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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Dodson was arrested on criminal domestic violence charges. The police made an arrest based on a probable cause that an assault occurred. The AB case is very different. He is civilly being accused for incidents that happened a year or so prior. The facts of the case have not been determined. More needs to be learned before the league should take action against him. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/bills-rookie-tyrel-dodson-arrested-domestic-violence-charges/1r4qddadnl3qc1nprj2ha34osg If Orchard Park made the national news for what you are advocating it would be to ridicule it for such an idiotic, nonsensical, unamerican and unconstitutional foolishness.
  2. This is a 9 minute link of an interview with Sam Reinhart on WGR with Howard and Jeremy. As he gets older he seems to be more willing to exhibit his personality. https://wgr550.radio.com/media/audio-channel/09-13-sabres-forward-sam-reinhart-howard-and-jeremy
  3. Would the both of you consider this to be a fair-value deal? My belief is if the GM can get a piece to help construct a good second line that it would have a significant impact. By adding a player to the second line you can then push a second line player to the third line and upgrading that line.
  4. Who on the Vancouver roster is rumored to being offered for Risto? I'm throwing this out there for comments: If the Sabres had an offer of Winnipeg's Ehler or Detroit's Mantha for Risto which one would be the better deal?
  5. When he watches sloppy play that barking dog shows that he has a vicious bite.
  6. The link is a column written by WGR's Paul Hamilton. It's about Eichel answering questions from the podium for the media. The one revealing response is that Jack will be focusing more on scoring goals this season. He said he put in a lot of attention this offseason on improving the accuracy of his shot. https://wgr550.radio.com/articles/news/sabres-eichel-thinks-krueger-being-well-received
  7. The Risto issue is not simply a Risto issue. If the organization believes that a trade will improve the team it will be made. If an organization believes that retaining the player (at least for the present) makes the team better he will be kept. Risto not being satisfied with his situation on a consistently losing team is understandable. However, the more more consideration is if the GM believes that he has an excess of defensemen and a lack of second line forwards then it wouldn't be surprising that a trade would be made to better balance the roster.
  8. I couldn't bring up the link but I'm sure it was well written and thought out. Didn't the Irish Dog also have a story printed last year?
  9. The more intriguing issue for me entering camp is how much turnover is there going to be on the roster when the season starts. I think that there is going to be at least 6 new faces when the season starts. (I'm counting Olofsson as a new face.) The Risto trade possibility is another issue hovering over this roster. The question relating to him is whether a more disciplined and prudently (lesser) used defenseman a bigger asset than getting a second line forward for him?
  10. The below link is a column written by Bill Hoppe for the Buffalo Hockey Beat. It talks about the training camp competition and the Risto issue. http://www.buffalohockeybeat.com/sabres-rasmus-ristolainen-back-in-buffalo-but-for-how-long/?view=getnewpost
  11. No I am not in because I believe that we are going to be in the range that you stated. With respect to donating to charities I am at a level beyond what you can imagine. So I prefer channeling my money to my preferred causes. I'm very invested in a scholarship fund at my high school. I am upbeat on the season. However, I still believe that we are a year or so away from being a serious team. As I have repeatedly told you that I believe in the process and that we are properly on course. Need I remind you that you, not I, are the character who is constantly in a state of despair and constant lamenting. I have more than once stated that we are on an upward trajectory. Your standard response is to snicker.
  12. The Housley era is over with. As you well know I often stated and still believe that the team's struggles had more to do with its dearth of talent than the lackluster coaching. I don't care if Krueger or Queeneville or Trotz was behind our bench last year it still wouldn't have been a playoff contending team. The lack of a second line and secondary scoring was a deficit that couldn't be hidden. I'm not suggesting that Housley was a good coach because he simply wasn't flexible enough to adjust to his team's limitations. But in the end talent with good coaching will prevail while most often a lack of talent with good coaching won't consistently prevail. The obvious question is how talented is the team that Krueger is inheriting? And is there enough talent to be a fringe caliber playoff team? I'm not sure. However, if Botts can bring in a genuine second line forward I would be more optimistic.
  13. With respect to a domestic violence call the police do respond and talk individually to the parties involved. If, as an example, the woman has her eyes blackened and her face bruised the police will make an arrest. The way most domestic violence laws are written the police are required to make an arrest based on the probability that an assault occurred. The theory behind the law is that it is critical to get the parties separated even if not all the facts have been determined. My point here is that a domestic call will trigger in some form an investigation by the responding officers even if it is a preliminary investigation. In response to the due process issue I'm not suggesting that this civil complaint has to run its course before the league should take action because if it remains in the civil legal system it can take years to run its course. My point is that the league should gather as much information on this case that would allow it to make a reasonable/fair judgment. My position is that I'm willing to wait a little longer than many before taking an action against the player. Regarding the "penetration" comment to Plezmd1 I did not intend on making any sexual innuendo. The person who I responded to is a notorious hard head. It is very difficult to penetrate that block of granite when he gets one of his odd notions deeply embedded within his thought patterns.
  14. Gruden was signed for a 10 year contract for $100 M. That in itself made no sense. Gruden comes in and starts dismantling the team with the expectation of rebuilding it. Why would you bring in such a volatile and erratic veteran player like AB when you are in a rebuilding mode? I agree with you that the AB saga in of itself might be small potatatoes but when you accumulate a lot of rotten small potatoes you end up with a sack full of it. If I recall correctly(?) the Raiders gave up two third round picks for the combustible receiver. Those picks could have been useful for the rebuild.
  15. What's truly mind-blowing about the news is that it makes the Raiders look borderline incompetent bringing him in.
  16. Maybe he is afflicted with obsessive/compulsive behavior? Or maybe he is simply a deranged stalker?
  17. What's more important than the shield (a public relations consideration) is acting based on facts and a fair process. The complaint is a civil complaint based on interactions that happened more than a year ago. This isn't a case where there was an assault incident where the police responded to a home. In that type of situation I can see placing the player on an exempt list. I have no problem with the NFL interviewing accusers and associates. If there is enough evidence to indicate that something criminal-like happened then I would have no problem with the league taking some form of action. However, I do have a problem with those clamoring for the league to take some action against the player before there is at least a preliminary investigation. I'm far from being an AB apologist. He is a wretched human being. But that doesn't mean that he doesn't deserve a fair process. As I keep saying to you without much penetration: Trust the process.
  18. If you place him on an exempt list you are precluding him from playing. That is a rush to judgment. In my view it is still too early in the process after the accusation to take an action.
  19. Why sanction a player until there is more evidence regarding the matter? Why rush to judgment as you are advocating with putting him on a suspension status.
  20. In the Peterson case there was physical evidence that he hurt his son. He explained that he was disciplining him the same way he was disciplined as a child. The mother filed a complaint against him and the authorities investigated. It was clear that he physically abused his child. He didn't believe that he did anything wrong. The authorities and the league felt otherwise.
  21. What about it? We don't know if there is credible evidence in this civil matter. That hasn't been determined yet. If the league wants to investigate they should and then proceed. But to take a sanctioning action against the player, reviled or not, without some investigation would not be right.
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