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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. You will have to excuse me so I can go to the bathroom and puke.?
  2. Hard but fair is alright by me. ?
  3. Don't kid yourself. They hate you more than you can ever imagine. Do you subscribe to the tyrannical leadership school of management? https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=angry+chef&view=detail&mid=8A8799F49FDBC6EB67338A8799F49FDBC6EB6733&FORM=VIRE
  4. You are technically incorrect. Because of your bossiness I refused to vote in your low participation poll that has a margin of error of 97%. I will not allow you to further sully my well earned disreputable reputation. Now I have a better understanding why the people you supervise at work smile with no genuineness in meetings but trash you behind your back.
  5. I will not yield to a curmudgeon! https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=curmudgeon&qpvt=curmudgeon&FORM=IGRE
  6. Gugny can be an ogre. He needs someone to slap some sense into him. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=russian+slappling+contenst&view=detail&mid=47A1926368AB2210082D47A1926368AB2210082D&FORM=VIRE
  7. I will not allow Gugny to order me around!
  8. My declaration for the Bruins in this game is my vote.
  9. I'm rooting for the Bruins. I understand why ROR wanted out of the Buffalo situation and felt that he needed a fresh start. And I'm not criticizing the Sabres and the GM for dealing him. The GM got what he could get and then moved on. In my mind the final tally is not completed yet. This type of player and organization estrangement happens all the time in all sports. That doesn't mean that I want to see him hoisting the Cup over his head tonight.
  10. As I stated in a recent post about press conferences for any big time player signing there usually isn't much to be gleaned from what has been said. However, even with my shrugging attitude towards these type of conferences and interviews my takeaway from a Skinner interview, not just this interview, is that he is a very thoughtful person who listens to the questions and in unvarnished way with little glibness gives clear and thoughtful answers. There is nothing phony about him and his commitment to the game. I'm glad everything worked out well for him and the team.
  11. These were some of the dogs that people brought to the house thinking that it was his. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=giant+dogs&id=0FE2C964F4450590AB30C7BD8A1E7E01D429EE89&FORM=IQFRBA
  12. I'm not too interested in a press conference about the signing of Skinner to a gargantuan contract (that he earned ). This signing was predicted by most people associated with the team and outside the organization. Don't misunderstand what I am saying. I'm not criticizing the understandable interest in this important signing. However, I'm more interested in the GM announcing that he has dealt for a few players that will bolster this lagging roster. I foresee some solid deals made around the time of the draft. That is what is holding my intention.
  13. No. On second thought I might just chase you off of my lawn for security reasons. I will continue to eyeball you until I know you have left the neighborhood. You might not know it but our "neighborhood watch" won a regional blue ribbon for its diligence. So scoot!
  14. Did you start your count when in his first year McDermott took a stripped down team into the playoffs for the first time in a generation? If that first year wasn't considered successful then I don't know why the players in the locker room were doing a jig when they qualified.
  15. I find you so trustworthy that I will leave the keys under the front door mat with a list of things for you to do while I go on vacation. There are few people I would have such confidence in. I will even have some almost fresh bagels and refreshments in the fridge to make sure you keep your energy up while you go through the list.
  16. If you were on my lawn I would not chase you off like an anti-social curmudgeon. Quite the contrary. I would be friendly and offer to make you useful by inviting you to cut it. I would even be considerate enough to offer you my lawn mover, a non-mechanical and non- polluting push mower. Don't expect to get paid. However, I would offer you some refreshing lemonade when you finished. While you are at it why don't you just go ahead and trim the shrubbery.
  17. My hope is that the GM is going to act with dispatch (but also intelligently) in upgrading the roster this offseason. My fear is if the losing continues with this battered franchise that it will spill over and have the same dispiriting affect on its core players such as Jack and Reinhart as it did with ROR. I believe that Risto is already at the point or close to that point where he is tired of knowing only losing and watching the playoff games from his couch. Sometimes a change of scenery can be energizing for all the parties involved.
  18. The one sentence was said in jest. I pointed that out to you. Give it a freaking rest. I'm not Doc involved in one of your exhausting dog fights. Stop being so bloody punctilious!
  19. If you take a sentence out of context with the full post you end up with a distortion. Don't be afraid to take a step back. It won't hurt you.
  20. I agree with you that it is better to add a few good players than splurge on a super player that would preclude you from balancing out the other parts of the roster. In the not too distant future the organization will have to be offering a max contract to Dahlin, and even sooner the contract to Reinhart will have to be addressed. For those who are advocating emptying the coffers for a super star player I ask which player/s will be available for Buffalo? As you astutely pointed out the Blues are a good argument for having a fuller and more balanced roster, and so is Boston.
  21. This is a Buffalo News link indicating what some of the GM's options are to adding talent after the signing of Skinner. The more the young players are on the roster the more financial flexibility the GM will have to add players. It's more likely that a few solid to good players will be added rather than splurging on an elite player. That strategy can change if Risto is dealt and the return in talent is commensurate. https://buffalonews.com/2019/06/08/buffalo-sabres-jeff-skinner-jason-botterill-jason-pominville-rasmus-ristolainen-nhl-news-2019/
  22. Do you know what the definition of jest is? Your interpretation is wrong. I'll excuse you for your impulsivity because that is your natural instinct. You just can't help yourself.
  23. I never said it was the responsibility of the employer to tell their employees how to manage their money. Quite the contrary. I argued that it is the responsibility of the players to educate themselves and get the proper guidance in financial matters. Brees isn't a dummy. That doesn't mean that he isn't a fool in money matters and investing. What makes his case even more foolish is that he had the ability to seek plenty of credible outside expertise on whether the jewels were worth what the jeweler claimed it to be worth and whether investing in jewelry is a good idea, which it is not.
  24. When she tells you to do something just smile and say Yes Mam, and do you want me to pour you another cup of freshly made coffee. You won't go wrong.
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