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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. The highlighted segment makes absolutely no sense. The exchanges list the private insurances available to you. The advantage of such an approach is that you can compare the benefits of the different insurances on the exchange. You are not obligated to buy insurance from the exchange. You can get your own insurance from anywhere you want if you don't want to go the exchange route.
  2. If you are overwhelmed considering the options go to an insurance broker and they will bring up all the insurance options that might be suitable for you. As far as the ACA a state such as NY that supports the ACA should have a good computer web site that list all the options for you to consider. There are also services that provide volunteers that help you find the best plan for you. The 1-800 number you are reluctant to use might be the best resource to direct you to organizations that will help you deal with your options. My advice to you would be don't wait until the last minute prior to retiring and then be stressed out because you are running out of time to make a decision. You don't have to make a decision now but it would be to your advantage to in general know what you want to do when your retirement date is upon you.
  3. My hat is off to you and your fellow outside the region fans who make the arrangements and incur the expense to attend some games. It's not just the large amount of money that is at issue. It is the time spent beyond the game. I'm an ardent Bills fan. I won't put in that much effort to attend. In addition, I have no desire to pee in a communal sink with a bunch of over-imbibing fans. That makes you not only a more ardent fan but a more special fan. I salute you and your sojourning compatriots. ?
  4. The attached link is an update on Dylan Cozens's health status. It was written by Adam Kimelman of NHL.com. This link came from the hockey side of TBD. It indicates that Cozens and goalie Luukkonen are on schedule to healing after their surgeries. Cozens will probably be sent back to the juniors with a chance that he could do a short stint with the Sabres before been sent back down. Luukkonen will probably end up in Rochester. https://www.nhl.com/news/buffalo-sabres-dylan-cozens-status/c-308652730
  5. Yes, they did choose their profession. But the league for quite a while did not live up to their moral obligation to provide medical care. The retired players had to fight for years to get adequate health coverage and care when their careers are over. If a steel worker, fire worker, coal worker, soldier, policeman got hurt on the job they were taken care of. Until very recently that wasn't the case.
  6. Considering how brief most of their careers are and the lasting injuries from it the money they received isn't as overwhelming as many believe it to be. Coal miners and steel workers also choose to do what they do and they also get injured on the job. When they do they have health benefits for the rest of their lives.
  7. How large would your list be if the question was how many players who had this particular surgery never returned to their original form?
  8. What's really scary and sad about players who have these types of health issues related to the game is that there isn't much of a medical solution to help these plagued players. As you noted Andrew Luck was wise walking away from the game he love because of the series of injuries he sustained in his relatively short career. CTE issues get a lot of attention associated with playing the game, and it should. But what should also get a lot of attention is how permanently battered and scarred these players are for life when their careers are over with.
  9. This is a sign of progress. (As you indicated.) And it is a sign that this team is building a deeper roster. Having good backup players who can step up demonstrates that the prior drafts and personnel decisions have gotten to the critical mass point where there team is ready or nearly ready to be a serious team. When you put things in perspective and look back three years and compare to where we are not you have to be more than satisfied with where this team is.
  10. Anyone who believes that Knox is more talented than Hockenson should immediately be committed to an insane asylum for not being grounded to reality. My recommendation to those who fall in that category is trust your eyes. Even Stevie Wonder can see the difference in talent.
  11. There are plenty of highly drafted players who don't turn out to match their lofty draft position. When watching this game this rookie in a preseason game immediately stood out. His performance was eye popping. At least it was for me.
  12. Hockenson is in a class by himself. He is going to be an impacting player right out of the gate. If Knox eventually develops into a solid player he should be considered a good pick. It is unreasonable and unfair to compare Knox to Hockenson. Each player is in a different strata with Knox in a lower strata looking up to Hockenson in the highest strata.
  13. I'm an ardent fan of the Bills. Yet for me the preseason games are still garbage to watch. It doesn't matter how good or bad the announcers are the preseason games are still excruciatingly painful to watch. On the other hand I am revved up for the regular season to start.
  14. Hockenson is going to be a star in this league. As a rookie he is going to be an impact player. He can do it all. WOW!
  15. Preseason games shouldn't be on TV. They are atrocious to watch. If one of the teams is your team then I can understand viewing the game. If your team is not playing then it is not worth the bother. Ugly football is unwatchable football.
  16. It has come about because of an accumulation of unimpressive performances. Not necessarily noticeably bad but also not noticeably good. When you are primarily a possession receiver and are not particularly elusive, and you are inconsistent in catching the ball then you will have placed yourself in a precarious position. I still believe that he will make the roster but have less belief that he will be an impacting player.
  17. I'm a Zay supporter but not delusional about him. He is at best a non-descript possession receiver. Will he get cut? I don't believe so. The issue for Zay is what is his worth? Under his current contract he has value. But when his contract expires he is not the type of receiver you will heavily pay for or worry about losing. If Zay doesn't become more consistent as a receiver (too many drops) the organization's decision about him will be easily made.
  18. Seek and you will find. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=mcdonald+coffee&hvadid=77996659010081&hvbmt=bp&hvdev=c&hvqmt=p&tag=mh0b-20&ref=pd_sl_3zppj6e9hx_p
  19. I am of the proletarian class. I find McDonalds's coffee good enough to meet my lower standard needs. Anyone who condescendingly sneers at me is an elitist arsehole.
  20. Can you imagine how good he is going to be two or three years down the road when his boy body becomes more manly? He's a gem not just because of his physical skills but more so because of his on ice acumen. You can't teach those god given instincts. Can you imagine how good Risto would be if he had less than half of Dahlin's ice intelligence?
  21. The GM in short order has substantially remade the defensive unit. He added Montour last year, and traded for Collin Miller and Henri Jokiharju this offseason. What was given up for the return was minimal. If Risto is retained, even for the short term, then our top two pairings will be good with plenty of depth. We also have a couple of credible prospects in the system that are ready to make the jump. The biggest challenge and issue is whether the GM bolstered the second and lower lines enough to give more balance to the offense? This is where the Risto asset/chip comes into play.
  22. I'm not going to over-analyze a throw in the preseason. However, whether the pass was completed or not that throw was a poor decision. Sometimes when a team is in a desperate situation it has no choice other than to take risks. This was not that type of situation. Josh Allen is a smart guy who has a desire to get better. When the play is reviewed in the film room I'm confident that he will learn from his mistake on that play. As you well know it is a process.
  23. I called and seemed to be in the same situation as you. I was told that I have to wait until early September before requesting another $30 monthly discount for the upcoming year. I'm getting tired of this annual charade. I only went to DirecTV because of the NFL Ticket. If next year there are options to watch the Bills I will be open to pursue them.
  24. As you suggested there is room for reasonable doubt. Right now we don't have enough information on this case. A lot of people made assumptions in the Kraft sex case that also presented some problematic issues. That case quickly disintegrated after his lawyers got involved. Chung is not going to be using public defenders to defend himself. The attorneys he will use will be high caliber and expensive. Every jurisdiction is different. I'm confident that in the DC system if you brought them this possession case with what little we know about it they would not act on it.
  25. Let's wait to see what the facts are. The both of us are not aware of all the facts. When the case goes to court and his lawyers get involved the facts and legalities should be clarified.
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