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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. The Redskins have been promoting the fraud that they have a multi-year waiting list. That lie has been burst a few years ago. They not only don't have a waiting list they are now having trouble selling tickets and filling the stadium. They have taken out seats and sections in the stadium because it has become too embarrassing when the empty seats are prominently on display during the telecasts. Also, because of the revolt of the fan base mostly directed toward the despised owner the organization has taken initiatives to sell tickets to the opposing fans. When the Skins play the Cowboys half the stadium is full of razzing Dallas fans. It has gotten so bad for this Snyder regime that it had to resort taking people to court when season ticket holders attempted to opt out of their extended season ticket commitments.
  2. Does your company pay or do you get together and pool your resources?
  3. I'm not sure of his wife or girl friend or whatever his status is. What I do know is that in Carolina he had a no trade clause. When it was apparent that he wasn't going to be signed by them Buffalo was on his short list of locations in which he was willing to waive the clause. One of his priorities is to play closer to his family in the Toronto/Ontario area. In addition, Paul Hamilton who follows the team for WGR has repeatedly stated that Skinner likes Buffalo and fits in well with the players in his locker room. And there are reports that he was very happy with the hiring of Krueger as the new coach. So for this player and organization everything seems to be in alignment. At least for me the Skinner signing is not of a great concern. The bigger issue is the GM making deals to bring in more talent in this offseason.
  4. Are you corpulent? Your knowledgeable discussions of high caloric foods indicate that you are not svelte.
  5. Caulfield may be the most intriguing player in this draft. I have heard him compared to Johnny Gaudreau of the Flames. Of course his goal scoring prowess is appealing but what is just as appealing about him is his hyper-competitive play. This often somnolent team certainly could use a dynamic player to energize a too often listless team. https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/05-31-cole-caufield-instigators
  6. The attached link is a write up on a draft prospect, Alex Turcotte, by Bill Hoppe writing for the Buffalo Hockey Beat. It's questionable if he will be available when we make our first pick. http://www.buffalohockeybeat.com/alex-turcotte-could-be-attractive-option-for-sabres-at-nhl-draft/?view=getnewpost
  7. I live in the MD/DC area so am familiar about the commentary about him. The Skins want to move on from him. At this stage in his career he is a diminished player whose play doesn't match his salary. He's not a bad guy but I don't see him as a McDermott guy. The wrestling coach wants his DBs to tackle. That's not what he is about or interested in doing. He is more of a yapper. No thank you.
  8. The attached link is a column by Harrington from the BN. It lists some of the center prospects who will be available for the Sabres when they make their first pick. If they use that pick they should come away with a good prospect. What this team does with its low first round pick is going to be interesting. I think they are going to deal it off for some immediate help. https://buffalonews.com/2019/05/31/buffalo-sabres-nhl-draft-alex-turcotte-jack-hughes-kirby-dach-dylan-cozens/?utm_medium=more_stories
  9. If he gives a convoluted and contorted concession graciously accept it. That's the best he can do. Some egos are more delicate than others.
  10. Whatever one says the other will say the opposite. It is the modern version of ying and yang.
  11. Usually, in a high profile deal there is a lot of speculation coming from a lot of vague sources. What is noticeable about this particular contract negotiation is that I have not heard anyone give an opinion that this deal is in trouble. Quite the opposite. There is a unanimity from people in the business that these talks have continuously been going on in a professional manner with little gamesmanship and rancor from either side of the table. My attention is directed toward what deals and trades is the GM going to make to upgrade the roster. I don't want to come off as judgmental but if a blind squirrel takes a wild swing and hits it over the fence then it goes in the books as a HR.
  12. If you close your eyes and hit the ball over the fence it still counts as a home run.
  13. If a deal is made soon will your confidence level be raised? Darren Dreger was on WGR today and he stated that the negotiations are going well and the parties are close to an accord. Also, in this offseason I have not heard any reports that it was more probable that he would leave rather than stay. I am not the naïve type but I do believe that Jeremy White does have a genuine source who knows what is going on within the organization.
  14. You are too nice of a guy to become a cynic. There are more than enough people to fill that dour role. Let me infuse you with confidence that the negotiations will soon conclude with both sides smiling about the outcome. The inveterate negativists will seamlessly go on to the next issue and continue on with their sour disposition. Hang in there!
  15. You make an excellent point that the Kitchens is a new coach and inexperienced with how to handle these types of situations. What he is doing is escalating an issue that need not be escalated. It's understandable why he would be frustrated over the non-appearance of a player. There is a learning curve here as it is for every new coach. What he has to learn is reacting without thinking through what the full ramifications are doesn't help his cause as a new coach.
  16. You make excellent points. However, I disagree with the point that because he is not at non-mandatory sessions he will be behind when the season starts. It matters little if he is behind now because that isn't what will really matters. What's more important is whether he will be fully prepared to play with his teammates when the season starts. I say yes he will be. As I have repeatedly stated what is the surprise about OBJ's behavior? He is a known quantity. The Browns got exactly the player/person they traded for. The Giants and their owner had enough of his obnoxious solo act. So they traded him for little in return. The behavior that he is exhibiting now shouldn't be surprising. You get what you get.
  17. Publicity whether good or bad helps to increase one's twitter following count.
  18. The person who is on the spot is the GM for the Sabres. The trade of ROR, at least for the short term, was a disaster. To compound the problem the roster he assembled after that shambolic deal was incapable of keeping up with most of the teams.. However, I still don't believe that the owners are ready to pull the plug on this current hockey regime. (That's my feeling that many don't share.) I do believe that because of our good cap situation and extra first round pick the Sabres are in a position to make some impacting deals that will allow this team to be a fringe playoff contending team. That would be progress. Compared to many in the deflated crowd here I am more of an optimist than a pessimist. Stating the obvious this is a critical offseason for the GM. You may not be aware of it but there are rumors swirling around that because of the disappointment of the last hockey season Plezmd1 was traumatized and is suffering from PTSD. Sadly, watching the Sabres has caused his mental well-being to plummet to the depths of despair. Once I find out what facility he is at I will arrange to send him a TSW get well card. Of course we all wish him well, at least most of us do.
  19. You are asking the wrong question? The more meaningful question is why did the Browns trade for a player who was known to be disruptive? It's obvious why. They were enticed by his exceptional football talents. So I have little sympathy for complaints coming out of Cleveland about a player who is behaving as he has always behaved. You get what you get.
  20. The OBJ of today is the OBJ of yesterday. Whether he is wearing a Giant uniform or a Brown uniform he is who he is. I really don't care what bullshiiit words he spouts and I don't give much credibility to any of his acts of sincerity. He is a known quantity. The Browns knew who they were trading for and the Giants knew who they were getting rid of. The bottom line is that when the season starts he will be ready. Complaining about him not being a team guy makes no sense because he never was a team guy. Who the Browns traded for is exactly who and what they got.
  21. When has OBJ given a shiit what others think? The truth of the matter is that he not showing up for these voluntary sessions have nothing to do with how he will perform in the regular season. There is more than enough time in the mandatory sessions for him to be ready for the season. Again, when you bring in a self-centered diva you get a self-centered diva. What's the surprise?
  22. I'm not a fan of OBJ because of his volatility and disruptive antics. I don't believe that McDermott would ever want a player like him on his team. And I salute the wrestling coach for his team oriented standard. It's understandable why the new Cleveland coach would be irritated at his non-appearance. Tough! As selfish as this kooky player is no one should doubt that he won't come into camp in shape and ready to play. The stories that are being generated because of his no-show for non-required sessions are nothing but noise that will be forgotten once the mandatory sessions begin and the season starts. Again, the moral of the story is you get what you get.
  23. The player in question doesn't give a damnation about what other people think. Think whatever you want. What is the surprise here? The Browns traded for a volatile and self-centered player whose prior team owner essentially said get this freaking fool/priick out of here. The player will be at sessions he is required to be at. And he won't be at sessions that he won't be required to be at. He is not transgressing against any rules. He's doing his thing like he has always done his thing. The moral of the story is that you get what you get. If the Browns want players to conform then don't trade for players who have a raucous history of not conforming.
  24. If the coach is not happy with the player not showing up for non-mandatory practices that is tough. The rules of the game are the rules of the game. There are sessions that are not mandatory and there are sessions that are mandatory. The hyper player and personality will be at the mandatory sessions. That is what is required of him. If they wanted a choir boy and a team guy they shouldn't have signed him. They got what they got. OBJ mostly cares about himself. It may be surprising to you but it is not to me. He will be ready when the season starts. He doesn't care what the locker room and others think about him. He'll be ready when the season starts. That's what matters to him.
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