highlight function. I have no desire to shout.
  4. I'm rooting for the Bruins. I just couldn't stomach ROR hoisting the cup after finagling his way out from the Sabres.
  5. What is in the past is in the past. He is a backup qb who will be a backup in this league. You and Kirby may be invested in his failure but I am not. We shall see.
  6. You are going to be irritated by his presence for a long time because he is going to be hanging around. He was drafted to be a backup and that is what he is going to do.
  7. When the season starts he will be on the Raider roster. And he's going to make a good living as a backup just like Barkley.
  8. I wasn't advocated for Kessler. Far from it. The point of the link is that they were bringing up players who might be available on the market. A player such as Duchene would certainly be a good addition. In the link Hamilton argued that Kessler would not be a good addition. I'm the one who is mistaken. He mentioned Kessel in the link. He was against dealing for him.
  9. You are loquacious and garrulous. You are fine by me.
  10. The attached 12 minute link is a Paul Hamilton segment on WGR. There is a discussion about acquiring Kessler or Duchene. I thought this was a good segment. https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/05-21-paul-hamilton-howard-and-jeremy-0
  11. As you have aged have you gotten rowdier or more mellow? Every once in a while a detect a trace of pugnacity when challenged by bulletin board hooligans.
  12. The team is starting to fill out with McBeane players. With this regime there is an order and understandable rational for personnel decisions. Even when one doesn't agree with an individual move at least you can understand why it was made. There is a structure and thoughtfulness to the roster building that didn't exist before Whaley and under him. In less than three years of this regime's lifespan it's amazing how much the football operation has been revamped and transformed. organization
  13. If Plezmd1 agrees with you then I am comfortable in disagreeing with you. He is a ying while I am a yang. Technology and reviews are part of the sporting scene, not just hockey. It is not going away. If that is an unalterable fact then the issue becomes how best to use it? In my view less is better than more.
  14. With respect to the highlighted segment I very much agree. The review excessively intruded on the flow of the game making it less enjoyable to watch. What's happened is that because that there is such a desire to get all the calls right that it has altered the game. Perfection in officiating in any sport never was and is attainable. The best officials recognize that there is as much artistry and judgment in making calls. Being robotically right in making calls doesn't mean that it is the right call in the context and flow of the game. The common sense militia needs to be called to arms to fight the technological zealots. Let's not allow the fantasy pursuit of perfection become the enemy of the good!
  15. You may be in rhyme but that doesn't mean that you are not out of tune. The best approach to the use of the review is to limit them. And if a review can't be made in a minute then the call should stand. The over use of the technology is affecting the flow of the game. For those annoying millennials who demand perfection I say get in the real world and go to hellll! ?
  16. Kraft the billionaire is capable of defending his interests. That shouldn't be a surprise. The people who also benefited from the legal authorities being challenged are the other people who didn't have the resources to aggressively fight back. They were steamrolled by the system. Fighting crime by using illegal techniques is not acceptable in any level of the legal system. When you stretch the boundaries of the legal system beyond the established rules that is more corrosive to the public's interest than old men getting their sausages munched on. This Kraft situation is not a complicated issue or even a politically ideological driven issue. It is simply not acceptable to enforce the laws by breaking the laws.
  17. Sometimes when you drink yourself into a drunken stupor you behave more soberly. Go back to bed and wake up again. Then you can start your day on a more positive note.
  18. You are victim of your own grandiosity. The Spanish speaking housekeepers most likely talking and snickering among themselves about their strutting rooster gringo employer who believes his appeal is an uncontrollable gift that spellbinds those in his proximity.
  19. She shooed you out because you were interfering with the working men in the house.
  20. Tell the whole truth. The workers got tired of your interfering and bossiness. They gave you an ultimatum: Either you leave or they will leave.
  21. Do you want to know what was more ridiculous than the incompetence showed trying to explain the firing of Rex? It was the owner/s hiring of Rex in the first place. It didn't take long for the predictable boondoggle to be on display for the world to see. His grotesque incompetence and tiresome clown behavior on the sidelines were no longer cute. This wasn't so much a PR catastrophe----it was a football/business catastrophe. Do you want to know when the PR department starting acting more professionally? The answer is when the football side of the operation conducted itself in a more rational and professional manner. No longer were stupid and contrived explanations made to explain the chaos in the football operation and the gross ineptitude on the field. The obvious point of demarcation of change was when this new regime took over. I agree with you that the PR department markedly improved under McBeane. That shouldn't be surprising when now only a few people were controlling the messaging that comes out of that office. And that message is easy to communicate when every one is on the same page. McDermott and then Beane were brought in to remake the organization. From top to bottom they took control and professionalized the operation. There are always some leaks in a large organization but for the most part there is a tight chain of command. My point is when your football people at the top know what they are doing then everything else follows.
  22. The Rams drafted their franchise qb a year before McVay arrived. The first priority the savant offensive-minded coach attended to is put his young qb in a position to succeed. Talent was added to the receiving corps through free agency and the draft (as you noted). And the offensive line was bolstered with two quality veteran pickups (as you noted). That upgrade in the line not only helped protect Goff but also helped their highly drafted back, Gurley, in the running game. Or from an overview perspective the organization made it an important mission to put their qb in a position to succeed. If you look at what has transpired this offseason for the Bills the focus has followed the same Ram formula of emphasizing in putting their young qb in a position to succeed. What this regime did over the past couple of years is shed players and contracts. They were willing to accept a punishing cap hit last year to be in a position to be very active in the free agent market this offseason And it must also be noted that in the first year under this regime it made the playoffs for the first time in a generation. Some people are bothered by the implementation of their rebuild strategy. I am not. It is not surprising that not everyone is going to agree with a particular approach to rework the roster. But what is refreshing is to see an organization that has had a sordid history acting in an ad hoc manner now acting more coherently and strategically.
  23. Ty was a backup swing tackle with the Redskins. When their all-pro LT Trent Williams went down and he filled in there was not a discernable drop off He also was a well respected player on the team. The Skins wanted to keep him because of his versatility but because of their tight cap situation they knew that once he was on the market he was going to be lost. I'm not sure exactly where he is going to play on the line. I think that that he is going to be a RT with Ford playing right guard. Because of his versatility he can also comfortably play LT. He certainly wasn't a high profile signing but was a good signing from both a talent and value standpoint. He's a piece to the puzzle of upgrading the OL and contributing to putting Josh Allen in a position to succeed.
  24. I'll repeat the general point I have said about McDermott and his hiring. He was hired based on how he would differently run the football operation compared to the prior Whaley regime . He presented a plan that was the antithesis of the Whaley approach and was the candidate who was hired based on that plan. Now you and some of your associates act surprised that the designed plan that he laid out prior to his hiring was actually implemented Was there a different and better approach? That is a hypothetical question that can't be answered. What I can say is that in his first year with a stripped down team he made the playoffs for the first time in a generation. You might find fault with that outcome but I don't. This offseason the Bills were in a cap flexible situation that enabled them to be aggressive in the free agent market. Again, that was part of their plan regarding restructuring the team's cap structure. You may consider their endeavor a failure but I consider it a success. With respect to the hockey team you obviously were not paying attention or misunderstood what I was advocating for. I have said for a long time that there was no quick fix to the problem of the lack of talent on the roster. I have steadfastly emphasized the necessity of developing the young talent in the system and adding talent when you can. I am more optimistic than most of the hockey team's near future prospects. And by the way I thought the Krueger hire was a terrific hire.
  25. His problem has less to do with hearing as it does with his thinking.
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