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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Your viewpoint is not a minority opinion but a majority opinion. I'm not suggesting that he isn't a good player but the potential contract terms and giving up probable high picks for him doesn't seem to be the right way to go. This would be a mistake. The Redskins are at an impasse with their LT, Trent Williams. Let them take a risk on JC. They have a history of making PR deals.
  2. Are you suggesting that you were run out of town by the moral police?
  3. Ever since you moved to New Orleans you have become more libertine. You are a dirty young man who aspires to be a dirty old man. As an objective observer you are on track to fulfilling your aspirations. ? And by the way SDS we appreciate what you have done in building this site. I get a lot of joy from it. There are a lot of smart people who congregate here. And there are a lot of dumb people who congregate here. So there is a good mix to this location.
  4. I'm not disagreeing with you that the Sabres lacked experienced leaders like the player you mentioned. But that wasn't at the heart of their systemic losing. They simply lacked enough talent to reach a critical mass to be a competitive team. Would a hard-driving coach such as Torts do a better job than the more placid Housley? Probably so in the short term. But in my opinion a coaching burst would not overcome a lack of talent in a long and grinding season. I'm hoping that Krueger will maximize the talents of his roster and have them play better and smarter in a more disciplined system. Risto is an example where by playing a more simplified game and playing less he will be a better player (assuming he won't be traded). This offseason the GM didn't make any big moves but he made a number of solid moves that should upgrade the roster and spread more talent around to the lower lines. Are the Sabres a playoff team this year? I can't say for sure. Are they a better team? Definitely, yes. On the other hand other teams also got better this offseason. I believe with the addition of Krueger and the player acquisitions this offseason this team got better. It wasn't a dramatic upgrade but it was a solid upgrade. For a lot of people that is not good enough. I'll take moving forward as a good step.
  5. A "cease and desist" order is being prepared for you if/when he makes the roster. You will be required to abide by the legal notice once it is in effect. If you don't you will be considered to be a scofflaw. Be careful. Once your reputation is tarnished it will be difficult to rehabilitate. ?
  6. From what was translated I have no problem with what Risto said and his attitude. First and foremost he wants to win. And from what I have heard about him he is one of the most fit players on the team. So that tells you that he is committed to his profession. What I would like more from him is a more disciplined and intelligent game. If he remains on the team I hope that Krueger will help him refine his game. Risto can be a physical player. That is not the problem. The big question is whether he can be a better thinker on the ice. With less ice time as a second-pairing defenseman hopefully his game will flourish.
  7. Getting massaged is an accepted part of staying fit and recovery. Modern day football practices can be stimulating.
  8. Ultimately, it is what Gruden thinks. I can't say for sure but I wouldn't be surprised if he makes the team.
  9. There is no need for the magical gripping gel because now there are magical gloves that help you latch on to the balls like nails to magnets. Yet, he still has the dropsies.
  10. Is there a medical procedure to improve his hands?
  11. How does someone like 26Corner or YOLO get so many links to paste on the Bills and football topics? Are they getting twitter feeds that they then post? Just curious? With 26Corner it seemed as if it was almost a 24 hr. operation. 26Corner at times could be stubborn and irascible but I did appreciate his posting the links. If he was as congenial as his nemesis, YOLO, there would have been less hostility with the other members. As the old wise cooking fellow @Augie stated: It is not what you do but how you do it.
  12. I finally was able to retrieve the article about his training. After reading the article it was evident to me that if you are going to give a player such a rich and lengthy contract he is the type of driven player you would want to give it to. (As you also noted.) What was intriguing about Skinner's training regimen is that he is constantly changing it by seeking different approaches to maximize his talents. He's the type of player that doesn't lead by talking but does by example. Needless to say he is a committed player!
  13. If Peterman makes the team it is because he competed for a spot and won out. You will not see me arguing that he has played well when he was with us. But that doesn't mean that he is incapable of playing better and earning a spot as a backup. I simply don't understand why you have made this Peterman issue a do or die cause. A coach has given him an opportunity to make a squad as a backup. He either demonstrates on the field that he is good enough to make the roster, or not. What's wrong with that? If Peterman makes the Raider roster you will be receiving in the mail a "cease and desist" order requiring you to stand down. Just leave this young and earnest fellow alone!
  14. There is a good chance that he is going to make the roster as a backup qb. That's what he is; and that is what his role will be in this league. He is a Matt Barkley type qb who has a specific role. Although his limitations are obvious (as are Barkley's) that doesn't mean that he can't carve out a useful niche and a lucrative career in the league.
  15. I don't know for sure if Risto has asked for a trade or simply candidly expressed his frustration playing on a team that has not been in the playoffs for years. He should be frustrated, as other players on the team should be. Eichel and Reinhart certainly are frustrated as the seasons pass by with them from their couches watching some of their contemporaries play in the playoffs. It has been noted more than a few times that all the coaching candidates were asked what would they do if hired to make Risto a more effective player? So there is evidently a serious consideration to keep him. A factor that might keep him on the roster when the season begins is that Pilut and Bogo will probably be on the injured list. If Risto isn't dealt before the season that doesn't mean that he can't be dealt during the season or after the season. The Sabres have some good defensemen prospects in the pipeline who need a little more seasoning. As others have stated there is no compelling reason to trade him unless the return is generous. Risto paired with McCabe on the second pairing with Dahlin and Montour as a first pairing makes for a very good unit. There is nothing wrong with that!
  16. As you said this is a tough and gruesome read. The intersecting of mental illness and drug addiction makes the ending very predictable. If the individual resists the potential support system there isn't much you can do to save the individual other than help when you can and have compassion. Sometimes we forget that the grungy guy living on the street is someone's son, brother, father, relative and friend. It's a sad story.
  17. If your favorite pigeon named Kyle poops on your head does that mean that you are a shiiiit head?
  18. If you want to find something to laugh about you can snicker at your nonsensical analogies. What does Tom Brady have to do with this discussion? Without question he is a generational talent but that wasn't surmised at the beginning of his career after being drafted in the sixth round. Nelson is in a different situation than Brady. He was one of the top rated linemen ever coming out of the draft. In his first season he played at an all-pro level and is currently considered to be the best guard in the NFL by almost every analyst. Your reference to Brady in this discussion is irrelevant and a distraction that has little to do with the original discussion about Nelson.
  19. Peyton and Brady are generational talents. Both of them played in the same generation with Brady extending the time frame. As usual you are making a picayune point for the sake of supporting your quarrelsome position.
  20. Almost every football analyst who covers the NFL has stated that right now he is the best guard in the game.. As a rookie he played at an all-pro level. I'm confident that he will be an all pro for the next decade or so.
  21. Nelson is going to be an all-pro for the next decade or so starting off with his rookie year. He was a near top of the draft selection who is playing up to his billing. Right now he is arguably the best guard in the game. He is a generational talent and a likely HOF player.
  22. Excellent point about rooking running backs not having the ability to pass block. To go a little farther with your point a lot of experienced backs are not adept at pass blocking.
  23. Excellent write up. However, I thought your assessment of Singletary was a little off the mark. I doubt that he is going to be a workhorse back. In fact, no back on this team is going to be a workhorse back. The era of excessive back usage is a thing of the past. In today's NFL the carries are going to be shared, and the ability to catch passes out of the backfield is going to be essential. I didn't see the game because of a blackout out but from the clips that I saw he exhibited superb vision and an ability to find the a lane. I agree with you that he lacks explosiveness but he compensates by being such an instinctive runner. For a not so big back he did show toughness in fighting for additional yards. I see him as a rookie being a contributor on offense.
  24. He sounds like @Gunner. Most of the time understandable but sometimes undecipherable.
  25. Just from the limited clips its apparent that Singletary is not only going to make the roster but he will also be contributing. He has terrific instincts and vision. You can't teach that.
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